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 Jul 2013 Val
 Jul 2013 Val
The perfect person
With love in your mind
and kindness in your heart
Always there for me at every turn
My love for you burns
Like a blistering inferno.
In my life you are to me
Nothing less than a ray of sunshine
shining brighter than any other.
I feel bad
for those who are sad
because i've found something
they don't have
Pure, sublime, mystical, happiness.
That will last an eternity,
so long as its spent with you.
 Jul 2013 Val
A door doesn't decide what key unlocks it
Just as a tree doesn't decide where it will grow
And the poor beggar doesn't decide who dumps steel blessings into his empty cup

*interpret that how you will
 Jul 2013 Val
Sun shimmering blue and cold
praise the sun!
Clandestine meetings of silver and gold
Mother of the fortunate child
Shouting the sounds of silence
Sitting and wondering what race is god!
While found and forgotten similes speak volumes
Into deaf ears
So we watch silent movies
Critiquing the way people looked
Cautious of the false deities that seek to enslave the sheep
In the same instant the bold and brave dance alongside the noble stars
Waiting for the cats and dogs to rise up
And inherit the earth,
With forsaken celestial beings
Disregarding their responsibility to salvage
All that breathes lies.
We can wait until today's tomorrow
Because theres more beauty in simplicity
than there is simplicity in beauty.
*of course
 Jul 2013 Val
Wedyan AlMadani
I want a life
With hope
And happiness
I want a life
With love
I want a life
With a blooming spring,
A brighter dawn
And a dream to hug the sky with
 Jul 2013 Val
Wedyan AlMadani
 Jul 2013 Val
Wedyan AlMadani
As I blew my twenty birthday candles
I blew away my pain along the old love songs
I blew away the memory of where I used to belong
I blew the late nights bongs and cigarette smokes
I blew the spattered glasses and the charcoal ashes
I blew my scattered dreams across the galaxy
I blew the ghosts that haunted me day and night
I blew the haze of your love stains
I blew away the past, the memories I never wanted to last
I blew the pain of twenty year that were shattered like glass
My birthday was on Monday, my god it feels like a step closer to death.
 Mar 2013 Val
Chandler Lauren
If this is all that's left
If there is nothing more
If I am on my own
So be it.

The stray darting eye
The whisper, passing by
I can't come free of it
So be it.

I hear she's gone crazy
I heard she's deranged
She's spiraling downward I suppose
So be it.

I prowl in the darkness
Through restless dreams haunting
Wake up, sweat and screaming
So be it.

Sink or swim, no wading
Live or die, no saving
Fight with iron fist, no failing
So be it.
 Mar 2013 Val
Chandler Lauren
a soul is lost
when one feels
the weight of dishonesty
while trying to be
true to oneself

to live with no direction
is meaningless and shameful
for a life without drive
becomes a lost opportunity for greatness

love is lost
when one's confidence is found
in another person alone
for permanence is relative

and castles
must not
be built
upon sand
 Jan 2013 Val
 Jan 2013 Val
I see you.
I feel you.
I understand you.
I hear your silent question:
Who am I?
I have no answer for you, yet I have a million answers.
I am the nightmares that wake you up in the dead of night,
yet I am the lullabies that sing you to sleep.
I am the cold breeze on a hot summer day,
yet I am the fire in your hands as you touch ice.
I am the most powerful type of love you could imagine,
yet I am full of a hatred so potent it could ****.
I am your best friend and I am your worst enemy.
I am the bittersweet taste of nostalgia creeping up your spine
and slithering into your black heart.
I am life, yet I am death.
I am nothing, yet I am everything.
But who, may I ask, are you?
 Jan 2013 Val
 Jan 2013 Val
The mute man spoke
  Without tongue or teeth
The deaf man heard
  Without ear bequeathed
A blind man looked
  But not through eyes
A lame man walked
  But not with thighs

So the hateful will scorn
  Where nothing is wrong
So the child will dance
  Forever- without song
Then we will pray
  Oh! Someone is there
Then we will say
  Why would he care?

Should the artist not paint
  Because nobody sees?
Should the beekeeper keep
  Without any bees?
Can't we just sing
  Even though out of tune?
Can't the church-bell ring
  On Wednesday afternoon?

I've heard the mute speak
  More powerfully than Men
I've been heard by the deaf
  Time and Time again
The blind see me better
  Than anyone with sight
The lame can walk
  With more grace, more might

The tides come in
  The tides will go out
The sun comes up
  The sun will go out
What truly will matter
  When all is said and done
What truly is true
  When steady time carries the gun?
Made a few changes...
 Jan 2013 Val
A paradox in itself
But then I saw her there across
the room
through flocks and flocks of 'beautiful'
silly seagulls --
              frivolously flocking,
                                            pecking at
the shiniest trash that flutters by
Only to swallow
flock, peck again
She intrigued my mind
the eye I saw her beak was flat                                y
no craning,
                  crooning neck                                   l
                                           and could not f
for she had no wings
... maybe we do not care to fly!
Like the Red Sea
She-Moses split through the flock
to me,
surrounded by chronically cocking faces
all but one,
                                                            ­          all alone
She had been                                                     too
Now next to me
                                                              ­                                        No wandering eye could care
in soundless conversation
proclaimed we
                       are together
as one we surely gleamed as gold
too bright for gulls to see
And so it's true
we were                   alone
perfect paradoxical bliss
I never do free-form... Another quick write. Hope you enjoy.
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