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Jun 2014 · 274
drowned in my heart
vega Jun 2014
its not fair how you could love someone so much and think you'll be with this person forever and then have them hurt you then leave you in a blink of an eye
and that makes you think "why do i still love him as much as i did when we first kissed"
why cant i get over him
i got him stuck on my lips and drowned in my heart

Jan 2014 · 320
love > pain
vega Jan 2014
love over pain
pain over love
pain can take control of you
love can change your point of view
hoping for the worst while the pain is way over due
but love will always fall through
some way love > pain

- Vega...
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
vega Jan 2014
being your self
acting the way you want to
treating others the way they treat you
judged every way you turn
huh? I guess I'm kind of confused

- Vega...
Jan 2014 · 476
vega Jan 2014
all around me are the same faces
i try my hardest to drown my impatiens
trying the defeat the purpose and get along with those irrelevant cases  
nothing better to do but to put my self in the depths of shame

- Vega...

— The End —