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 Sep 2013 Valentine
JR Potts
We had not spoke or wrote
for many long days
turning to even longer weeks
which grew into the longest months
until I could no longer weep
and again I found peace
in my once restless sleep.

But you came a calling
and a texting me
just when my hands
finally started feeling clean
spinning them words like
"I miss you"
"I just wanted to see"
wicked turn a phrases
pierce ears like crooked hooks
they could turn a man's thoughts
like the pages of an ancient book.

Your fingers gliding gently
over now so hazy memories
we meet again amidst a fog
but your eyes, your eyes
they do not remember me
they see a man foul in form
ugly, twisted flesh, weak and pathetic
ripping his own heart from his chest

This is not me you see (no not at all)
but a protrusion of your own ill-regard
you slithered on your belly like a serpent
begging to be tread upon
so I moved like certain kinds of dances
around tribal fires
determined not to slip but inevitably I did
how dare you hiss "Liar" at me.

I'm just a man
working on being a better one
I don't expect you to understand
cause I never said I could fly
so why the **** did you think
I was superman.
I plan to have a lazy day.

I start by waking up and stretching.
I push my body into my comfy mattress and smile.
It feels good to lay around and feel the sun from my small window on my face.
It's a lovely day out. I smile again.
Then my feet hit the floor and the day begins.
So, right after I:

Shower-------get dressed
Wash the Dishes
Clean my bedroom
Clean my bathroom
Mop the Kitchen floor
Do 4 loads of laundry
Pick up some groceries
Put them away
Take out the trash
Then prepare a weeks worth of lunches to take to work...........

I plan to have a lazy day.
 Sep 2013 Valentine
Lauren Austin
A whisper made it through the night
a  snap
a turn
a scream
darkness was our only cover
a boy
a girl
a scene
We didn't know one another
a soul
a girl
why me?
I barely knew him
 Sep 2013 Valentine
Sarah Aubrey
My version of a poem
Starts with a verb
Or some word that is utterly absurd
Some rhymed lines
Interesting adverbs and adjectives
Thoughts and feelings on every line
My feelings don't rhyme
Why should every single line?
In mine
Every line a different season
Different feelings will show
Sometimes they stay
Other times they pack up and go
I never know
So I jot them down as they flow
Copyright 2011 Sarah Aubrey

— The End —