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Vidhi Mehta Apr 2014
Dwelling in your memories,
I realized what I've done,
In endless fighting and countless screams,
I've sunken my half-sun.

Engrossed here in this qualm,
Was I any any less guilty in doing you the harm?
What I know and what I've learnt,
Is all too clear now.

All I see is your bewitching countenance,
Yearning to hold your hands in mine,
All I can hear is your voice in resonance,
Battling to get through the sands of time.

Loving you was gladness,
But losing you broke my heart,
I should have cherished what I had when I had it,
That's all I know and that's all I've learnt.
Apr 2014 · 526
Vidhi Mehta Apr 2014
Dragging myself, living in this self-created melancholy,
Failing to remember it's in my blood to be folly
My expectancy drowning me,
Failing to remember he's never made any promises.

Blaming him for every misdeem,
Failing to remember, it's me who's over-flowing with flaws
When he leaves me to my solitude,
To me it dawns,
He never promised me a rose-garden.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Vidhi Mehta Feb 2014
She's awake, eyes wide,

Gazing at everything that surrounds her.

Ugly? Someone apprised her no.

Loving is the cue to everything beautiful.

Skin deep is nothing. They are just words.

Magnificent is nothing,

And nothing is unlovely,

When you see the world in gray,

You fail to remeber,

There's an other side.

From sad to happy,

He made her, unknowingly.

He showed her,

People can be inimical,

She said she is aware.

Then what was that he did,

To make her all so beaming?

I guess we'll never know.

It's a tale of two seeds,

Who were growing into trees.

When one was about to die,

The angel came to relief.
Feb 2014 · 534
Someone So Tremendous
Vidhi Mehta Feb 2014
Has anyone ever told you,

What a wonderful person you are?

I hope so!

I hope you've been told a dozen times,

Because you really are.

And just in case,

You haven't heard those words in a while,

I want you to hear them now;

You're such a wonderful person,

Just as an angel from up above,

I am sure lord has put you here,

To show others how to love.

You are kind, sweet and generous,

For this you're truly blessed.

You let nothing stand in your way,

You always do your best.

You see things of beauty in all that you see,

And what's beautiful to you seems ugly to me,

What to you is a flower, to me is a ****,

We are built so different, so different indeed.

A beautiful person with a heart of gold,

And surely your story deserves to be told,

Not proud of your beauty and free of conceit,

And people like you one does not often meet.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
If My Tomorrow Never Comes
Vidhi Mehta Feb 2014
Today, I guess at the dusk,
I was wondering, what if my tomorrow never comes?
Would my absence make any difference?
Would there be tears in eyes of whom I love?
Or no one would care, because I made them sad once?

Questions like these haunt me now,
Makes me wonder, how it would be after life?
If my tomorrow never comes,
One question which holds the importance the most is,
Am I proud of what I did when I had the time?

If my tomorrow never comes,
I want to apologize to everyone.
I’m sorry, If I might have said something,
Something that I shouldn’t have.

I’m sorry, for all the things I did or I didn’t do,
For I know actions hurt more than the words.
I’m sorry, if I ever Ignored you,
Cause I know how it feels to get ignored by the people we love.

I’m sorry, If I ever made you feel sad or put you down,
Cause no one can judge you but your lord.
I’m sorry, If I ever thought I was bigger or better than you,
Cause someone made me understand not every finger is same.

I’m writing this because no one ever knows,
What if my tomorrow never comes?
If I never got a chance to say sorry,
I’m sorry cause I don’t know If my tomorrow will ever come.
Feb 2014 · 485
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Vidhi Mehta Feb 2014
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who’s the prettiest of them all?
Is it the girl inside me?
Or is it the girl they see in me?

Pretty in face, Pretty at heart,
This is what I ask about,
No girl is ever ugly,
But not every girl is always pretty.

Not a pretty heart and just a pretty face,
Is something as good as waste,
Living without a face,
Is not something too bad,
But living without a heart,
Is something very sad.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall,
Who is the prettiest of them all?
Is it the girl inside me?
Or is it the girl they see in me?

— The End —