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Valerie Mar 2011
Bleeding from the heart
In a metaphorical way
The pain is excruciating
And there is nothing left to say.

They both knew it all along
And knew they had to tell the truth
They didn't love each other
Didn't even care to.

They stare at one another
Lost in emotion and thought
One with tearful eyes
The other also distraught.

It couldn't work out between them
With her deceit and his lies
Though it lasted for years
It was a mosh posh of destruction, with a side of hateful fries.

He cheated every weekend
****** without disgrace
With every man he came across
Then kissed her when he returned home, right on her face.

She deceived him from the start
Marrying him for his money
And spending it all on an addiction
The truth just wasn't very funny.

And when it all came out
With tears and screams
They realized it wasn't meant to be
Their love had fake seams.

But did they ever love each other?
Or was it just a comfort of the placement?
To be in someones arms
Something convenient, though distorted and bent.

When it was all over
They said their goodbyes
And went separate ways
To start separate lives.

She's a lawyer now
Making her own money
Paying for her own addiction
Isn't that funny?

And he came out of the closet
Still ******* without disgrace
And instead of getting kisses
He gets *** all over his face.

So they took roads away from each other
But ended up the same way
Maybe they should have stayed together
It would have been more comfortable, wouldn't you say?
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Valerie Mar 2011
When I saw the fire in your eyes
It made me want to cry
And even though I cried
I saw in the mirror, the fire in my own eyes.

It's a burning tragedy
The way you feel for me
It makes my heart bleed
It's a burning tragedy.
SSK<3 AKA: Valerie

(This I labeled as incomplete, but I think I'll keep it this way. It's rather nice.)
Valerie Mar 2011
She had on Hello Kitty *******
That I discarded to the floor
I could have removed them romantically
But she was just a *****.

She had smaller **** than I expected
When I received referral from a friend
But her waist I could grab onto
And oh how she could bend.

I thought I might break her
With every ****** of my hips
But every single moan
Cried more from her lips.

And when the night was over
With my final blow
She let me explode inside
Further announcing that she's a **.

It wasn't until a few years later
When I saw her once more
That she had with her a child
Once that I'd never seen before.

And given by his looks
His hair color and eyes
That I knew he was mine
Especially with the sound of her sighs.

She told me she tried to tell me
But I was too strung out
So she never tried again
Figured it'd be forgotten about.

And she was right
I would have never known
Until I called her up for another ****
Only to have my mind blown.

So what do I do now?
I guess it doesn't matter
I'm simply just a ******
My life is all ready a tatter.

I don't need a child
I don't need her, as well
I only need that needle
So I guess I'm going to hell.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Valerie Mar 2011
Windmills blowing clockwise
Dandelions spreading seed
Their faces are smiling.

Fields of tall grass
Bending in the wind
They know no back bone.

The sky is brilliant
The clouds are fluffy white
Let them harmonize.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Valerie Mar 2011
Flower petal explosion
Bamboo stalks whistling
Drum beat echoing
Lotus blossoms blooming
Wood wind chimes
It's all within time, It's all within time
Flow time, flow time.

Orange and white swirling
Water trickling; tumbling
Over rocky pond bottoms.
Koi fish swimming
Koi fish living
It's all within time
Flow time.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Valerie Mar 2011
I feel inspired
But it's hard to write
When I have so many words in my head
And a foggy, blocked sight.

All these revelations
Epiphanies and truths
But I can't find the words
To explain them from their roots.

It's not that simple for me
No, not today
The structure evades me
Making my song hard to say.

I guess I know everything
At least inside my head
A deep profound understanding
Like the color red.

I could say I know why
The flowers bloom in the spring
Or how we learned to speak
And what love has to bring.

But really the true knowledge
Is realizing what you know
Is really something no more than nothing
And what it has to show.

It's everything you've always known
And the little voice in your mind
That tingle in your toes
And when your heart beats out of rhyme.

It's what you've always wanted to say
And everything you've wanted to do
What I really know
Is nothing more than you.

It's what makes you look up
Instead of looking down
And what makes you smile
Or what makes you frown.

It's when you cry so hard you laugh
And when you laugh so hard you cry
It's those secrets you see in the mirror
And those motto's you live by.

I don't know anything more than you
I just express it well
Instead of locking it inside
And wishing things were swell.

So really what I've been trying to write
Though I've written many lines
Is that everyone knows something
It's just whether or not they've realized.
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie Garcia
Valerie Feb 2011
Spread your wings and fly
Like a bird in the sky
I know you're asking why
We had to say goodbye
I can still hear your cry
Your breath like a sigh
And while I'm up so high
I'll wonder why you had to die
SSK<3  AKA: Valerie garcia
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