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Aug 2018 · 345
Zion Ferrell Aug 2018
It's been a while
since I've seen a face.
I felt alone
and out of place.

The ocean is blue
and pretty wide.
Unlike myself,
it's full of life.

Some say don't cry.
Some say it's okay.
14 minutes is average to cry
But not everyday.

I don't feel bad.
Some say I don't feel a thing.
They say I'm too heartless
Or that I'm mean.

But that's because I'm lonely.

People call me emo.
I say it's alright.
It's way better than goth.
I at least have a life.

I think it's weird to
get mixed with the two
some would take it maturely
I would say "***** you."

I don't feel bad.
Some say I don't feel a thing.
They say I'm too heartless
or that I'm mean.

But that's because I'm lonely.
Aug 2018 · 547
Zion Ferrell Aug 2018
I've seen your face
for quite a while.
Your handsome looks
would make me smile.

You're very sweet
like chocolate cake.
One taste of you would
cause a stomach ache.

Your deep dark eyes
would cause a trance.
If only I could
have the chance

To tell you without words.

I love you
as it's clear to see.
I always thought
that it was meant to be.

I have a case
of taciturnity,
but I know we'd last
for eternity.
Jul 2018 · 196
Who am I?
Zion Ferrell Jul 2018
“Who am I?”

A question asked by others
To get to know each other more.

Instead, I ask this to myself
Every night.

“Who am I?”

Oftenly asked by many.

Anyone would want to know.
It’s a quick to ask question.
But it’s a lot more serious than it seems

I lay there in the corner of my room
Where my bed has been placed
And I ponder…

“Who am I?”

There are different
Ways to answer this questions.

You are what others
see you as.

Or is it
Maybe what you want
Them you to see you as.
I’ve asked other people that seem to
Know me.

“Who do you think I am?”

“Who do you see see me as?”

“Who am I?”

I get multiple answers. All
Of them sounding quite…


“You’re my friend”

“You’re cool.”

“You're smart”



“More than average”

Of course I take the compliments,
But why do I feel as
if they’re not telling me the true?
Why don’t I except what the speak into existence?

At the end of the day, I
Go back home to take a shower
And cry, just so I can
Sleep through the night.

Getting my body prepared for the
Mental battle of tomorrow, I lay in my
Bed without any clothing. Only a blanket
Is covering me from exposure.

“Who am I?”

“Is it me or someone else? Who else could
It be? Nobody else can control me
Nor the way I feel. Who am I trying to be?
Nobody I hope.

I am my own role model
And only I know the truth!
Nobody knows me!


Nobody ever did know who the
**** I was because…

I don’t even know.”

The question looks more
And more threatening and
Vigilant than ever. The pain
No longer stays in bed,

Nor in the shower,

Not at home even.

It stalks me everywhere I go and
Turns up any **** time it pleases.
It hurts my head the more it bonds me.

“Who am I?”

Another throbbing headache so strong
It makes my heart skip a beat.
So strong it makes me puke.

Or is that just my finger in the
back of my throat looking for results.

I’m trying to solve the equation.
What? Another solution?

It’ll work for the time being, but
What if somebody finds out?


If only someone can prove my value.
If somebody really did admire me, they’d
Be with me forever.
They’d **** me and say…

“I love you.”

Nothing ever stays hidden for too long.
But at least he still loved me
For three years and counting.

Longer and longer
More and more
The question is pounding at
The door with a couple of friends.

“Who am I?”
“What am I useful for?”
“Why am I even here?”
“Do you even need to be alive?”

“What is my purpose?”

Eventually, they welcome themselves in.

Great. Now more question
I need a dumb answer for.
I eventually asked for some help.

A professional. Finally
The help in need. Maybe I’ll
Get a reasonable answer.

It didn’t last too long anyways.

I got something out of it tho.
“Anytime you feel frustrated.
Write it down. Nobody has to read it.
Nobody needs to know. It’s yours to keep.”

It’s mine to keep.
It was mines to keep all this time!
This pen and this paper isn’t
Doing anything at all!

All it is is just extra room
For my brain to fill in more



So here I am. Haven’t asked for
Physical human help in months
Because “God will answer you prayers.”
When he feels like it.

Well guess what?! You’re running
Out of time and I’m losing more
Than just patients!


The writing then turns vague dark drawings.
The drawing then turn to a knife.

It’s working. Something else is
Overpowering that **** question.
I’m piercing my skin deeper and
Harder than the pain piercing my brain.

I see brown,
Then red,
Then black.
Cutting so deep till I fell asleep.

It’s the only that’s really sustaining me.
Well it is just a substitute since…

They left me.
Since he took them.
Away from me.

First my grandpa of cancer
Then my uncle Big Red from a stroke
The my great grandmother of “natural causes”
And another uncle, Paul of…

You guessed it! CANCER!

He’s taken them from me
the most painful way possible when
They were my rock.
My main support.

Grandpa was my humor
Grandma was my teacher
Big red was my therapist
And Uncle Paul my very first LGBT partner

I knew who I was then.
“Who am I?”

“I don’t know.”
Someone once told me…

“People die because God just saw
A flower in his beautiful garden and
Decided to bring it inside his home.”

They would have been fine here.
****! I would have been fine if they were here!
All because you thought that these flowers
Were SO pretty!

How selfish.
You didn’t even need the decor anyways.
I don’t know who I am now because of you!

No wait.
I know who I am. I’m a
African American Bisexual Girl
Nobody takes seriously anymore!

I’m anxious,


I’m scared of my next move.
I’m scared of my next question.
“Who am I?” turns to
“What next?”

The sesx didn’t help.
Starving myself failed.
The help I had is out of reach.
Big Daddy in the sky is unavailable.

And the knife feels duller the
More I began to use.

I’m scared I will look
At so rope.

I’m scared I will look
At some bleach.

I’m scared i will look
At an 100 yard drop.
Turning into 6 feet underground.
But I won’t be there to see that.

I’m scared of never getting my
Question answered.
I’m scared of not passing a test
Or even a resume online
That’s actually lying
Underneath my chest asking me…

“Who am I?”

— The End —