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In these cursed world
There are endless beasts
You call them threat, I call them egoists
Ego:the cursed weapon
It's blamed when anything bad happen
Ego can be used to step ahead
To revive people who are dead
Ego propels:it makes you win
Ego made me the person I was never been
Now the curse has began
I will devour everyone
Who used me for their gain
I am not your tool, not your pawn,
I am the shadow, the breaking dawn.
I will tell you, who I am
If you insist, I am the one
The ' fake egoist'
Orewa egoist da
I wonder why is she so kind to me
She sits around me
But still blind to me
We cross paths like it meant to be
Yet nothing happens—just misery.
I don't know how much loner I have to be
I want to say everything to her
But I know she doesn't want to hear it from me
My heart beats for her my soul lives for her
She doesn't know me but I still  love her
It feels like the message was sent but never seen
But that's how my life is always been
I want to call her but it doesn't ring
I wish  someone in time like these
To hold my hand and put me at ease
Honestly I am afraid
Saw the heavens
They exist on Earth alone,
In forests deep, in woods unknown,
In every place where laughter rings,
Where fragrance thrives, and flowers cling
But where is hell?
It exists on earth too
When humans become demon
And moon turns blue
Queens don't feel safe
King's responsibility overthrew
A world full of fraud,lies and cheat
Not enough food to eat
I hear the souls, their endless crying
Want freedom, keep trying
Everyone here has two face
Both heaven and hell exist on same place

— The End —