I know not why I feel the need to
cry right now,
why I have such sorrow.
Why I feel the need for
a warm embrace.
Why yelling and arguments
upset me.
Why am I so desperate for the
love of those who do not love
my God?
Why is His love not strong enough?
Why do mere children seek for pleasures
they do not understand?
Why am I all alone, God? Why have
you isolated me?
Show me what you or I can gain from
this. I beg you.
God, give me Job's strength, that I
may continue to praise you.
Are you testing me? Are you
preparing me?
I will fight for you. I will fight for
the truth, as long as it is called today.
But let me feel loved.
Please bring me out of this solitude.
But before you do so, help me to
shine your light through the darkness,
to light the pathway for others
that leads to you.
Please let it rain.
I need the world to know that
you are not okay with them and their
Remind them, O Lord, of your wrath.
Do not let the sun shine every day.
Yet there your love still remains
where the rain falls.
Just as the dead grass comes to life,
so must your people come to life.
Let them whither in the
sun no longer.
Lord keep me humble and meek.
Let me love and forgive freely,
as you do, O Lord.