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I am an old person,
I get told so daily.
I don't think I am old.
I mean, come on
I'm not quite 19 yet.

I put on floral dresses,
and comfy sweaters of sorts.
I have short curly hair...
No, it can't be.
I'm not an old lady.

Well, I mean...
I do know a lot,
about the 1940s...
No no.

Wait, I have been sewing,
and knitting,
and crafting,
since I was 4 years old...
But that doesn't mean anything...

Ok, here's one,
I have been a fan
Of Julie Andrews for
well my whole life,
and she's only like
But The Sound of Music is a classic..

Oh, and cat's are in now right?
Yeah Cats are for young people!
And crazy old cat ladies....

Nope I refuse to admit it!
I'm not an old lady...
Not an old lady indeed.
What an interesting concept.
Something I am yet to find.
Conversations in my life
seem to stem from this subject.

A weakness in my eyes
and a strength in others'.
Home is something I never had.
A pity party could begin now,
but I'm much too old for those.

My life is said to begin
some time around now?
I have secrets worth telling, secrets worth shouting,
and secrets that wrap around the back of my mind.
I'm hoping they'll be silent, but they'll come back again.

These secrets surfaced again today,
filling my eyes with sorrow so noticeable
that I couldn't bear to look at you
with fear you'd know exactly what they were.

Unable to hide them much longer,
I told you what they were.
With high hopes that you'd love me still
after hearing those few words.

You told me to tell some others,
and that just can not do.
I felt an obligation to tell only you.

These words can not be heard by others,
for the results are far too grim.
I can't stand the thought of my family
ripping themselves limb from limb.

This is no exaggeration, sir, tell no one.
I can't live with these awful truths.
But I'm glad I'm not the only one
given such awful news.
You see, I try.
I try to be a good person,
"do unto others..." etc.
But it seems, the world doesn't like me.

I spend every moment
with good intent at heart,
but things come back and
bite me in the ***, eventually...

I've gone the wrong direction,
taken the wrong turn at Albuquerque
a few too many times.
I thought my life would be different, that's all.

So, no matter what I do,
I hate myself, in the end.
I spend my time regretting
all the things I've done.

"**** it all!" I say to myself,
but at the corner of ****** and happiness,
I tend to make the same decision...
and the cycle begins again.
I took a picture of the moon,
with special thoughts of you.
On that special day,
The moon , that is, was blue.

I looked up at the moon today,
and happened to think of you.
It seems this rock had turned
a special type of hue.

The moon was there to remind me
of all the things we said.
It breaks my heart to write this;
I'd rather not cry instead.

Today you said your goodbyes,
as it has to be,
but I hope someday you glance at the moon,
and spare a thought for me.

The moon is there to remind us
of all the things we say,
it's always there a'listening
and it's always there to stay.
I'm a happy person,
but I do have these days....

I listen to sad songs,
fill my mind with sad thoughts,
and for a second, I understand
the person I was 6 months ago.

I succlude myself from people,
even when I know I shouldn't.
It gives me time to think
and appreciate who I am now.

It's tough having these days,
and no one really gets it.
It's hard for me too,
but I guess I don't count today.

I still love you,
even if I want to cry today,
even if I want to hide today,
but I'm still yours either way.

I don't really know why
I'm writing this...
Perhaps it's so that I
remember these days when
I don't need to have them anymore.
Have you ever heard a song
that takes you places
nothing else can?

A song that brings back memories,
and people,
and a love that seems familiar
but belongs to a person you once were.

Have you ever heard a song
over 5000 times?
I have.

I do it to remember
who we were
when you weren't sick.
When we were happy.

I do it to remember that
at some point
things have to go back.

Things will get better,
and I say it every day,
because we can't forget.

I listen to remember.
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