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Ruslan Nov 2024
Thit's of you spring, all to my back, you need a go.
Thank you my friend, its you okay?
That my begin, to of the skull.

That way to you, i love you sant, thit's in my break 💔.
Old you to need, kiss me to girl,
Then to my ****, slap it to you.
That of to go, my understand?

What's its a go, you can the speak,
Con to my break, con to to you.
Second to me, all totogether, that bin to me.

To cos is freak, you needing to go,
Its you okay, what you asleep.
Six months ago, I'm hak you break.
Thank you my friend, old to you me.
Ruslan Nov 2024
Thit's to go, my motherland, you fo bifo all totogether, the the the the, a a a a, I'm old of need, you concerat. Well to you need speaking to you, my bread I'm hungry, of this a spring. I'm to the rat, going my friend, it's she's, no user ball, I'm its okay. Don't know the window, a break up the dog, a look fo your in the night. Up way again, this is you song, all totogether the thing all be back. You concerat, all totogether, you can sell sleep. That a boy you don't a speak, I'm break dance all be cos all totogether, there's to my much. Then you teen old of a letter, thit's to boy, its my to friend. Go mather ****, aa no you understand tall me so bread you conse speak? I don't you know that aboy, you from in Russia a living to go its fo you. That a sing, a the boys, you conse speak. That father my mather, you sing to go my bread old to me. Then to you go a sing of you need, talk to you break its okay, you never going to you. Think to go boy, water its begin old of steel. That a you doing don't know its okay. That to you know a begin a oh know, wall to the speak altogether to me, that are you go to my break. You cose speak, that are doing, go my to go in the sleep. That what you go , to after me, my motherland. Go me go come its your to go me set you oh you break to me sun. Its my begin, you conse sleep, all totogether in the its sleeping, go my the breab, of you a need. Thanks all be come back, wall to the boys, its that to me. You in the sleep, well to my much, thank you my dear, you then big fut. All you can sin all totogether, what you consort, six months to you, then i you can me sell if you my bread. You tell me break old if you speak things to you go, you understand? That a boy my children a big cos then to all me break. Then to go break to much me san of you cos its beginning to cos if you dead!
Ruslan Nov 2024
That alright to go to me,
Then its cos to go so lone.
Its okay the bat to skin,
The a am to me of skull.

Then to you to father break,
Motherland to you of skin.
That to you a then to go,
Your me to bain to you.

Made in is Russia boy,
You of spring to go to you.
After burner its okay,
Your dead to concerat.

That away you concli me,
In okay the good to you.
Of in spreak to go so lone,
You are speak to break to you.

Then of you the boy to me,
Office go to you i break.
Motherland to you of spring,
Its okay you bebe need.

Your song to boys to you,
******* bread to go to that.
Six months to you going spray,
****** boy you go to you.

That of freak to go to go,
That a need you skin a sin.
Mather ******* me to break,
Its so lone to you o yes.

That a boy to you my friend,
Then a skin the you a go.
Motherland to you of pip,
That my Disney Disneyland.

That to go to you are boy,
Then a skin the mather ****.
You a go to you to sin,
Its okay you understand.

That to go to me my friend,
That a lot to motherland.
Landing arm to boy my friend,
Its okay you go to need.

Understand you boys to you,
Indian the break to go.
Indian that motherland,
Arm to you if cos to you.

That a boy you needed fix,
A a lot  you mather break.
Zits to go you spray again,
Motherland of cos to me.

You the girl to you of cos,
Zits a you a mather ****.
Love a cos to you a break,
That a go to you of spring.

Thanks to me you olov you,
That a boy to much of cos.
Six months go a letter big,
Are you ready on a pho.

Zits alright together ****,
Understand you mather ****.
Kiss my bebe you the good,
Understand you sol to me.

Aftobane you console,
Yal tugan bulgan so lone.
Ruslan Nov 2024
Happy new year!
Happy new year!
You can see sleep, altogether.

You concerat!
All back to me!
All to together, yalyptyp.

I break to go!
You can the need!
All you are boy, this is friendly.

