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1.4k · Feb 11
Aymeric Feb 11
I am empty.
And I don’t mean it metaphorically,
or poetically,
or romantically,
or in any other way you like to dress it up.

I am empty.
Straight up.

Unreciprocated love took everything.
And there’s nothing left.
**** in boots
741 · Feb 4
Aymeric Feb 4
I don’t blame you.
Love can’t be forced to bloom.
But I wish you had stayed,
just once,
long enough to notice
how much of me was yours.
675 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
I plant my prayers in silent ground,
Water them with words unsound.

The stars fade, the hours drift,
Yet still, I wait, my hands unclenched.

If time must steal, let it restore,
What once was lost, return once more.

No cries, no chains, no last despair,
Juste attendre et espérer.
522 · Feb 8
What am I
Aymeric Feb 8
What am I,
if I can’t let her go?
If others move on,
find new faces,
new lives,
but I stay here,
chained to a ghost
I don’t want to forget?

Do they love less?
Or do I love too much?
Did I lose myself
in her laugh, her touch,
the way she existed
so effortlessly near me?

I don’t want to move on.
I don’t want a new story.
I’d rather love her
with all the weight of this ache.
for years, for decades,
for the rest of my life.

If that’s wrong,
then what am I?
183 · Feb 21
Aymeric Feb 21
I wake up lost, my mind is split,
pieces gone,I can’t find it.

I don’t mean harm, but harm is done,
I speak, I act, then comes the flood.

The truth is bent, but never fake,
I don’t remember my mistakes.

Then consequences crash like waves,
I drown in all the mess I’ve made.

I lose myself, I lose control,
I never mean it, but I know.
178 · Jan 28
Lost words
Aymeric Jan 28
I am filled with words for you,
a love I would speak if it wouldn’t hurt,
but no words can change
what nature has already written.
So I remain silent,
protecting the heart
I was never meant to hold.
178 · Jan 25
The one
Aymeric Jan 25
I want you, yet you’re a ghost in my arms,
A dream that fades with the dawn.
I want to die, yet cowardice binds me.
My hands too weak to end this ache.
So I live, cursed to wander this earth,
Craving a touch that time won’t return.
147 · Jan 31
Aymeric Jan 31
I’m a man of my word,
I’ll love her till I die.
She swore the same,
Now I see, I swore alone.
119 · Feb 16
Aymeric Feb 16
I climbed to her heaven,
hands bruised, heart bare.
She watched, untouched,
then vanished-thin air.

The steps collapsed,
love turned to farewell.
She rose to the light,
I plunged into hell.
115 · Feb 2
Beyond beautiful
Aymeric Feb 2
Best described as alien beauty, out of this world,
A wonder, a mystery, a star unfurled.
Big brown eyes, deep and wide,
Lost at times, yet full of life.

A gaze that held both light and shade,
Charisma woven, soft yet brave.
If I could be lost in them forevermore,
I’d say yes, without a war.
110 · Jan 29
Aymeric Jan 29
My love for you was anachronistic,
A story you never knew to read.
I waited like a letter never sent,
While you moved on, without a second glance.

You lived in today,
I was stuck in a time that never was,
Loving you with words you’d never hear,
A love that felt lost before it began.

Now, I’m the echo of a past you erased,
A ghost you’ll never call back.
79 · Feb 9
Aymeric Feb 9
Some infinities are bigger than others,
mine was the biggest,
stretching beyond what I could ever hold.
Yours wasn’t infinity.
it was just a moment,
a fleeting blink,
and I was left with
an infinity of regress.
72 · Jan 26
Aymeric Jan 26
You call it delusion,
but in this dream, I survive.
It is in this delusion I crave to exist,
for without you, the world is sharp,
and only the lie keeps me alive.
71 · Feb 6
Aymeric Feb 6
Stop, heart
she doesn’t love you.
Beat steady, act right,
don’t beg.

I want to be in her life,
but not like this
not selfish, not weak,
not drowning in my own need.

Man up.
Let her go.
But my heart
won’t listen to a word.
70 · Feb 1
Aymeric Feb 1
I was steady,
until you.

Love came like a fault line,
cracking open ground I swore was solid.

I was never meant for saving,
only you needed hands that held,
I let mine slip.

Now the earth is still again,
I am not.
68 · Feb 3
Aymeric Feb 3
I cast my hope into the sea,
A fragile light, a desperate plea.
The waves arise, they pull it down,
No voice remains, no love is found.

Her name still lingers in the tide,
A ghost that will not leave my side.
I call, I reach, but waters take,
And every breath begins to break.

Yet still, I hope, though hope betrays,
A dying spark in endless waves.
I sink, I fade, I disappear,
And hope, once bright, is nowhere near
68 · Feb 6
Aymeric Feb 6
I love you without boundaries,
yet your truth shatters my silence.
In your light, I wither,
a quiet despair screaming in the dark.
67 · Jan 30
Not me
Aymeric Jan 30
You’re there,
fingers dancing on a screen,
words meant for someone else.

