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victorine b Apr 2014
will i ever love you?
will I ever want you back?
will I ever forget everything you did?
will I ever stop having feelings for you?
but will I move on?
will i love you again? never again will I fall back into your arms. twice is enough.
you don't have me anymore.
no. no. no.
victorine b Feb 2014
Have you ever had even if it's just for a moment, a perfect life.
Where everything was going just great, and life just couldn't be any more better.
Well, perfect is overrated.
I once had that kind of life where I felt as if nothing can ruin it.
One thing led to another, and next thing you know your life is falling into intricate pieces right before your eyes.
I once had these pool of friends, that slowly slipped away from the grasp of my hands.
I'm not entirely sure if it was my doing, or theirs, but we never saw eye to eye again.
I once had this wild spirit.
Now, the wildest you'll ever see me, is when I get excited about a new novel.
Everything you've ever known is shattered.
You're at a point where this "perfect" life is at the most broken.
This is your not so perfect life, and it's just fine.
This generation everyone seems to be doing different things to fit in. Where's the realness  in people? Where's the truth? It's okay if you're life isn't as perfect, honestly no one has a perfect life.
It's time to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, and have no fear to show people who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in. As long as you've accepted yourself, then that's a perfect life.
victorine b Jan 2014
our world is overrun by technology addicts.
each second, minute is wasted by getting high or arguing back and forth.
people try so hard to renew themselves each year, but it usually doesn't work out.
instead they go back to their old ways, and their habit soon becomes who they are.
it takes over their personality and actions.
it's a disease waiting to happen to anyone who won't try hard enough.
it won't happen to me, i won't let it.
instead of being active on the social network, i won't.
instead of ignoring the wallflowers i'll start communicating with them.
i'm tired of being one of "them", i rather be a floater.
someone who floats around waiting for someone to notice them.
a background is what i merely am.
this year is the time to mold myself into the person i rather be instead of the person everyone wishes to be.
this year, i'm going to invent myself.
***** the mainstream people, and start your own style.
take the time to be patient. spend more time finding who you really are, instead of who everyone wants you to be.
victorine b Dec 2013
I never understood why we let others step in our way to meeting our fate.
Why do we let them distract us, and let them blind us?
They've wrapped us around, made us walk in circles thinking we're getting somewhere, but aren't.
Instead, we got lost.
We're trapped in a box with the walls closing in.
The air getting thicker, dense.
Although, there's still hope.
A faint image of an angel, a fallen angel who's reaching in to let us out.
To let us rise against and end it.
to let us breathe again.
*In life, we tend to let people walk all over us like we can't even try to compete with them, but that's not true.
We have the ability to rise against and take control.
Just find those who have also been taken granted for and together, rebel.*
victorine b Sep 2013
Reality is make believe, and make believe becomes reality.
Currently lost in my own thoughts: jumbled.
Things that have been said floats hopelessly in my mind.
I've learned that words can either **** or comfort us.
Although, it is our own choice whether we want to stand firm or shatter to pieces.
Society tranforms into a beautiful nightmare.
Nowadays everyone's a critique.
Society doesn't appreciate the greatness in people, but prey on their weaknesses.
It changes the meaning of normal, perfect, friends, and love, and blinds us from the truth.
As i reminisce and look around, I realized just what we truly are, what we've become.
We are the cold-hearted, society everyone blames.

— The End —