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David 6d
Pull this thread
and I unravel
My eloquence
becomes a frantic search
Scars and sinue
This cold hand of reality
That digs my grave
I wane in the wind
My breathe I reclaim
Fragile games we play
Fragility melds in this solemn gray
David Feb 26
Water is bi polar
It will rage so blindly
Be so gentle when falling to earth
Languish in puddles but be so anxious
Rushing from place to place
Agitated when surrounded by laundry
It's frenzied approach
When confronted by fire
Shows it apathy when it relaxes on leaves
Fatigue as it slowly soak into dirt
Its grand delusion when it crashes into surf
David Feb 19
Will my weary thoughts fill this page
I do not thrive like the ****
I do not possess the beauty of a flower
I will not be nurtured or praised
To strive for sunlight
Let the rain wash it away
From every crack of my existence
They will invade
Weeds never die
Like little white lies
David Feb 3
Polite society
To twist in wind
This vapid  angst of mouth to words
***** secular sentences so grass can grow
This scarlet letter ,this anchor
For whom will this bell toll
If I open my eyes
Will I once again hemorrhage scars
When I remove my disguise
David Jan 23
My heart is free to live or die
Let it be rambunctious
Let it swim with women
Who know its intent
Immerse it in color
Lick its wounds with the tongue of regret
Let it dream of love
Past and present tense
Will it open wide to harvest your scent
I need it to grow old and savor sublime
This beauty you hold
I admire in awe
David Jan 16
This light that follows me
I love its caress
Never let me live in darkness
Bathe me until I am whole
David Jan 16
This shrinking violet that created Man
A fragile pawn of innocence
So many years
Why must I shrivel and die
Why must this tree ravage my fruits
I'm laid bare, this visible me
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