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Jan 6 · 59
You call to me from the corner of my room
where you  slumber,
imploring me to take you in my arms
and stroke you once again.

I dream of poets who came before,
of Cohen and Frost, Angelo and Dylan.
Poets who colored our hearts
with magic few could err forget.

They speak to me once again
in whispered voices,
entreating me to sing my own song
and make my voice heard.

I carefully take you in my arms
caressing you once again,
like a long-lost lover, singing softly,
drawing out your hidden melodies.
Copy written Vicki Kralapp 1/6/25
Sep 2024 · 73
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2024
Spring slipped you on
amidst a ballet of flowers,
dancing under trees,
lemon-yellow in pointe shoes.
This poem is  copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/2/24
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2024
Island song greets the day
wafting through the treetops,
along with the sounds of nature
calling me out to revel in its beauty.

Radiant yellow-green, the shade of early spring,
grows endlessly about.
Hues of a pristine land, bejeweled in blooms,
tug at my spirit.

A lost paradise,
left behind in my memory,
with its song of the elders,
whispers to me one last time.
Copy write 7/6/24 by Vicki Kralapp
Jul 2024 · 81
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2024
Sleeping willows awaken in spring,
begin to grow their chartreuse shade.
New branches stretch down,
creating ripples on a lake in a fireworks of new color.

Choke cherry branches filled with
last year’s freeze-dried fruit,
burst with fresh new life
and life’s possibilities

Spring birds warble,
calling out for partners,
singing soothing songs of nature,
in harmony with May breezes.

Grass, painted green with new life,
provides a canvas for wildflowers,
as dandelion and marsh marigolds
gain their footing in its sparse carpet.

Collecting memories, I soak in the
warmth and sounds of spring.
Letting its breeze
       carry me away
                   to happier days.
Copywrite 7/6/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jul 2024 · 69
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2024
There are yet some corners
of the world,
but few,
untouched by human hands,
where beauty is both old and new,
hiding traces of
creation's stardust.
Copywrite 7/6/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jul 2024 · 142
Vicki Kralapp Jul 2024
In white lace, adorned in flowers,
she gazes at her beloved in adoration.
While he caresses her with tenderness,
they move together to the dance of love.

Giddy with joy, they twirl beneath the stars,
as joyful wedding bubbles rain down on them.
They gaze into the other’s eyes,
and the rest of the world melts away.
Copywrite 7/6/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jun 2024 · 85
Vicki Kralapp Jun 2024
From the edge of time you’ve called to me.
Your haunting whisper echoes among the trees,
softly calling to the essence of my being,
inviting me to join in
as all creation sings your song.
Copy write 6/12/24 by Vicki Kralapp
Mar 2024 · 97
Vicki Kralapp Mar 2024
Powder blue, soft upon the sheet,
brushed upon the cheek.
A sad tint of sky, of ocean,
a quiet bit of childhood,
colored upon my memories.
Copywrite 3/2/24 Vicki Kralapp
Mar 2024 · 89
Vicki Kralapp Mar 2024
Our heart, is offered up,
as a sacrifice to love,
like a ****** lamb
on its way to slaughter.

When love takes its leave,
for whatever reason fate may have,
it always steals a bit,
of that beating heart.

The pain of love departed,
is the price we pay,
for loving deeply,
and completely.
Copywriter 3/2/24 by Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 104
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
I chanced to hear you in my youth,
through songs and mystic fairytales,
with promises of happiness,
and perfect love that never fails.

When hints of love began to stir,
within this youthful heart of mine,
you cast your spell upon my soul,
and I like others fell in line.

But this heart became your plaything,
love rejecting yet again.
Never seeing I was but a fool,
when dealing with the world of men.

Now, filled with a host of cracks and scars,
I find this heart of mine has died,
and when I hear your tune begin,
I hold onto my heart and hide.

Oh, so bitter disenchanted love,
mocking me throughout the years,
I turn my back to you again,
and sit alone within my fears.
Copy write Vicki Kralapp 1/22/24
Jan 2024 · 90
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
This silence, so loudly it weeps,
of thoughts, lonely and isolating,
that surround, engulfing me,
within my ancient past.

