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I think our main difference
Is that she apologizes too much
And I apologize too little

She let’s go quickly
While I don’t let go of the past

I’m quiet when she’s loud
She’s loud when I’m quiet

I act like I don’t care
She’s transparent with her thoughts

She keeps things to her self
I can’t help but get things off my chest

We’re two sides of the same magnet
And opposites are supposed to attract
But I can’t tell if I’m feeling the pull
I can’t seem to forget
I'm stuck in the past
can't move forwards and face reality
cant go backwards and forget everything that happened
The confessions of truth, the pubescent feelings, the old schoolgirl crushes
The teenage, classic love
the kind that was in the movies
That’s how I pictured us
That’s still how I picture us
I know when you think of us, you think of of fleeting feelings, uncommunicated feelings, and meaningless words
We’re the two sides ofthe same coin and our fate just happened to land on your side
I Know you'll soon feel the things you felt for me, for another girl
I don't understand now people leave their feelings in the past
discarding it completely you were my first love
and I don’t know how to forget that
I know it doesnt mean anything to you now
but I think it'll always mean something to me.
You left a mark on my heart that no one can recreate or mend
Even if you don't realize it, your hands are now stained from how you affected me
You took my heart
pretended to mend and care for it
then gave It back with more wounds
My wounds are slowly becoming scars that will never fade
And every time I see them I will think of you
and how you caused them
But when you see them
you will have no remorse
because I forgave you
and I bandaged your ego
because in your heod, you did nothing wrong
You never do anything wrong
And when you do
you expect us not to react in any form
I wish you count realize that your words and actions have consequences
But I can’t blame you too much for anything you’ve said or done
I fell in love with girl who couldn’t understand her emotions
For the time I have been breathing
I have always been surpassed
I’ve never been substantial
Never have I been praiseworthy
I have always been adequate, passable
I’m always showed up by the adept
I have the passion but not the aptitude
I love to run, but I find myself falling behind
I love to write, but I’ll never be considered an author or poet, I’ll never be Shakespeare
I love to sing, but no one would gather to hear my voice
I love scholastics, but I’ll never be Aristotle
I feel lackluster, because I’ll never be pervaded with talent
In another life
we wouldnt have to hide and you wouldn't have to lie
In another life
Maybe I was the muse and not the artist the writer not the actor
In another life
The future wouldn't be just plans but our dreams will be
in another life
I would be the risk not the cost the getaway not the dreamer
In another life
maybe we were like the movies and we could escape this life
I hope I find you in the next life
Zoe Rose 11h
It’s in my blood
I come from a family of authors
The thoughtfulness, the wandering mind, the daydreaming head, the longing, the desire
It all came from my father
I have fervent passion in my blood
Conviction flowing through my body, yearning to get out
So I write
My thoughts swarm with sentiment
I wish I could become a poet like my sister
Or an author like my father
But they all believe in something
My father believes in Christ
While my sister believes in Love
But I believe in the passion of the human race
I believe in the emotion, the melancholy, the morose, the torrid, the desperate
So I expel these sentiments through written word
She can’t get anything through her thick skull
She argues for the sake of arguing
Either she’s right or she’s right
She’s a brick wall
No reasoning with her
I express my feelings and she deflects them
She’s a mirror that splits light into small fragments
Breaking them apart and scattering them
Her and I are alike
We see ourselves in each-other
So we repel
We’re on two different planes
But are still being drawn further apart
She loves sweets but couldn’t be more sour
I suppose I am the same way

— The End —