portraits kissing in moonlight
you have our stares.
mouth open over unfinished meals
there's passion in pasta,
pleasure in pastry
Tongue down throat
she stands up to kiss
smirks go between us
and we giggle at their lust.
These dates becoming almost daily and still not with you.
you're continents away
and I'm not content without you
I wish it could be us.
I want that passionate pasta
with hands behind my waist as I stir
stodgy rice,
that lean over my shoulder,
tender as you watch me
make a mess of a meal but
always leave a clean kitchen.
recall the
over salting of a starch,
the almost poisoning of your father
recall my confidence in
"Yes more salt"
"No, not enoughâ.
I eat nothing but *** noodle stew
With extra defrosted veg.
We were all those fragrances
with somewhat sliced fingers
but always
fingers through fingers.