This silence, so loudly it whispers,
enveloping me so completely,
within its protection,
wrapping me in ethereal healing.

This silence, so loudly it speaks,
within the steps I walk,
upon this empty beach,
listening at last to its mystical message.

This silence, so loudly it sings,
with each passing wave ,
drumming gratefulness for the day,
and chanting above mankind.

This silence, so majestic it paints,
each sunrise and sunset,
yearning to surpass yesterday’s,
with stunning celestial hues.

This silence, so loudly it beats within,
as I make it my own,
quieting my soul,
I search beyond.
Copy write 1/14/24 Vicki Kralapp
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
The child that you are,
living in an old man’s shell,
grabbing at glory,
while clinging to your tin crown.

Thumbing your nose,
at the good and noble,
you waste the voice given you,
as you sail into infamy.
Copy write 1/14/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 81
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
Downy seed tops of milky white,
floating on the wind.

Memories of childhood,
blown away with a single breath.
Copy write 1/14/24 Vickci Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 170
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
The raggedy girl of childhood,
lived across a field of swaying grass.
Little tomboys finding ourselves,
running the summer down.

Days filled with splashing in creeks,
and catching bugs in our clasped hands.
Shinnying up trees in the heat,
drinking Kool-aid, our afternoon treat.

Wringing as much as we could,
from this time of innocence,
we struggled as children do,
to make sweet summer memories.
Copy write 1/12/24 Vicki Kralapp
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
Outside my window, you howl through the pines,
like a dog moaning deep in the night.
Through the cracks in my window, you speak to me,
with a whistle of Arctic wind, squealing with delight.

White envelopes the landscape, blanketing all,
blinding those who venture into this wilderness.
Falling snowflakes encircle lumps of cars,
buried beneath this winter wonderland of ice.

The frosty wind slaps my face, with a stinging pain,
and like a robber creeping beneath my clothing,
you steal the warmth from inside.
Bracing against the wind, I head into the blizzard’s bite.
Copy write 1/12/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 72
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
Do you really know about the me I’ve hid inside?
I’m not the girl who I once was, I’ve grown at last to rise,
above the world where I once stood, alone, all by myself,
masked in my own protection, setting “me” up on the shelf.

Do you know that I can whistle, just like other boys,
and climbed to distant mountain tops, to hike past all the noise.
No one knows the me who fought throughout the early years,
a woman now, who raged through life and fought to hide my fears.

Who really knows the me inside? No one, I still believe,
I’m much more than that little girl, who fought hard to be me.
I took that road least taken, ‘fore I heard a quiet call,
to be a woman understood, by one most important of all.
Copy write 1/10/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 87
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
With loving hearts that cradle me,
and soothe my aching mind,
you’ve given me the strength I need,
to leave the past behind.

These wings I’ve grown are far beyond,
what I could ‘er foresee,
allowing me to soar beyond,
my past, both strong and free.

These broken wings are healing still,
and few can keep me down,
for deep within this soaring soul,
are journeys where I’m bound.
Copy write 1/8/24 Vicki Kralapp
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
On this, a day of infamy,
where most recall wherein they stood,
when breaking news destroyed our world,
and left us shaken to our soul.

We held our breath and watched in fear,
while battling to hold back tears.
For none believed the images
we saw that afternoon.

Now three years past, we still can see,
the remnants of that awful day,
and feel it ripple through our land,
while still we bind our bleeding wound.

Hold fast to our integrity and cling,
to what our founders built,
fight on for what we know is right,
and honor those with thoughtful vote.
Copy write 1/6/24 Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 105
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
“Cry the moon”, I heard her say,
to me this blighted, desolate day,
when time is short and life is old,
when hearts and feelings all run cold.

“Cry the moon”, I heard him say,
our world still stands in disarray.
Who’ll carry you ‘till morning light
and keep you safe throughout the night?

“Cry the moon”, the nations cried,
as thousands more laid down to die,
amidst the bombs and choking tears,
of hate that lasts throughout the years.

