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 Jun 2013 Utkarsh Hathi
Misbah A
Eating you slowly,
you sit and stare into empty space.
You don't realize it,
but everyone walks out of your life
and loneliness walks in.
You embrace it.
You love it.
You can't seem to escape.
It slowly engulfs your bones and soul.
Creeping through your body,
it brainwashes you
and leads you to believe that you
are not worth it.
It greets you every night when everyone is asleep.
You sit in your room and say, "Hello".
"Hello, my dear." it says back.
And you live in isolation.
Seldom feeling happiness.
Dead inside.
 Jun 2013 Utkarsh Hathi
Misbah A
Dear voices inside my head,
those who tell me I am not pretty
those who say I am not worth it
those who state I am not skinny
to those voices, I bid thee farewell
for I am stronger.
I will not listen to you.
You will not control me.
*I am breaking free.
 Jun 2013 Utkarsh Hathi
Misbah A
I toss you around and make you think.
I stress you out but I don't blink.
I'm not a person or a thing.
Who am I?

I may be complicated or simple.
I am hated and loved.
I am beautiful yet threatening.
Who am I?

One might define me as a journey.
I can last seconds or years.
Happiness and hurt come with me.
Who am I?

I am *life.

— The End —