The poetic license I seek
Seems to be something unique
No numbers are on it at all
No address or phone number to call
There is no photo of me
Smiling so pleasantly
Nor an "issued" notation
Nor "date of expiration"
No signature is needed
(A departure from the norm)
In fact, my name's nowhere on it
Or even the date I was born!
My advice is not to apply for one
In fact, I strongly insist
Save yourself stress and bother
No such "license" exists
Poetic license you see
Is invisible as air
Yet your skill can make someone smile
Or passionately care
Your words can paint sunsets
Or spout political views
Your poetry can be a fantasy
Or as real as Page One news
Set your pen to paper
Hit those computer keys
Create your own masterpiece
And let your mind roam free
You don't need a license
For your imagination to soar
Just wait for that creative spark
And let that mighty pen "roar"