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751 · Jul 2018
Do I matter to you?
unwavering mess Jul 2018
Do I matter to you ?
Although I thought I would
I highly doubt I could
Why should I ?
is the stuff you tell me all lies
Because it’s being disguised with all my highs
Which end up being destroyed with cries
When I realise all the stuff you told me was most definitely lies

Do I matter to you ?
The fact that you talk to me everyday
Makes it seem like we are okay
it makes my day ...
But then comes night
And we have our nightly fight
And I realise that maybe we definitely aren’t alright
Now this is when it hits
The hurt
The pain
Causes me to throw fits and fists and go slightly insane

Do I matter to you ?
On the good days
Oh wait we don’t have any good days anymore
No our relationship has become a score
Or a bet
And you don’t even care
How don’t you care ?!
It makes me so upset and then I realise our relationship isn’t even there
That’s why you don’t care
Because who am I to you?
An object with hair who throws a little too much despair in your direction
When you can’t even get an *******

Do I matter to you ?
Now I’ve come to the conclusion
This is all an illusion
I don’t matter to you
And as much as I hate to admit it that’s the painful truth
And the fact the we are only youth brings me back to sanity
Because I have so much time to prove I’m more then an object with hair
And that I deserve a little bit...
No a lot...
of care
Because I’m a box that has fragile taped all over it
Not a box that you can just hit

Do I matter to you ?
No I don’t
But that’s okay because
I matter to me and
That’s more then what you could ever see
I realise that I am full of glee
When I am happy
And I am happy without you
And I hope that you can realise that too
No I don’t matter to you
But that’s okay
Because I don’t need you to tell me when and what to do
Because I am me.
ahhh I hate feelings
223 · Sep 2018
Lost and Found
unwavering mess Sep 2018
I’m always the rebound
The item you get from the lost and found
Pick me up from the pile of trash
An item that’s bound to clash
But you try your hardest to make me work
Look at me as if I was an artwork
And for some time that’s how you see me
And you love me more than you can believe
But then one day
To you I look old and used
bruised and abused
You’ve had enough
I take up room in the closet
And you discard me
As easy as can be
And there I find myself once again
In the lost and found
Ready to be thrown around
Meh, I’m always the rebound :|
221 · Jul 2018
They always leave
unwavering mess Jul 2018
“He’s the one” She said
“He’s the one” She begged
He made her feel like the real, the best version of herself.
He didn’t have wealth,
But he had a smile that reminded her of her family she hadn’t seen in a while.
It was warm and comforting
Like when someone plays with your hair or gives you that gorgeous intimate stare......

He wasn’t the one
One day his smile turned cold
One day he was no longer there to hold
One day she was left alone
He said he didn’t love her
He said she wasn’t good enough
One day we never heard her voice again
I guess when she said she couldn’t live without him
She wasn’t lying...
Now we are the ones left crying

— The End —