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avery Feb 2023
that's actually really beautiful
how long do you think we can say that.
before we have to move?
burdensome be that of anything that comes up in daily life.
anything that punctures my will or my drive
in my floruit with nothing at the end
I'm writing because its the only thing I know how to do
**** lol
avery Jan 2023
Dust on my finger
Don’t lick it, that would be grosser
Grosser than the dust and fingernails on the floor
Than smoking a cigarette on the balcony
The balcony
Unfinished projects live there
I try not to look at them when I’ve decided now isn’t the time
For the last 6 months
Now isn’t the time
Always time for something new though?
I’d say
avery Dec 2022
a woman who wants is a woman who wins
and a woman who cries is a woman who feels
and a woman who tries is a woman who completes
she takes what she has and she fills herself up, she sees everything
yet she sees nothing at all.

you see, the world is so small until it isn’t,
and she can take it all in at once but for her own sake
she has to ration,
take steps and grow according to her body
to her soul and her mind
to all parts of her being, that each take special care in order to be chosen and tested, which they will
its gonna take some time, and a lots gonna change

as the sun slips below your shoulder, you can see more clearly than ever, and the sky is more beautiful than you’ve never seen.
and the clouds shield you from the glare, and the wind bites but guides in the decided direction.
where the wild things are going

in comfort there is static, not movement
develop, please
avery Nov 2022
I live for the little things
But the larger they get the more I cower below what I thought I knew just to cry in the shadow of what really is
It’s ***** move
I feel small, but when I fall i crash and I burn and it feels like I’m on fire. The biggest blaze
It’s only in my head. Getting stuck in there is the scariest possible outcome. No harm right?
No one is going to tell me how to be, unlike the voice that makes me fill with guilt at all the things I’ve wasted and used up. Taken for granted.
Nothings wrong with me. I could chalk it up to sentient laziness and fear.
I’m through. I do what I want, and if I don’t the voice is going to make it happen.
I’m listening to her
avery Aug 2022
icky achy
polka dot
ooey gooey
squishy ow
avery Aug 2022
Straws cut up for a unique taste
Hard water at 12:30
Cold soup, spilled
New playlist
Mini cans of Dr. Pepper
Rugs on the balcony
With the bikes
Two candles four wicks
Wishes of rappel
Down the side
Running without shortness of breath
Gump style denial
Cross country healing

— The End —