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Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
You shouldn't have to go.
You shouldn't of signed up to do this.
You tell me that you'll come home to mw,
But it still worries me that you wont.
Every day and every night I worry about you
Going over there.
I love you with all my heart and soul.
You say I relax you and keep you motivated;
How is the question, I'm just myself.
I'll cry myself to sleep every night
you're going to be over there.
I tell you don't promise me you'll come home,
But please promise me that your letters won't
Stop coming to me even if a friend has to write
To me in your place.
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
Great Grandma Lou I love you.

I know that I can't do anything about you dying but if
There is anything just let me know an I'll do it.
That just makes me so upset to hear that you won't be
Living much longer.
I hope that you can be strong and show all them doctors
How strong you are and fight against the cancer in
Your liver and stomach but I know that's not
I want you to have the best memories of me so I'll try
To call you every day till you pass on to a better
When you do pass on I will ask mom if every other
Weekend we can go to visit you.
When I get my license I will visit you and
Great Grandma Janet every other day and bring you
It's January 27, 2007 and you passed on.
It upset me so much that every time I hear your name
I cry forever.
Victoria Donbeck Sep 2010
The way you make me feel is different then
Ive ever felt and I like it.. a lot.
When I know you're coming to see me at work I
get giddy and Ive never been giddy before.
I turn red, get butterflies, and the shakes and do
nothing but smile and laugh.
I cant even talk about you to anyone without having
a smile on my face.
You're so sweet, funny, kind, caring, and you actually
have a heart you truely care about my feelings and about me.
You make me want to sing and dance after you leave my side.
The first time we met was the best day of my life!
I had so much fun because of you, I would of never had the
guts to get up there an sing and dance in front of everyone like that.
You will forever be my Grizzly Bear.
Every time we hang out I feel like a superstar and so beautiful.
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
Over the years I haven't done what
         I wanted.
I'm not the person I thought I would be;
        I'm a crazy party freak.
When I need you most you've
        Been gone.
Ever since you left I've become this mess.
I want to get my life back on track
       But I need some signs from you if
       I'm doing what's right.
I think about you often and miss you
       So much.
I know you're up above watching me.
Sometimes I wish you were back
        On Earth with me.
I just need a sign that says
      " I still love you and you haven't let me down."
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
Life is one big test
We all lose at anyways.
Life doesn't care who you hurt
Or why you hurt them.
No matter what you do you wil
Hurt someone or yourself.
If you lose a boyfriend or
Girlfriend don't move on to
Fast because you will never
Forget your first love.
Love confuses the **** out of everyone!
The only thing life wants you to do
Is to have fun with whoever
And not worry about love
Or drama.
Don't worry about what people say
Or think about you just have fun.
Life's not easy because if it was
There'd be no reason to live.
Do what you thinks right not
What others think is right for you.
Victoria Donbeck Aug 2010
I thank you everyday before I rest my head for fighting
for our country.
If anything were to happen to either of you I'll never forget
I love you the both of you very much.
I'm always thinking about you.
Sometimes I cry with tears of joy because I got to meet you
before you left for this war.
Your familys and I want you both home safe and unharmed.
I also understand that not everyone makes it home from war
but all I have to say is I have faith in you and I know you will come home.
All I can really ask for are letters to let me know that you are doing well and to never lie to me if somethings wrong or you need something I want to know.
Be safe and Fight hard
My Fighting Angels <3
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
Life put is through hell
for no reason.
we all die in the end so why
not let us live it happily
with our special someone?
You always have to got hrough hell
To find your special someone
But some people give up before
They find them.
Why cacn't they be right in front
Of us when the time is right?
Everyone says "Live life to the
The best way to do that is with
our special someone.
Life stands for Let's Inconsiderably
**** Everyone!
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
There's an echo that fades away into the night.
Even our friendship disappears.
Remember, even with the distance between us,
I am someone who cares.
I never thought I'd see the day come.
I thought I'd never feel this way,
But you're a stranger to me now.
We both knew this was the last
Time we would see each other.
Yet we still promised that no matter what,
We would remain friends forever.
Now I glance back at the memories
For the last time
Even though some were happy, sad,
And painful.
But that was...
Our last
Victoria Donbeck Jul 2010
There's no reason for war.
To me a war is never won.
We go into other countries
Which is invasion.
We **** their people
Which is ******.
And we blow up their house/buildings
Which in vandalism.
If I would do that here in my home town
I would go to jail.
I don't believe in war because innocent
People die, and nothing gets solved.
Marines, Army, Navy, and the Air Force
I support you all and wish you to come home
To your loved ones and those of us who love
You, BUT I don't support what our government
Puts you through.
You leave the ones you love and care for to fight
Wars that don't need to be fought.
You put your life on the line for what...
Things like Illegal Immigrants..Pointless.
I respect my veterans.
They fought in Wars that matter.
Now we fight over things like Illegal Immagrints,
And so on.
The more we fight the dumber the reasons to fight.

— The End —