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73 · Nov 2024
The Mask that I Wear
David Nov 2024
The mask that I wear is one that the world wants to see.
This mask of peace and contentment,
happy with the way things are.

But hidden behind the mask is the real me.
A person who is full of sorrow and self-doubt’s.
Years’ worth of unshed tears.

Someone who just wants to curl up somewhere
and hide. Someone that has thoughts of wanting
to lay down somewhere and just die.

No one knows, just how painful this mask is to wear.
When someone asks, “How are you today?”,
And forcing a smile I reply, “I am doing okay”.

While behind the mask, I am silently screaming inside.
“can’t someone help me?”
“Please someone see through this mask that I wear”.

But this is not what the world wants to see.
So, each day I slip this mask on.

And pretend to be what the world wants me to be.

Maybe one day, I will be able to throw this mask away.
But for now, I don it as I begin my day
52 · Nov 2024
A Storm Rages On
David Nov 2024
Here I sit in my easy chair and while I continue to
Stare at these four walls, I contemplate just
Where I belong in this life, or if I even do.

While outside my window a storm rages on,
The rain streams down the window.
Just like the tears stream down my cheeks.

The wind howls and moans, just like my
emotions running out of control.
The lightning flashes, just like my memories
Of a happier past that is now long gone.

The storm intensifies both outside and inside.
When will blue skies return?
  Will the sun, shine once again?
And will the calm return? No one can tell
not even me.

How I wish I could make this storm go away.
Wait there is a way, it would not be easy.

But do I have the courage to do it?
No, I cannot choose that path.
Choosing that path would bring the storm
To too many other people. I must find another way,
So I go on another day, as the storm rages on.
46 · Dec 2024
Ghosts of My Past
David Dec 2024
The ghosts of my past—
Pale shadows of choices long gone—
Still linger, haunting me today.
They whisper through the wind,

The scent of regret clinging to their breath,
Reminding me of bridges I burned,
Words left unspoken,
And chances that slipped away.

These ghosts, relentless in their torment,
Unearth memories of pain and hurt,
Their echoes sowing seeds of doubt
In the choices I now make.

Oh, how I long to banish them,
To find the strength to exorcise
Their presence from my weary mind—
To silence their whispers
And finally find peace.

I yearn to escape the shadows
Of my past and the missteps I took,
But still, I press on day by day.

For each dawn offers a quiet solace,
A chance to start anew.
And though the ghosts persist,
I am still here,
Striving to build a better life,
Defying the whispers of my past.
42 · Nov 2024
Who Am I
David Nov 2024
Who am I, is the question that I find
That continuously runs through my mind.
Does anything I do really matter,
Or am I just wasting my time?

Do I make a difference in someone’s life.
Or am I just a waste of space?
Who am I, really?  Am I a nobody,
Or am I a person of worth?

These questions run through my mind,
Throughout each day.
Day by day, these questions become
Heavier to bear, more tangled in my mind.

The thoughts and feelings these questions
Bring forth, have me doubting my self-worth.
How I wish that I could find something,
Or someone to point the way.
Please, can’t someone just tell me, Who Am I.

Yet in the shadows, a spark might ignite,
A whisper of truth could guide me to the light.
41 · Dec 2024
David Dec 2024
Darkness surrounds me; no light can be seen.
Voices I hear—low and sad—
Remind me of the life I should have had.

At times, I hear only one voice;
At others, it swells into a chorus.

Desperately, I plead with these voices:
"Go away!" But my cries, my begging,
They do not heed.

What must I do to silence them,
To find peace within my restless mind?
They haunt my dreams,
They shadow my days.

Desperately, I search for meaning,
For reasons why they torment me so.
I look back upon my life—
Yes, I made mistakes,
Wrong choices, and decisions
That caused pain to myself and others.

But how do I atone? How do I move on?
Please, someone, tell me what I can do.
All I want is silence.
All I want is for these voices
To leave me alone.
David Dec 2024
I sit here, remembering my past,
pondering, how did I last?
Echoes of despair once vast,
ready to let my life pass.

In my mind, a relentless voice, whispers,
"You don't matter, you are nothing."

Haunted by the mistakes I made,
specters of regret, will they ever fade?
Yet, it is over, it's done, nothing left to be remade.

Struggling not to let it control my day,
seeking light to find a new way.
It is hard not to let the past,
cast shadows over today.

Still, I strive to find my way,
hoping for brighter days,
believing my future holds,
brighter days and lighter ways.

Here's to happier times, on the horizon,
sure to come my way.
37 · Nov 2024
I Trusted You
David Nov 2024
I came to you in my time of need,
so that these dark thoughts and feelings
I would not heed.

I opened myself up and told the truth:
that I was ready to leave this earth, that in my life;
There was no longer any light or mirth.

What I was hoping to get from you was some help,
overcoming these dark thoughts and feelings.
Isn’t that what someone like you are
supposed to do?

You listened to what I had to say for a short time,
Then you left the room, leaving
me going out of my mind.

When you returned, you were not alone,
there were others with you.
And you tell me that you can’t help me.

The others tell me to stand up, and they placed
me in chains.
What is going on, I ask? Am I not in enough pain?

So, by coming to you and asking for help,
I am to lose my freedom. Why?
What have I done?
Other than to trust someone?
36 · Dec 2024
The Storm Breaks
David Dec 2024
I walk out my front door into the tempest
The wind and the rain surround me,
The wind buffets me, just like my emotions do,
The rain pours down my face combining with my tears.

I look up at the sky and all I see are dark stormy
clouds, reflecting my inner turmoil.
The lightning flashes and the thunder rolls, like
my thoughts of just how I can escape this torment.

I slowly walk down the dark street, walking past
empty and dark homes. And think
to myself that they are just like my life.
I have one purpose in mind that,

I am going to once and for all escape this tempest.
How I wish I could find just one reason not to feel
so much pain as I do right now.
I continue on, with what I plan to be my last stroll.

I am so deep in my thoughts that I don’t realize,
that the rain and wind have begun to lessen.
That the storm clouds have begun to break up, and
that blue patches of sky are beginning to show.

As I continue walking, a patch of clouds part and
let a ray of sunshine through.
The ray of sunlight hits me, and I stop in my tracks.
It feels so warm and comforting,

And then I realized that the storm had broken.
Both outside and inside.
Yes, there are still clouds on the horizon,
but for now, the storm has passed.
34 · Nov 2024
The Curtain Must Fall
David Nov 2024
We are all actors upon a stage, the stage that is known as life.
The curtain rises, at the moment of our birth
some say that this part is the best.

When we are laid upon our mother’s breast,
we hear the oohs and awes from those
who will be our caregivers, teachers, our parents.

None of us know all our lines, for this play is never-ending
and surprising. From our first breath to learning how to crawl
to walking steadily and facing it all.

We progress from one act to another, unsure of what the next
lines in this play will call. Will it be grief or bliss,
or something that will make us fall?

Some of us will only have a line or two; others may have a brief
sketch, while others will be part of a grand show.

No one knows just what role they will play,
but for all of us there is one inevitable thing.
That for each of us, at one time or another,
the curtain must fall.

— The End —