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Jun 2013 · 1.3k
letting go
vanessa brothers Jun 2013
and i see you as i did back then
we were always more than friends
but is breaks me when i see you upset
and its breaks me when i see you happy
because why can you be so happy with out me
and i be so unhappy without you
what the hell was i to you
was i just another person in the hall
because you were my all.
Jun 2013 · 676
vanessa brothers Jun 2013
life can be ******
and it can be ****
it can make you feel like your not proud of it.
life can be ******
but it can be grand
if you just learn to stand
life can be ******
but it almost always gets better
when you confide in each other.
life can be ******
but if you stay for another day
your see that the ****** isn't so ****** after all.
Jun 2013 · 421
Little bits of you
vanessa brothers Jun 2013
i like the little bits of you
the bits that no one gets to see

the half smile when you wake
the silent tear when you start to brake

your tired eyes at the end of the day
the delayed kisses before i go away

the things that go through your mind
the times you wish you could rewind

i love the little bits of you
the bits that no one get to see

i love that you save them for me
May 2013 · 447
vanessa brothers May 2013
to you, who made me feel things i didn't know i could feel
to you, who made me believe in things i thought i couldn't believe in
to you, who saved me when i couldn't save myself
to you, who showed me the path to take when there were so many paths to choose
to you, who i can love and love and love and never stop loving.
to you, who i miss with every waking hour

— The End —