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This afternoon a mermaid swam to the shore and took flight, so you didn’t, know that the beautiful creatures who live in our seas can fly, she lifted her delicate silky wings and flew seeing me staring forlornly by the kitchen window with a dishcloth in my left hand not seeing a fairytale being I used to believe in as a child
She knocked on the window I opened up, but not much because close up she lolled like a Karen of the type saying men are useless but call you to open a tin of sausages or fetch her slippers in the bedroom Suddenly she took fright and flew away but the
knocking persisted it was my neighbor who wanted me to scrub her back, I helped her out of the bathtub, and before stood a scrawny 84-year-old mermaid
Cry Freedom

Not many Americans know the world is not looking westward they see the fall of the value
they see the poverty of the suffering people who die of curable illnesses because they can’t pay the cost and might sell their house to cover
of capitalistic health service, but let’s put that aside what Trump said about World War 2
It was Russia who won the **** war, albeit with
help from the USA; was also Russian soldiers who freed the prisoners in concentration camps
and oversaw the fall of Berlin
For America, it was a profitable war, Europa had
no industry left and got generous loans to start to rebuild a shattered economy
America’s real war was in the Pacific a colonial war against Japan who had taken Indochina which was America’s playground
the US won that war by dropping two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this caused total surrender and the US was back ruling over Indochina
America as we can see today, was bad rulers
the elevated cruel dictators to rule whose only qualification was obedience to America
Today Indochina is in Bricks and free from the US influence
the mind is open for a change

Headless embrace an easy life a lift down the seventh floor to a foyer and doors that open automatically a café serves one from cooking peeling potatoes and ready-made salads
a walk in the avenue of shops that have empty words while expensive cars drive driven by owners whose sense of beauty is a Musk truck dead steel against the greening grass
then you know there will never be dog hair on the sofa, and there will be no happy, friendly dog you're here and she is content
You plan your escape from the trivial, how fast a lift takes to ground level, but meet an obstacle called old age and the maidens have gone
Finally, you see yourself in the bathroom mirror the ultimate purveyor of truth, the loss is
absolute, but despite that dreams are bigger than you whisper and tell you of a way out
she walks slow
I sit on a bench
waiting for her
in cracks I see
the beginning
of newness
among *** butts
office worker
sits here when
there is a break
today is sunny
I face the new sun
she catches up
sits slowly down
and speaks
we need a new kitchen
Every so often
sometimes in life, we make a path that we realize was made by others to trap us into doing what they want
it feels silly to be fooled, but the ones that fooled us didn’t do so out of maize which makes it difficult to correct  
when a person dedicated to a rustic life, a dog, and writing his thoughts of the day he nevertheless dreams of a big city life with a throng of friends
when this moment occurs, he can easily be led astray by people whose agenda and purpose that is not what you were here for
the dog that had been beside you for 13 years died, the walk in the forest becomes a memory lane the grief stops one from seeing the beauty
The Tariffs
here we go again, in a strong country where most workers are not unionized, but the rich are and the working class has to pay for the wealthy’s expenses, this time in the form of tariffs those who have the business of production can reduce the local market’s cost, but they will not instead, they will jack up their prices because we live in a free society where the lower order has little influence to demand better pay
There will be demonstrations against hard times, the strikers will be vilified as enemies of freedom, thrown into jail on fake charges, and called renegades, and the press will tell us they  are betrayers of the American way  
Yes, we have seen this before in other countries in another time, but the outcome is always more poverty, when the people are subdued and real freedom fighters are shot on the streets or, on the tabernacle of progress, peace bitter peace will ensue until the state collapses into a civil war
A reflection
Sometimes I wonder if there is a sentimental reason why many Americans like the Israeli
North America is a land of settlers who replaced
can we say, it eradicated the tribes that lived there and became a most successful nation  
The Zionist Israel is trying albeit on lesser land
when the US settlers called the Indians savages
the Zionist Israel calls Palestinians Untermensch
to borrow a German word, which is apt in this situation, since it has connotations to holocaust
We like to blame the Polish Jew Netanyahu for
the lesser holocaust on Palestine land, with lesser, I mean in comparison to 6 million Jews
Mind, killing 46thousand Palestinians in six months, is impressive too since most of the dead were women and children which in a sick way makes sense since children became adults and hate Israel
the killing of people who have culture and religion different from s are deemed enemies and must be eradicated, clean the society from
think different from us
It is with a heavy heart I see Africa has adopted our war-like tendency Congo, and Sudan are
burning in the name of democracy, the white
man’s mantra, when it means power by force
A final word, as the US is declining her workforce is pushed into poverty, and culture
is a new power that will rise in the East eclipse
and decline as all powers made by man does
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