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ulflyr69 Feb 2013
If you can't stop the river,
ride the rapids 'til the water recedes.
After the flood
the crops will flourish.
ulflyr69 Feb 2013
In the south facing sunlit room,
She sat looking out upon
the sweetfern valley.

The words flowed freely
form her heart through the pen
onto the parchment page.

In the stable
the handsome gray stallion whinnied,
calling her name.
Later, she murmured softly, with a loving smile.
ulflyr69 Feb 2013
From her bowstring
the arrow loosed,
flying from her sight
far into the sky.

I was here,
standing in the shining sun
when her dart
dived deeply into my heart.
ulflyr69 Feb 2013
From behind my bars,
I sometimes still see the stars.
But the key-
that hangs within my reach-
hides from view the sandy beach.
ulflyr69 Feb 2013
If you came to me,
naked and unprotected,
I would look into your eyes,
while I kissed
your parted lips.

— The End —