Bleeding from the heart
In a metaphorical way
The pain is excruciating
And there is nothing left to say.
They both knew it all along
And knew they had to tell the truth
They didn't love each other
Didn't even care to.
They stare at one another
Lost in emotion and thought
One with tearful eyes
The other also distraught.
It couldn't work out between them
With her deceit and his lies
Though it lasted for years
It was a mosh posh of destruction, with a side of hateful fries.
He cheated every weekend
****** without disgrace
With every man he came across
Then kissed her when he returned home, right on her face.
She deceived him from the start
Marrying him for his money
And spending it all on an addiction
The truth just wasn't very funny.
And when it all came out
With tears and screams
They realized it wasn't meant to be
Their love had fake seams.
But did they ever love each other?
Or was it just a comfort of the placement?
To be in someones arms
Something convenient, though distorted and bent.
When it was all over
They said their goodbyes
And went separate ways
To start separate lives.
She's a lawyer now
Making her own money
Paying for her own addiction
Isn't that funny?
And he came out of the closet
Still ******* without disgrace
And instead of getting kisses
He gets *** all over his face.
So they took roads away from each other
But ended up the same way
Maybe they should have stayed together
It would have been more comfortable, wouldn't you say?
SSK<3 AKA: Valerie Garcia