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UmberSol Nov 2012
A little bird went flying
To see the countryside

Some hunters were a' hunting
To try and catch some hide

The little bird, so innocent
Sang its song for trees
For growing is quite boring
Without simple release

The hunters started stalking
This gentle little soul
And aimed their weapons at her
In a chilly forest cold

The gunshot ringing stopped
All movement in the wood
All heads turn in sorrow
to where the small bird stood

A smoking ash, torn and burnt
Released a single song
"Remember, friends, the world is cruel
But you won't be here long"
UmberSol Nov 2012
Josef K. has gone away
And left his trial for all the days
That I can stand with bloodied eyes
That can no longer see the light

I will not see my sea in waste
I will not sea the see of taste
I will not love your absurd ways

Josef K. has gone away
And left his trial for all days
UmberSol Nov 2012
I asked the sky
Why I only see the world I do
"If only you knew"
It said
To which I cried
"This punishment, why am I Unique?"
"Why are they so mad?"
"I don't want to be among the mad!"
To which the sky replied
"Dearest Alice, we're all mad here"
And I laughed at the skies joke
The sky is hilarious
UmberSol Nov 2012
I see

I feel

help me
UmberSol Nov 2012
I wake up to find
I am alone in my house

they must have left already
It doesn't matter
I make eggs, toast, and hot cakes
And sit at the table.

I eat
(It tastes nice)
I shower
(I'm so clean)
And I get dressed.
(I look good).

I'm ready to leave for school
So I hop on my bike
And ride to school.

There's no cars in the streets.
The buildings all look different
Where is everyone?

My school is gone
Nothing but rubble
In a perfect square shape.
Where are the students?

I pull my bike against the street and sit on the curb
And look out on my city
I'm cold
So cold.

I see smoke rise from the sidewalk
It twists and rises.
It looks like me

Back on my bike I go out of the city.
I pull up to my favorite cafe.
It's a pile of ash.
A newspaper hits me in the leg:
"Nothing but ash" with an image of the
Burning food joint.

I weep
The tears hit the ground
And turn to smoke
The smoke looks like me

I flee back into the city as fast as my bike allows
Nearest source of food
My stomach churns
I starve
Where are the people?


I watch as the smoke rises again.
Me, running
This time there's more
Shapeless hulk

I run on foot, leaving behind my bike.
Where are the people?

I collapse.
The hill rises beneath me.
The sun paints the sky death orange
Smoke, like morning mist, rises on the ground

The hulk rises in the smoke
Takes form
Car, screaming man
I cannot watch
Eyes glued with saltwater

Finally, me running jumping
Car takes motion
I cry out
I dive
I die

I'm dead
I'm alone
I'm dead
Where are the people?

— The End —