“Cry the moon”, the children cried,
and raised their palms to heaven wide,
they pled with God in skies above
to fill our world instead with love.

“Cry the moon”, the heavens played,
a hopeful hymn for those afraid.
When nightly news reports the cries,
and moonshine sweeps across the skies.

“Cry the moon”, the whole world cried,
despite the many who have died.
For we are still one family,
of multicolored ancestry.

So cry the world so all may hear
the plea to make hate disappear,
and make this Earth a better place
where all its people will be safe.
Copy write 1/3/24 by Vicki Kralapp

A commentary on today’s world.
Jan 2024 · 82
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
In winter when monsters grow;
when cold and desolation rule,
muddied snow and gray skies
feed the shadows in my mind.

Crawling out of the darkness,
goblins weigh on my heart,
like the parasite they are,
******* the joy from life.

In winter, when monsters grow,
when frost imprisons me,
choking the light from the world,
and feeding the misery within.

Depression, the monster of winter,
crawls into the confines of my being,
and fills me with sadness,
in this cold northern climate.
Copy write 1/3/24. Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 236
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
So honest is a puppy’s love,
kisses so tender and sweet,
a love that has no agenda,
except to be loved.

You burst with excitement,
when I come to call,
greeting me with your dance,
and springing into my arms.

As you curl up on my lap,
you sigh and look up briefly,
before snuggling in,
to dream your puppy dreams.
Copy write 1/2/24 by Vicki Kralapp
Jan 2024 · 73
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2024
As I’ve raced through life,
amidst the jungle of our world,
I’ve found a peaceful corner
to listen for your whisper.

I see you in the canopy of leaves
and grasses that wave in the wind;
in the depth of azure seas,
and the reawakened spring creek.

The world of life hums along,
with afternoon shadows sharing in your design.
Nature quietly sings your song,
inviting me to join along.
Copy write 12/31/23 Vicki Kralapp
Dec 2023 · 209
Vicki Kralapp Dec 2023
By a crackling fire, they stood,
whispering promises,
in a cream-white dress and lace,
a bouquet of flowers nearby.

Gazing into the other’s eyes,
they recited their love troths,
and began their adventure,
with a simple “I do".
copywrite 12/28/23 by Vicki Kralapp
Dec 2023 · 186
Vicki Kralapp Dec 2023
Along this springtime path I tread,
as Earth awakens from its slumber.
Buttercups glint in the sun’s first light,
while dew rolls off their waxy gold.

Spring-beauty line my morning walk,
along with orchid splendor of violets.
Jack in the pulpit collects its chaliced dew,
beside shooting stars fallen to the ground.

Horsetail reeds, segmented and green,
in tawny conical hats,
and trilliums with triads of snow-white petals,
encircling golden throats.

Smells of earth and green unite,
in silence of the woods deep.
Streams filled with new life held in their *****,
awaiting birth in the warmth of spring.
Copy write 12/10/23 by Vicki Kralapp
Dec 2023 · 253
Vicki Kralapp Dec 2023
The first snow of winter, a most magical time,
when soft, gentle flakes float down from the sky.
They cover the sidewalks with light fluffy snow,
and light on one’s lashes and tickle one’s nose.

When Jack Frost bids eager young children to play,
in the season’s first snowfall, there can be no delay.
For the snowmen are calling, and sleds line the hills,
entreating the little ones, come get your fill.

The air becomes silent, in whiteness surrounds,
while a blanket of frostiness covers the ground.
And sun gleams on snowflakes that light up the sky,
bringing joy to the hearts of each passersby.

In the darkness of night, the quiet still grows,
and each flake brings a peace that the season bestows.
The moon glow reflects off the country gone white,
now heralds a season of wintery delight.
Copy write 12/10/23 by Vicki Kralapp
Dec 2023 · 263
Vicki Kralapp Dec 2023
The snow falls silent,
on this cold, crisp winter’s day,
lightly dancing on the wind,
inviting me to join in its ballet of ice.

