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Sep 2016 · 363
little earth
Vania Gotts Sep 2016
Little earth.
Hollow space.
You stretch beyond time and age.
Old, young, new and rot.
A life of wonder for what was not.
Years ago I heard a voice
call from above the fray.
Then I kissed the cheek of clatter
and spun a web of silence.
Why do we wait so long to breathe?
Why do we hate to wait?
The one that calls
from beyond the stars
gives life to conquer fate.

Vania Gotts
Sep 12, 2016
a 15 minute poem exercise.
Jun 2016 · 576
Old Moon
Vania Gotts Jun 2016
you're a lie  
a painted smile
your comfort caused me grief
at last you sowed
this lily closed
with words I wont repeat

shrugs and scowls aim down
to wilt the last of summer's bloom
you once would speak
of love so meek
but never liked it's tune

a shadow cast
a frame does pass
the lamp beneath the snare
what depth could purge
this painful serge?
of that, I'm now aware

you killer
you pain
you depth of grave
by day you are consumed
with deafened ears
no cry or tear
is cared for by the moon

light dimly lit
cold dark past
you dig down where you lie
I've been released
beyond your reach
upon the brighter side

vania gottschalk
This is a poem about the Devil and how he's a lier.

— The End —