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2.0k · Jan 2010
The library
Valerie Brooke Jan 2010
The white fluorescent lights buzz over my head, as if a method of determined annoyance.
Studying is a truly lackluster operation

Students methodically find ways to keep themselves distracted
Looking around, trying to catch glimpses of how others are managing their time so well, a frantic approach to studying that I have single handedly mastered

A very tan incongruous man, seats himself with the Miami Herald in hand
His skin has a leathery texture
He is a tall and gangly, strange looking man of at least 50
3 inch thick sideburns, red corduroy pants that reveal his mustard yellow socks and brown-black shoes
Button-down shirt with the vertical stripes, sure to match every color with the rest of his outfit
Off-white straw fedora hat with a forest green trimming,
He sports a fabulous mustache, that puts every biker’s or Italian baker’s whiskers to shame.
Something tells me he's not a student

Seated across from me are two foreign women that are studying the English language.
I know because they are the only ones talking, pushing my diversion from work a little further.

The sky is turning grey outside the colossal library windows
I’m hungry.
That kid in the corner keeps staring at me.
I have been here too long.
Valerie Brooke Jan 2010
A banquet of clouds dance a ballet with the sun
As the morning arrives and the birds awaken
It is quiet
Still in your robe
No makeup on your face
Watching the sun reveal itself from the horizon
The ocean is scattered with gold flakes
The birds rejoice at the marvel of it all
And take flight
856 · Oct 2010
A Thousand Feet Down
Valerie Brooke Oct 2010
A wave came
Washed me offshore
I was Shaken and tossed around
As I fought it, the wave grew more powerful
It said "you'll never see her again"
The terrible wave kept repeating itself, growing louder and more furious
Finally, I let go of everything I've ever held onto
I was drawn deep into the sea
For years I am stranded
A thousand feet down
The loneliness tears me up inside with every tide
Awaking to darkness, I spend my days
Wrapped in my unfaceable fears
They haunt me and torment me
They laugh in my face
I hide from them as they break me down from outside my transparent shell
I'll never come up
Because my fears override my desire to escape
797 · Jan 2010
A true writer never dies
Valerie Brooke Jan 2010
A true writer never dies
whether in his truth or in his lies
Whether melancholy or blithe

His words will speak perpetually
through a reader's eyes
Each word ascends from the pages gracefully
And there is no need for goodbyes

With his readers now breathing his breath
in his dying, there is no death
781 · Mar 2010
Valerie Brooke Mar 2010

As I breathe in, warmth, energy, beauty, light
On exhale, I am taken away by the sounds
Lifted from my aching feet
My body draped across the silken strings of a harp
As I move athwart the musical hammock, the strings each play a melody of their own
Every string sounds delicately at its inevitable pace
I climb from string to string, with the comfort of a cloud underneath me, in case I may fall
I see an imaginary land in the distance
Everybody has someone to hold
Pain is asunder, a far away reservation
No more broken hearts
A beautiful coma if only for the length of one song
771 · Jan 2010
Her Eyes Said
Valerie Brooke Jan 2010
Her Eyes Said

Take my memories,
I wont be needing these anymore

Tell them about me
When I have gone

Take my Energy,
For it will flourish somewhere else
Take me Away
From the pain of holding on

Take my Soul,
It is only withered and Frayed

Take my Life
And I will close my eyes
695 · Jul 2010
Valerie Brooke Jul 2010
Shadows overstep the sides of gigantic buildings
Strangers with harrowing looks scatter the streets like marbles
Dusk sets in, awaking the dangerous
Howls and moans escape the dark corners
I stride cautiously through the fog, gripping the edges of my coat
Familiar, this feeling
Scared, alone, unknowing of what to expect
Eyes gaze through filthy windows and follow me as I pass
I don’t remember how to get home
Still, I walk on waiting for that moment of clarity
Waiting for something to come along and remind me where I am
But dusk doesn’t pass
I am trapped in this strange land
And now, it is all I know
679 · Jan 2010
Just a Photograph
Valerie Brooke Jan 2010
She wanted to be free
but she left without a word
How could she?
Now flying free as a bird

I must have mistaken
her beautiful face
for an everlasting one

Her smile lines still burned into my thoughts
Her kind eyes still trace the lines of my face
Her warm heart kindles mine

I think of a time
I lay on her shoulder,
her bones hurt my face
but I dont move
I just want to be close to her

Her presence is unmistakable
Tall, wafish figure
Pearl white teeth, straight and perfect
Oh, how I miss that smile
Everyone stops to stare
Her head is high, her chin is raised
She is a walking statue of liberty

But she was weak
Her beautiful smile now just a photograph
Her warm heart just a memory
And I am broken
537 · Dec 2016
dear dad
Valerie Brooke Dec 2016
do you see my hands?
my long fingers, a little bony, sometimes they hurt
they tell me i have an artist's hands
she was an artist, too

do you see my shoulders?
freckled from the sun,
just like hers were

do you see my collar bone?
it's very pronounced
maybe not as much as hers, though, toward the end

do you see me walking?
my legs are long and my hips are wide,
and my waist is small and my smile is big
just like mom

do you see me?
or do you only see her?
i'm still here
162 · Jul 2019
A Thousand Times More
Valerie Brooke Jul 2019
In our thoughts
Our bodies entwined
Fulfilling a design of the gods

My being writhing in your grasp

Our minds and our lips formed as one
Breathing a single uninterrupted breath

My eyes,
A path for you to feel
I am

Unsaid words caressing
My skin
My back
My thighs
My heart

Have we made love a thousand times?

I roll over once again
Ascending into our ethereal sun
119 · Dec 2016
The Ghost in my House
Valerie Brooke Dec 2016
The ghost in my house
Likes my music
She delights in my cooking
She finds my bed comfortable
She joins me in the morning
And watches me drink coffee

The ghost in my house
She tells me about the moon
She forgives herself
And she isn't sorry
And I love her for that
in progress

— The End —