Enchanted by its frozen magic,
as it shimmers and winks at me,
it’s magic works its spell,
and I join in the dance.
Copy write by Vicki Kralapp 12/1/23
Nov 2023 · 112
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
She whispers to me,
on the brisk morning breeze,
in the flowers of spring,
and the leaves on the trees.

Wrapping me in her arms,
when I’m troubled and scared,
reassuring and calm,
like the warmth of the air.

She oft holds my hand,
when we trek winter’s cold,
and she whispers to me,
“You are never alone”.

Though you left long ago,
you're not far from my side,
a mom and her daughter,
whose love never dies.
Copywrite 11/27/23
Nov 2023 · 214
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
Autumn up north is upon us again,
with sharp contrasts and fallen leaves,
squirrels and chipmunks scurry about,
preparing for the winter snow.

Days of polished azure skies,
backdrop to sugar maples
on fire in the colors of change:
burnt oranges, crimson reds, and golds.

Leaves twist and twirl in the air
on their way to their winter rest,
crunching and scratching
on sidewalks before me.

The shrill caw, caw, caws of blue jays,
cut through the thin morning air,
heralding the oncoming cold,
with sharp gusts that sting the cheeks.

The scents of autumn so familiar,
musty and crisp, inviting and blustery,
envelop me in memories of years past,
like a familiar friend calling me out to play.
Copywrite 11/20/23
Nov 2023 · 92
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
My heart aches for what you once were.
Memories of unrivaled wilderness,
pristine and unique,
burned into my memory.

You were once my home:
a shining beacon of light in my life.
But you’ve passed with my youth,
like so many memories, eroded by time.

Yet, did I ever know you at all?
gazing at you through ****** eyes,
with a freshness of a love unknown.
Were you ever there, oh Hiraeth of Oz?
Copywrite 11/14/23
Nov 2023 · 251
Vicki Kralapp Nov 2023
The wood beacons me with quiet whispers,
whistling through leaves and branches bare.
Songs of ancient, enchanted trees
and spirits dancing in joyous delight.

A low moan in the night implores me,
inviting me deep into its glade,
to witness heaven’s masterwork
in awakening stars that light my way.

I feel the spirits, amidst the twilight’s mist,
embracing me, welcoming me.
My child dances joyously within
as I find my way back home.
Copywrite 11/10/23
Aug 2023 · 768
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2023
Tiny petals, like flakes of snow
brush lightly against my cheek
Like a lover’s caress you kiss
my winter white skin.

Petals dance to the ground,
with each breath of wind,
swirling in elegant pirouettes,
heralding spring in newness of life.
All poems are property of Vicki Kralapp
copywrite 8/17/2023
Aug 2023 · 100
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2023
Standing amidst the other gums,
in a land red orange with age,
you reach out your gnarled limbs,
outstretched to azure blue.

Gray, smooth bark belies your age,
your title, hard won among the saplings.
Through years of draught and culling fires,
you stood your ground.
All poems are property of Vicki Kralapp
copywrite 8/17/2023
Aug 2023 · 153
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2023
In silence absolute, we drifted,
on the evening current,
beneath the hazy full moon
of a December sky.

Floating on night breezes,
our spirits awed, amazed.
Rock walls pulsating with life.
in a chorus of light.

Cliffs towering above,
draped in nature’s Christmas lights,
winking in turquoise and white,
as we passed beneath.

Entranced by this purity of creation,
guided by the river’s strength.
This magical night, so perfect and surreal
remains in breathless memory.
All poems are property of Vicki Kralapp
copywrite 8/17/2023
Feb 2023 · 180
Vicki Kralapp Feb 2023
You died, slipping into my memory like the ghost you were.
I held you high on a pedestal, above the winds of change.
But time caught up to the friend you once were,
and you fell too far for me to catch.
Feb 2021 · 288
Vicki Kralapp Feb 2021
Thoughts of what could be;
tomorrow’s possibilities
cut short by cruel destiny.
Copy written by Vicki Kralapp 2/3/2021
Feb 2021 · 230
Vicki Kralapp Feb 2021
From halls of learning
ghosts of students past cry
through voices left behind
and rise up against the hate.

