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May 2014 · 759
Vassana M May 2014
Tell me if you know what I’m saying here.

You’re standing in the shower, looking down, with your clumped locks covering your eyelids and there are streams trickling from your head to your toes and into the drain. It’s blurry beyond 10cm into your range of sight? And you feel very small? But you’re relaxed? And nostalgic? And then you play a melancholic song in the background of your mind that makes you feel somewhat empty and safe simultaneously? I’m not sure how to illustrate the rest.

But imagine this now. It is 8:24AM in the dawn of summer and the birds are alive and well. I’m wiggling my feet to see if our kitten is sleeping below but I find your kneecaps in lieu. You’re still a million miles away in a dream, laying in a field of color on the moon. The sun begins to leak through the blinds.. the room is quiet. I’m vacuumed into your glow beneath the light and there are little particles of technicolored dust floating around in the beams just like you. The same song as before is playing but this time I just feel safe here. And this feeling with you will be the one thing I keep with me always. You will forever be the greater version of past feelings felt and the foundation of feeling I’ve never felt before until you.
free read.
Feb 2014 · 915
Vassana M Feb 2014
All too often I find that I keep you

I am the shackle of the revolutionary soul
The selfish platonic bond
An unhealthy chemical mixing always
with your chromosomes

You are the flower that
I picked up
And adored who became the object of my affection

In doing so
Elegantly ripped from the earth in which you prospered righteously
I killed you

I killed you so unknowingly
And if I could bring you back to life
The death of me; myself
That might bring you back to life
What will bring you back to **life
Should I let you go?
Nov 2013 · 792
no. 6 (astronomy)
Vassana M Nov 2013
one plus one often equals half
and in our case that is true
i've never felt such oneness
with anyone but you
i know you don't understand mathematics well but this makes sense, right?
Apr 2013 · 435
He says, (10w)
Vassana M Apr 2013
"Baby, why do you paint your face the same color?"
Apr 2013 · 810
Vassana M Apr 2013
You, the pearl amongst vapor tides
The body is gone, the Sun will cry
Lone absence unfelt; the torpid mind
Our breath like ghosts afraid of flight
In deteriorating fields, perception lies
And truth unfolds beyond tangerine skies
Mischievous foundations of mutated kinds
All relevance lost in amygdaloid times
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Muted Mutilation
Vassana M Jan 2013
Because the galaxy was blue
Because the universe was me and you
Because of our hunger for a world not ours
Because of the deficiency within our stars

The consistent lack of artless voids
And shifting second nature grins
Such bliss in connection- rift to avoid
But they have come and crawled within

Because of the absence in pure communication
Because of the split between two fleeting creations
Because the skies have all gone down
Because the spirits put us under the ground

The psychedelic tides became too strong
Her little voice lost in waves far past
Ouija spirits sacredly summoned and
Sinister laughter cracking her glass

Because the earth twisted her bones into a mobius strip
Because the pure boy had begun to slip
Because of the way we couldn't make sense of it all
Because of the subconscious swaying to falls

Alone now in tear drowned terror, the manipulative beast
The little girl whimpering in soiled sheets
He orchestrated the world into ****** gatherings
Our souls succumbed to iniquitous happenings

Because they craved for more than they had
Because they had no choice but to become mad
Because they hadn't set their imprinted place
Because they allowed the demons to show their face

I called his name in lulling tones
As I laid still upon the bed
And wondered what would become of my bones
If they could not get the voices out of my head

Because of free will, he came to me for peace
Because of the misleading thrill and rapid retinas decrease
Because the voice quells to his sweet earth
Because the reason for death had been rebirth

What it was to be consciously dying--
Afraid for eyelids shut; inducing eternal sleep
Lullabies hummed so softly lying
To be so far, to be in too deep

Because we were finally safe when all unfolded
Because we made sure nothing was left untold and
Because we had brought each other back to shore
Because of the desire to stay once more
Jan 2013 · 827
A Thousand Excuses
Vassana M Jan 2013
How delicate and pure are the unrequited affections
A fleeting glimpse of the future's past
The forgotten seed never to touch soil;
Failure to begin in infantile bud
Rejected from sweet bloom.
All composed by chance.

