What a classic answer, yes, just dodge that bullet
All that we expect of you is refined to planned-out prattle.
Expertly reiterate, “No, no, that’s not my speciality!”
Do your values enter in or do you play by the rules?
Tell me, please, what are the rules when you construct them as you go
What are your priorities?
Shall you stand for your beliefs?
—what do you believe in—
Tell us?
… I bet you don’t have responses.
Spit your lies; set your agenda.
They’ll all swoon for “eloquence”
Some of us see through façades
while still others stand in awe
—we’re not fooled by shrouds of gauze—
I don’t like you; unimpressed.
But it really doesn’t matter:
the stage is set
the dice are rolled
the drinks are poured
the blood is spilled
and you’re laughing all the way.