A voice crying out against oppression
could not be silenced.
The bullet felt, only strengthened resolve,
for those longing to be educated.

She called out from across the earth
to those in a dying world
wake, wake blind world:
wake to save yourself.

Beauty and strength roll off her tongue
breaking the haze that blinds us,
calling all to stand up and be brave enough.
Youth spoke, and her name was hope.
Poem copy written by Vicki Kralapp 2/1/2021
Jan 2021 · 181
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2021
Rolling landscape
beneath soft quiet stillness waits,
as still, petite flakes
waft upon the breath of winter.

It’s bitter air
bites at my cheeks and nose,
sharply, waking me
to a day washed clean in white.

Reverently embracing
the solitude of morning light,
I revel in the crispness
of fresh new winter hope.
Poem copy written by Vicki Kralapp 1/31/2021
Jan 2021 · 154
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2021
Paint me a picture,
I heard the world cry,
and give me the wings
from this madness I'll fly.

Our hearts have been squeezed
to their limit I fear,
and the pain we all share
has been found in our tears.

But the deep winter sun
has burst forth on this day,
giving hope to the hopeless
and warms sorrow’s prey.

It’s stark sparkling light
atop snow tops it dances,
dusting glitter on snowbanks
like diamonds it flashes.

Across fluffy drifts
with impressionist hues,
brings to mind sandy beaches
of Caribbean dunes.

So dance if you can
for this day will soon pass,
let your mind find its picture
‘til you find peace at last.
Copy write by Vick Kralapp 1/29/21
Jan 2021 · 304
Vicki Kralapp Jan 2021
The heavens sing
its winter song,
through crystal ice
in snowflake form.

With starlight hues,
across the sky,
in awe we watch
parhelion’s array.
Poem copy write 1/28/2021
Sep 2020 · 164
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
Beneath this world where life was birthed,
is painted in awesome mystery;
Eden-like beauty fills its silent world
and creation beyond imagining.

Shimmery scales flash before my eyes
in the quiet of the afternoon sun,
as blue tangs dart about in unison
in the turquoise of the shallow seas.

A world pulsing with life,
sparkling with newness every day,
awaiting us to learn its secrets,
within the school of the seas.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 152
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
I reached to catch my dreams
as they teased me in my sleep;
foreign lands beyond my grasp,
and acceptance to be me.

There were many times I wished
I could just give up this fight,
days of solitude and grief,
fighting just to stay alive.

With my eyes fixed on my goal,
I was blind to gifts around,
and the changes from within,
came to me without a sound.

Now I stand among my gifts,
with the lessons life taught me
and thank the heavens for the pain,
that caught these dreams for me.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 144
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
When asked what I wish for, for those coming after me;
I reply, a sweeter passage, for those longing to be free.
I wish for freedom from without and wars that rage within,
and for courage with to find a voice in this world we live in.

My hope for a tomorrow lies within a better day;
a day when people are not hungry, and when skin does not betray.
I ask for kind compassion for those lesser in this world,
and a greater understanding from those of privileged from birth.

I’d pray for bullies banished, for their souls to fully see,
that the hate they are creating, is no place I’d wish to be.
I ask for leaders and for kings, remember where you’re from,
and be a shepherd for your flock, not fleece your lesser sons.

I’d ask religions of this world to live in love and peace,
and live according to their faith and that violence decrease.
I’d ask that all would come to know the joy we will receive,
when we treat all men like brothers and all women equally.

The last thing I would want for them is life without the pain,
of fearing what tomorrow brings within this pouring rain;
a life of bright tomorrows, without worry or hopeless fear,
and I will go in peace, if asked, behind my grateful tears.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 148
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
The mundane day to day never spoke much to me,
with its voice, foreign, speaking in a language unknown.
It slept upon my porch and knocked at my bolted door,
but I swept it away in the morning with each dream I dreamt.

Dreams have carried me to far off lands,
reminding me to reach beyond what I knew,
and bade me to break free from the shackles of life;
to heed their vision as they beckoned on the wind.