I’m here,
lost in a world where you are mine,
where your voice is a song in my head,
where we exist beyond a dream?
but only in my mind.
65 · Jan 31
Aymeric Jan 31
I’m lost in chaos, her shadow still near,
A love unreturned, but she’ll always be here.
I scream in silence, my heart torn apart,
Chasing her memory, she’ll never leave my heart.
64 · Jan 28
In vain
Aymeric Jan 28
I love you more than I can say,
But every word just drives away.
I miss you, and with every breath,
I break us more, but can’t forget.
62 · Feb 2
Let go
Aymeric Feb 2
You’ve let go…I never will.
You’ve moved on…I love still.
61 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
Once, I stood high, untouchable,
Pride unshaken, heart unchained.

Then I met her. Loved her.
And for the first time,begged.

Begged her to stay.

No armor, no ego, no pride.
Just her name, and the fear of goodbye.
61 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
A stone tied to my leg,
A note pressed beneath the knot,
Her name, a whisper, a wound,
A love that won’t be forgot.

The scissors rest within my hand,
Edges sharp, freedom near.
But I won’t cut,I never will,
I’d rather drown than live without her here.
61 · Feb 4
Aymeric Feb 4
I gave everything, your everything faded away.
I burned, while your fire was tamed to gray.

Love should be balance, but ours was theft,
You took it all, and I was left.

A quiet ruin, a hopeless plea.
Unrequited, it’s killing me.
60 · Feb 9
Aymeric Feb 9
I’m hit with forever,
a love that never ends,
no escape,
no release,
just endless,
60 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
To be seen as scary when love is all I feel,
Is the hardest truth, too heavy to heal.
You saw my sadness and pulled away,
But never once did I wish you dismay.

Through every tear, through all the pain,
I’d never hurt you, that will remain.
All I want is for you to see
The love I feel, that’s all I need.
59 · Feb 2
Won’t return
Aymeric Feb 2
She won’t return, I know it’s true,
Yet my hands still reach for a love that withdrew.
My heart still beats, though it has no will,
For waiting does not hurt,,,waiting kills.

No footsteps, no voice, no sign,
Just empty hours that whisper she’s fine.
And if she’s fine while I decay,
Then what is left of me to save?
59 · Feb 3
Aymeric Feb 3
I beg,
over and over,
but it’s never enough.

Each word digs me deeper,
a hole too dark to climb out of.

I’m lost,
and the only way out
is a God who doesn’t hear me.
59 · Feb 3
Aymeric Feb 3
I write about her for hours,
pour every thought onto the page.
I know exactly what to say,
how to make her understand.

But then she’s there.
eyes like home, voice like a song.
My mind runs too fast to hold,
every word I’ve ever written
colliding, unraveling,
spilling into nothing.

There is so much,
a storm of love, of longing,
of everything she makes me feel.
But all that comes out is I love you,
the simplest, the smallest,
yet the truest thing I know.

And then I cry,
because it’s not enough,
but it’s all I have.
59 · Feb 1
Aymeric Feb 1
Remember Me

Remember me in love,
not in the ruin I became.

I was yours before the fall,
before the weight, before the end.

Let me live in that
not in the way I left.
57 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
It doesn’t matter where we stand,
A field, a church, or a empty land.
A burned forest, the skies turned gray,
With her, it’s beautiful in every way.

It’s not the place, but who I see,
Her presence turns the world to dream.
Wherever she is, wherever I am,
That’s where my heart will make its stand.

But she’s not here anymore,
And so I stand, staring into the void.
I’ll speak the words I never could,
But they’ll echo in the silence, destroyed.

I’ll invent a tragedy that never ends,
A love that dies, then twists, then bends,
A world without her, forever gray,
Where I exist, but I’m not alive in any way.

And the abyss will answer not a word,
Just swallow me whole, and leave me unheard.
57 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
I am a prisoner of love,
Locked in a cage with open doors.

I will never stop loving what breaks me,
The one who did nothing wrong,
Except not love me back.
57 · Jan 29
Aymeric Jan 29
I open my mouth, but words fall dead
nothing is real if you’re not said.
I speak, but nothing feels true
every thought just leads to you.
56 · Feb 5
Aymeric Feb 5
It was always you.
And it was never me.
I loved like a flood,
you sipped like a breeze.

I built a home in my chest for you,
and you walked through it
like a stranger passing by,
leaving the door open behind you.
56 · Jan 30
Aymeric Jan 30
You left, but never far behind,
your ghost still lingers in my mind.
Pain, love, chaos, all the same,
whispering softly…you knew my name.
55 · Jan 29
Aymeric Jan 29
I thought I was the joy she knew,
Now I see I make her blue.
My love, instead of setting her free,
Chains her soul, weighing her deep.