A place in time where all is ever so fragile--
The sumptuous sentiment a timid trap
Upon which one enters on their own accord;
Where there is hardly any light
And such reverie cannot bear any fruit
While all along there is no exit.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Vassana M Jan 2013
My mind cannot bring itself to hate you
But it fails to love you the same way
Had you not painted the bright skies sapphire blue
This vessel would meet yours without delay

There is no other woman of which I believed so dearly
Who was so good at never meaning what she said
Who stirred my serendipity and peace to the eerie
Who became a prominent monster in my head

There is nothing divine to write about you any longer
Because none of those flowery garlands would be true
To think I had even looked at you as someone who made me stronger
Leads me to realize how well I played as your fool

Many misconceptions remain even still
Too many for Father's hourglass of Time
You hadn't allowed me to clear the fill
And are now undeserving of the sands in mine

I'm not aware of what I even unfolded wrongly towards your heart
Life is for forgiveness and I hope you'll bestow that upon me soon
So that even if our life rhythms are far apart,
Though not in in harmony again, at least enjoying the same life tune
Jan 2013 · 396
Vassana M Jan 2013
What if the Sun
                                                             ­      never came out again
and in the future
                                                                ­      the Sun was something
                                                       ­                                                                 ­         like Jesus
and we'd have to tell our children
                                                   to keep the story of the Sun
                                                             ­                                                alive
                                                           ­                                                              ?
Jan 2013 · 1.9k
No. 5
Vassana M Jan 2013
My McCandless, if ever you leave upon whim one fine day,
I understand your sun reigned soul, is what I'll say.
Dull and sullen, my heart will send you on your way.

Ahead on your path I will ardently scatter showers,
Though I am small; great armfuls of camellia flowers,
From Fuji to the Blue Ridge Mountains' springtime bowers.

And as you go with each gracing step you take
Lightly on the flowers as they softly break--
An echo of me as the leave you take.

I know you'll leave me one fated day.
I'll come back to you, is what I hope you'll say.
But I'll not weep then, come what may.
Dec 2012 · 979
Mental Mirror
Vassana M Dec 2012
The inefficiency, an inferiority complex born
In reluctance to have such hideous skin worn
Every centimeter here, rough to the touch
And hands far worked that feel too much

Thighs of quakes thick, calves of thunder strong
When the proportions are just all so wrong
These collar bones aren't quite prominent enough
With cheeks too pallid of which easily blush

Shoulders broad, freckled and shyly too wide
The lack of a smile on the right and left sides
Scarred ****** features and a grimacing grin
Between the imagination and I, I never win
Dec 2012 · 882
No. 4
Vassana M Dec 2012
We are on the couch. He is fast asleep.
Cheek sinking lightly into the pillow,
breathing in soft snores peacefully,
oblivious to all emotions transpired.

Like delicate tails of aged lace
his hair covers his cheeks,
his collarbones.
Just below his milky shoulders are faint freckles
balanced on his skin like stars in the navy sky.

Light from the whitish tranquil moon seeps through sheer curtains,
along with the peculiar sound of dishes being washed in the next room.
The glimmer of the television still plays upon the walls.
Nothing changes.

But there he wakes.
Then looks me straight in the eyes.
And his orbs were unnaturally limpid.
I'd never noticed.
They gave me a bizarre, pure feeling.
Just shot right through me.
Like gazing at the sky.

Almost without thinking, I drew nearer to him.
It took no longer than a second to bury myself in his glow,
to feel his breaths and grip on my fingers tighten.
His five fingers, in search of something, roaming over my back.
He cradles me in his right arm,
I stroke his fine strands of hair with my left.

