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Vianga Dias Aug 2014
All trees in a happy mood
staying free with the animals
Smoke chemical ,pollution
all the animals
running from fear
all the trees move side to side and they die
          now the forest is like a city dump
Vianga Dias Aug 2014
There was a time when we had a war
And lots of people died                                  
And now there trying to make another war
Called the ‘3rd world war’
So you’re going the **** the other million people  of the world in this 3rd world war .
And then you , me will need to go to other places in the war to be safe.
Some people you love sometimes will die too.
Because you start a war
You evil wizards who started the war
Think of the people  who die  in the war
You the people maybe thinking that I am mad  to remember these wars
But the is the truth.
Why don’t you stop and think about what happens to people when you start the war ?
Places, animals, people and trees die
Our environment will be destroyed
And  when it’s the war some people don’t have food to eat and water to drink  and our soldiers also will suffer a lot
So think one more time about the war
And you stop it then they will stop it
Vianga Dias Dec 2012
Outside the house
it's raining
it seems that the rain is angry
no matter how much we try to stop it
it still is raining
the river, seas , lakes and ocean are increasing
here comes the flood.
the poeple are going from their houses
to  save their lives
and believe in me
this rain is  a acid rain
the rain is coming with lighting
By: menu vianga Dias
Vianga Dias Jun 2012
"where has he gone?
I'm waiting for him,
I think he will come"

"It's 9 'o' clock
He's still not here
Nevermind i will still stay"

" Where has he gone?
My skin has gone down I'm weak now
but I will still stay........"

"where are you?
I'm sitting in a chiar
I did'nt eat or drink
I love you alot
and now I'm dead."

— The End —