I swore I’d lift her, make her whole,
Yet I’m the shadow dimming her glow.
I long to be the peace she seeks,
Yet all she feels is the pain I speak.
55 · Feb 4
Aymeric Feb 4
Once, too deep, too hard, too well.
No caution, no edge, no end in sight,
Just her, just us, just blinding light.

She was the world, and I was the sky,
Reaching too far just to stay in her eyes.
She left, but love did not fade,
It lingers, it aches, it won’t decay.
55 · Feb 8
Aymeric Feb 8
I thought I was the only one hurting.
I thought my heartbreak was the center of it all.
I told myself you didn’t care,
that you left because it was easy for you.

I didn’t stop to wonder what it cost you,
to say goodbye, to hold back,
to see me break while you stayed silent.

I painted you as cold.
I made myself the victim.
But maybe you were hurting too,
just in ways I never understood.

I regret that now.
Not just losing you,
but being too selfish to see
that it wasn’t only my heart that broke.
55 · Feb 19
Aymeric Feb 19
I was drowning in silence, too tired to fight,
A ghost in the mirror, fading from sight.
The weight of the world crushed into my chest,
I begged for an ending, I needed to rest.

Then love reached for me, warm and bright,
Hands on my face, pulling me into the light.
It filled me with laughter, it taught me to breathe,
It stitched up my wounds, then it chose to leave.

Now I stand here, alive but not whole,
A stranger inside this borrowed soul.
Love made me happy, love set me free,
But love is gone,who the hell is me?

I don’t know what I am or what makes me whole,
I only see through this hollow hole.
The hole of an empty tunnel, cold and black,
No way forward, no way back.

So here’s my goodbye, whispered, unheard,
No touch, no name, no final word.
I belong to no one, I fade like the sea,
Love is gone—gone is me
54 · Feb 12
Aymeric Feb 12
The voices say your name.
Or is it me?
Is it you?
Or is it me?

I can’t tell anymore.
All I know is they won’t stop.
And neither will you.
Or me.
53 · Feb 2
Already gone
Aymeric Feb 2
I wait for a love that’s already gone,
A shadow of what was, yet I hold on.
Her absence is the cage,
And hope is the lock,
Each day I decay,
Still trapped by the thought.

A love that could never be,
But I cling to the dream,
While she fades away,
And I drown in the seams.
53 · Feb 8
Aymeric Feb 8
If I renounce love,
I renounce you.
And with that,
I hold onto nothing.

Without you,
there is no anchor,
no flame,
no reason to exist.

You have broken me,
but without your love,
I am empty.
I would rather ache for you
than feel nothing at all.
53 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
When her thoughts no longer fill my mind,
When her voice is lost to time,
I will search the empty dark,
But she will be nowhere to find.

Day by day, I will wither,
A hollow man, a breath undone.
And when the last memory slips away,
So will I, no fight, no run.

No echoes, no pulse, no name,
Just silence where love once remained.
When she is gone, so am I,
No more tomorrow, just goodbye.
53 · Feb 9
Aymeric Feb 9
I simply love you,
I say to myself every day,
for you are not here anymore,
for you who don’t want to hear it anymore.

And still, I say it,
because the silence echoes louder than words,
because love doesn’t vanish,
even when it’s unwanted,
even when it’s left behind.

I’m hallucinating, you are there.
51 · Jan 30
Aymeric Jan 30
From the moment we met, I began to shine,
A spark, a glow, a fire so divine.
Each day with you, I grew more bright,
Until I blazed like stars in the night.

But when you left, the light was torn,
I exploded, and in darkness, I was reborn.
No trace of the flame, no trace of me,
Just a shadow where I used to be.
50 · Feb 2
Aymeric Feb 2
Everyone says it will get better,
But I know it won’t, not without her.
I’ve loved only one, and she’s gone,
Now I’m left, just holding on.

The pain lingers, cold and deep,
A sorrow I can’t shake or keep.
No love could fill this empty space,
For she’s the one I can’t replace.
50 · Feb 5
Aymeric Feb 5
Her absence cuts deep,
not because I’m alone,
but because she was the piece
that made it all whole.
50 · Feb 2
Your truth
Aymeric Feb 2
I lost you to the colours of your truth,
A heart that beats for freedom,
But shatters me in two.
49 · Jan 30
Aymeric Jan 30
Your name is the weight I carry still,
a memory that lives, that never will.
I still feel you in the space between
the quiet moments and what might’ve been.

The world moves on, but I remain,
a shadow holding on to the pain.
No time will change the way I stand,
a heart in ruins, still reaching for your hand.
49 · Feb 8
I said
Aymeric Feb 8
I said: Please, God, take me away.
If you’re there,
you know I don’t want to stay.

Why’d you do this?
Why leave me like this?
Breathing feels like punishment,
waking up, a curse.

If you can hear me,
then you know
I don’t want this life.
I don’t want to go on
without her.

So take me.
Take me, or tell me why
you won’t.
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