For a while, he waits for me to sleep first.
Eventually, I always do.
And that's it.
Nov 2012 · 423
A Tragedy
Vassana M Nov 2012
Sometimes it isn't
I pour the second cup
when I realize
I am all
Nov 2012 · 982
Vassana M Nov 2012
I am the Moon and my reflection
is that of stars falling into the sea
I am distorted, all out of sorts,
and since I am broken, we cannot be

But he is my changing tide;
because I love him everything moves
He dances to my cosmic rhythms
and I can only hope to be his iridescent muse

In the night our souls reunite,
a silhouette amongst the spiritual sky
Our peace a melodic lull;
the earth's apåpa-viddha cries

Our integral beauty permeates
and lies in all ephemeral things
Though apart within the same interstellar galaxy
we could never be without the gravitational hope the other brings
Technically 'No. 4.'
Nov 2012 · 570
Conditioned Soul
Vassana M Nov 2012
One must commit mistakes to learn with pained mind
To err is the nature of humankind
And one shall always accept that of which is not
To be illusioned, the ****** identifications, the Self a fabricated rot
The fool has propensity to cheat, posing oneself an intelligent being
They'll write books of Self philosophies and fail to realize their lack of flawless seeing
Our senses are imperfect, we are too proud of our eyes
One cannot see God but within the dark our hands also disappear and that is the mass demise

Thus how does one become a liberated soul
Without losing sight of its conscious whole
A real question.
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
No. 3
Vassana M Nov 2012
And like LSD in the spine,
small parts of you will sleep forever
in the back of my bones,
in my little ligaments,
my feral fluids.

Because you are such an ambrosial mix of chemicals
floating along side this vessel in space
and I'd enjoy it ever so much
if you melted and overtook me with your enzymes
so that
could be
Nov 2012 · 826
Red Moon
Vassana M Nov 2012
You are always waning in the sea of light
It's been ages since I've seen you in full bloom.
I feel your absence more than the oceans
And in my mind you've left a room
With cobwebs untouched that still feel everything
And winds that whisper but no longer sing.

There is no consistency in your fervent waltz
Your beams fail to reach the last syllable of our recorded time
Your iridescent presence is ever present
But I cannot find you in our amethyst sky.
Not even in quiet rooms with a gaze shot through the silhouetted glass,
Nor are you found in drips within the dim swaying seas of tall grass.

Even still your beauty is shattered in waters
And on forest paths you've left your melancholic glow.
Had your soul up and floated on from this place
My existence would not have the blessed privilege to know.
Because we share the same space but not similar minds
And we give the same beacons of light but love ideas of different kinds.

You are the celestial being with multitudes that I will almost always fail to understand
And thus I will return to the Earth a being to adore you in ways only eyes can.
Nov 2012 · 584
No. 2
Vassana M Nov 2012
But your bandanna says it all tucked under your face.
I can't keep staring at your mouth without wondering how it tastes.
I know the shape of your hands because I watch them when you talk.
And I know the shape of your body 'cause I watch it when you walk.

Charming, crazy eyes have you, are they grey or green,
I could listen to you speak forever but never know what you mean.

And your voice tames the sweet thunder in my heart with quiet calls.
I don't care about your long hair; not a little, not at all.
The secret of the Sun is in you not in me.
"You're what the Moon has always meant and what the Sun will always sing."

Charming, crazy eyes have you, are they grey or green
I could listen to you speak forever but never know what you mean.
This is a song I wrote. I guess lyrics are poems, too.
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
No. 1
Vassana M Nov 2012
A grin as wide as the ocean, his lips the smooth ribbons in waves as the sun undergoes a setting.
A dance with words in greeting, the effortless lack of cumbersome voids
but in them our dancing shapes and laughter.
An embrace embodying our unity in which we have become a foreign groove;
the orchestrated melody in which minds cannot comprehend how to move to.
We, in our own, a language no one else understands.
And if in our foolishness the world around us falls into shambles, I know ours won’t.
But he is only the faint wisp of an echo in the mountains, the mere illusion of an oasis, the waterfall in the far woods under a bright white sky, twigs and leaves interrupting a brook, the last firefly alight in a jar,
the fluttering words on the breath of two seekers.

— The End —