You top top top!
Action motor!
Mi nachenaem, programmu.

Im its you go!
That you prekol!
It's you crazy, programma.

You understand!
Happy new year!
What is you go, pelorama.

Its are to me!
My dialect!
You can see sleep, altogether.

That its the white!
Snow its alright!
Santa its Claus, all be back-back.

Ol ol alright!
That's is the night!
I'm go to my, friendly fire 🔥.

That its to boy!
And my she's!
And to the woman, its likes.

And cold to me!
Brrr, of to you!
t🥶t🥶t🥶t🥶, altogether.

That of consort!
You concerat!
All be come back, altogether!
Ruslan Nov 2024
Tall me boy you know i go,
Set of cos to go to me.
Thanks to you i need to be,
That of did you tall me boy.

You need talk to go to me,
Say you song you izzy sent.
Take to me my motherland,
******* goy to go all me.

Set to go in ******* pip,
Pip of people go to bread.
You my mather understand,
El degan tomorrow cos.

Yel of cos the mather ****,
Its so good to you this pic.
Picture of this is cos,
Motherland to you to be.

****** people you go me,
Then to go to you are boy.
Set to me its my begin,
There good to you of me.

Fans to you of cosing you,
Go my friend to go to me.
Its okay you going fran,
Its my president you boy.

Altogether of to you,
Go my president you go.
Deutschland you speak to boy,
San of scan to go my break.

I do need to boy my friend,
It's you go my President.
****** boy you go to need,
Thank you are of to me.

That to go my topical,
Its are go my motherland.
Thit its boy to go my big,
Muster big my President.

Putin Vova its so good,
Naval its to go to break.
Its so lon to go my ****,
****** your go to break.

Its so good to boy its ****,
You can see to go my ****.
Lake are ball my ****** kiss,
Use six are little boy.

****** going to my ****,
Set away to you of skill.
Mather ***** crazy boy,
So to you again to me.

That to boy to you all me,
Then of spring to going sen.
That away to you buy pass,
Second sorry of to me.

That of cos to go to you,
Then to boy you olov me.
*** to go to you are go,
Then to boy my mather ****.

A ha ha you did to break,
Waf to boy you are go.
Come back bread to go to me,
Its alright to boy my friend.

You are go to you of me,
Then to go to you are bin.
Six are months to you are dead,
****** you are presented.
Ruslan Nov 2024
This is are window you can the this speak,
You cancalot Isis ol you.
Altotogether you can see ball,
Take it of user ball of to me.

You concerat it's this ol back,
Altotogether ofin to you.
Ball al be back to you go me,
Thanks old of skull take it olgan.

It's this tatar me oldan bar,
I'm o together you consis speak.
To my together ofin o you,
Thits is o big olof you dead.

It's my this break olgan to me,
Yambar tugan it's this me and the boy.
Altotogether this is of me,
Come back to go a letter to you.

Come bebe come to go go bebe come,
You concrete it's this boy go old me.
My the of break to go to me,
This is o cos you go to go.

To yaltytyp to go in ****,
It's is alright to go to go.
Coygyrynda cold to gangan,
This it's Oo you boy toyaldy.

Can the it's sleep to go to me,
You can see boy old man to go.
I'm it's are bread you conci sleep,
Ttotomorrow you doing back.

It's me are break you conci sleep.
Ruslan Oct 2024
It's alright begin it's the cool *******,
You can back to go it's algan zaman.
You can sleep to boy my of President,
It's no ******* man olb of skull begin.

This is Vova **** old this mather ****,
Vova Putin **** olda ul tura.
It's tatar in say on the Butterfield,
No tomorrow screen it's okay in san.

Old to back my friend kisses boy the big,
Togargan yakta oldan zamanda.
Yashagan haman ul bulgan gandon,
It's my President old the ****** pig.

Cool to you of me altogether boy,
I'm it's our okay you can sleep to go.
That my President olgan pich it's wife,
Olgan it's tatar in the it's take it.

You and this my friend you consort to go,
Thanks it's ol alright you go mather ****.
To you go in you it's okay to go,
Thank yyou day to go olgan this zaman.
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