Many times I’ve risked it all and left what I knew behind
to follow my heart, beyond the safety of my world,
each time I aspired to be more than I believed I could be
and run with the wind and risk to be free.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/29/2020
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
Once I snorkeled reefs so grand they made me gasp in silent awe,
their brilliant world painted with the hues of the seas,
Red and violet fans waved as fishes flitted beyond my touch,
while I passed their world from overhead.

Long ago I delighted in pristine and surreal seas of life;
coral fish and anemone, the sergeant majors and angels.
Their colors still vivid in my dreams, they flash by in prison suits
only in my memories now.

Long ago I swam the seas and witnessed sights beyond my realm;
the giant clams and tiny squid, with schools of fish all hues below.
But now I see a world of grey, devoid of color I once knew,
a sad lament for the great reefs.

Long ago, but just a breath, I swam amidst beauty few will know,
but now I grieve its passing and pray that soon we’ll see,
the future of our reefs, washed gray by human negligence,
as we disregard our world.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 121
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
When I was young, I had no voice,
no wings with which to find my dreams;
to soar above my shackled youth,
to find what lay beyond my chains.

Ever hungry for more, I ached to share
my art and skills, what joy I’d found,
but I perceived too few who shared
what grew within my struggling.

But through life’s growing pains and trials,
a chrysalis began to form,
and life inside transformed to bless,
and free me from my earth bound state.

Now fully formed and freed from chains,
I spread my wings and take to flight,
and soar to heights I’d never dreamed,
inside my life without my wings.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 116
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
You whisper your love song tenderly
upon the early morning breeze.
You tease me awake, as the wind
plays her melody through my open window

Tiny prisms of light above my head
perform their morning ballet on the ceiling
each reflected from shards of painted glass
that harmonize on the wind.

This hymn of childhood memories;
mornings of endless possibilities;
each melody a reminder of beauty
each day sings to us on the wind.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 96
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
A lone leaf floats down on the breeze beside my bench
as the wind whispers an autumn song to all who listen.
Geese overhead answer in their throated honk in flight
as they herald the coming of an early frost.

Red-orange drip from maples and all of autumn hums
as grey squirrels and chipmunks scurry away,
cheeks bulging with acorns and other treats
to bury inside their hideaways.

Fall, so vibrant and bright, with contrasting hues,
beauty embraces me in this garden of fall delight.
I pull my jacket close in its sharp crispness.
as I savor this moment of peaceful bliss.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 130
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
I sit beside your beloved pond,
filled with waterlilies of magenta and white,
painted on the water’s surface,
while dragonflies flit about its glassy face.

I walk the paths you gifted us;
your voice speaks to me within the trees
as you sing your great love song,
within this painted land and garden blooms.

Amidst the midday sun, stinging hot upon my neck,
I find shade beneath your willows,
as I gaze through tears of gratefulness,
at the quiet beauty you left behind.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/28/2020
Sep 2020 · 88
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
Upon this ship, tall, bound for life,
surrounded by the boundless sea,
its water-soaked and sun-scorched deck,
beneath my feet forever be.

I’ve set the main sail, helm I take
and with my strength of steel resolve
to let you guide me through the deep
directed on this unknown course.

You’ve guided me to sunlit shoals,
set anchor when the wild winds blew,
and steered me to a harbor calm
when all about me cyclones churned.

Although you’ve aged and changed without,
your spirit strong within has stayed,
and I will cleave to my tall ship,
as I navigate life’s setting sun.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/27/2020
Sep 2020 · 99
Vicki Kralapp Sep 2020
We’ve left the safe behind us now,
and crossed the flood to evil’s shore,
building our homes within its briars
and lies that have ensnared us all.

We’ve ransomed our souls for our desires;
it’s blackness branded on our hearts,
blinding us to wisdom and agape love,
too eager, we bargain away tomorrow.

While truth and decency have been abandoned,
as we give away the ground we’ve gained,
many hide behind masks of their own making,
refusing to watch while history replays.

Faced with blackened hearts and minds,
that few can truly comprehend,
we watch its blood red currents consume,
as we stand upon Dante’s river shores.
All poems copy written by Vicki Kralapp 9/27/2020
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