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Victoria Lantz Dec 2016
She dropped what she was doing and ran to the village as soon as she heard the moody rumble of thunder. She climbed into the hut, catching her breath in the space’s center before falling onto her back and arranging her body in a star. Staring wide eyed at the thatched roof above her, she summoned every turmoil within her and let her chest rise with each arrival. She could feel the storm responding, drawing closer as she brought more and more pain to the surface. When the squall was directly overhead, she closed her eyes and waited until she felt rain on her face. Upon opening her eyes and looking directly into the face of the tempest, she saw not only her pain, but also the world’s collective pain. The oneness of it all was somehow comforting.
Victoria Lantz Dec 2016
Take my hand and we’ll wade into the bog together, pausing among the reeds when the water reaches our ankles. While we wait for the bullfrogs to resume singing, you’ll point out constellations by weaving my fingers into yours and lifting my hand to the sky. The arch on my right foot and the arch on your left foot will keep bumping into each other as the warm mud gives way under our weight. The moment your eyes tell me the concert won’t happen with us in the middle of the orchestra pit, one frog will boldly break into song and suddenly we’ll be drowning in adulation, one with the frogs, one with the mud, and one with the shooting star flying overhead.
Victoria Lantz Dec 2016
something is alive in me tonight
your words cannot restrain my heart
nor bridle my joy
tonight i live in the earth
my cheek pressed against the dirt
my hips melting into the soil

expectancy in heavy in me tonight
your words cannot distract my fervor
nor ambush my delight
tonight I live in the heavens
my elbow resting on the moon
my eyes full of stars

spirit is expanding in me tonight
your words cannot temper my breaking
nor subdue my ecstasy
tonight i live in the infinite
my toes curled over the edge
my being wrapped in the divine
Victoria Lantz Dec 2016
I’d like to gather
You all in a room
Or outdoors around a fire

Your faces aglow
In flickering light
The crickets heard chirping the time

Sitting in silence
Our breathing in sync
We would all slowly close our eyes

Every so often
I’d sneak a quick peek
At your faces, shadowy forms

My heart would explode
With light from my chest
And night would turn into daytime

— The End —