To listen to me sing this, you might want to grab your head phones for hearing more clearly since it was an impromptu raw recording, and then click the link below to listen as you read along.
I know there's times
when i feel afraid and
nothin' you say can
make the fear go away
I'm just a girl who
tries to live this life
the best way I know how but
you don't understand the times
I feel so alone I could
I could
I could
I could die.
I kept my head up high
when I was a child when
all that I was
stripped from my skin.
I never let them break, no
what lived within and now I,
I sometimes
can't get the images
from my eyes
oh, what am I doin' alive?
Oh, Mama don't you know what you have
left behind
all the nights I cry and all
the times I wanna say goodbye
How am I supposed to get through
this human life with
the greed
the strife
the envy
the pain
please make it go away, oh.
I said my goodbyes
on the other side when I
chose this life of strife
of pain
of crying
where I go I don't know
Every day I
I tell myself it'll all
go away
go away
go away
but I'm back
in your clutches
I've got flashbacks
and bad dreams to keep me warm
and I've got
anxiety and
times I can't even
make myself go to the store
you don't
you don't understand
what it's like to
enter this world fighting
just to live you
you might know your own story but it's
nothin' like mine
I said tonight I'd die it'd be
the last time I cry I would
wipe my eyes and say goodbye
to everything I've left behind
I'd tell them don't be sad
take my words and make them all
understand what they're doing
what they do to the children
what they do to lives
to lives
oh. why can't I
and run
and go and be so brave
I don't know
I don't know why I can't
I'm weak
I stand right here
in this spot
struggling for my breath and I
I don't even have the guts
to enter death
this is not a story of
suicide or why
why, I don't wanna be in this life
this is
this is a refrain of pain
caused by
the eyes of disregard
and blame
v.k poetry
copyright @
This was an impromptu recording that came out of me as I was in a moment of really examining the emotion that I have carried all of my life from the abuse I took as a child; the times when the sadness about what I lost became so great, I didn't feel like I fit in this planet. I grabbed my guitar, and this is what came out.