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 Jul 2010 Veronica Baron
Bootcamp helps me out:
running windows on a mac.
traitor to both sides!


I try and try, but
the force won’t bring me my juice.
sigh. robot it is.


the borg ship attacks!
shields down to twenty percent!
but first: earl gray, hot.
- 2009
 Jul 2010 Veronica Baron
sometimes a kiss is just a kiss.
sometimes it doesn’t represent
or need,
or loyalty.
sometimes it is just one pair of lips
no sparks,
no lust,
just touch.
- 2003
There was nothing plastic
About the way your smile showed
Or about the way your arms felt
But a voice in the back of my head told me so
And last weekend
I melted a carpet I thought was wool
You could have fooled me
Except now there is a hard, shiny, iron-shaped mark
Plastered into the carpet's soft mat
To be honest, I was a little disgusted
When I pulled the iron away and found
Strings of green and red clinging to it like bubblegum
And to be honest, I felt a little disgusted with myself
Not to mention you
When I left a handprint in your soft back
And strings of skin still sticking to my palm
Prove you, my little plastic boy, are just a doll
By all the tests that matter
A human illusion too easily destroyed
By an excess of warmth
There is a mountain and a wood between us,
Where the lone shepherd and late bird have seen us
  Morning and noon and eventide repass.
Between us now the mountain and the wood
Seem standing darker than last year they stood,
  And say we must not cross--alas! alas!
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