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Vesna Rau Jul 2016
You came on one unimportant day
As a stranger, quiet and serious

And you stayed

Every day I learned more about you
And you learned more about me

We touched
And we kissed

Your embracement is like the softest blanket
Your kiss like a firework

You smell like a honeycomb
Ready to be skid

Making love to you is like sitting on a volcano
Erupting thousands of rainbows

Loving you brings sense in my life
Longing to get old with you

Looking at your smiling blue eyes
Is like a rhapsody of joy

You are my missing half
Making me whole again

I love you my husband,
My man,
My heart,
My soul
Für dich mein Schatz - ich liebe dich
Vesna Rau Jul 2016
Thousand times I walked on this path
Thousand times I was in rush
Thousand times I saw my own thoughts
Thousand times I heard my own steps

Today I walked on this path again
As I walked there for the first time

I saw the big oak standing there for hundred years
Crinkles and scars gracing his body
Daisies and daffodils warming his feet
The eyes of a green man are smiling at me

The meadow is invitingly soft
The sunbeams are tickling my face

I took of my shoes of and watched my steps
My feet got wet loving blades of grass
My soul turned green
My fingers touching gently the face of a green man

The dewdrops are sparkling in the sun
Washing my face

The meadow puts its arms around my body
Hugging me gently like a caring lover
Dressing me in most beautiful dress I ever had
Filling my heart with love

All my senses got busy
The silence makes a sound

The birds are singing
The warm breeze playing music in the leaves
The butterflies are dancing in the wind
The sky is deep blue

I feel the heartbeat of mother earth
Swaying me slowly in a sleep…

… dreaming of a green man …
For Lore - Thanks honey :-)

— The End —