Unrequited love
Breaks down your heart
It was always from the start
You wish upon your stars that he would love you back
Until he whispers that he never had
Everytime you see him walk by
You have two emotions entwine
**** him, and let him die
Cry out in your empty heart, that you love him, then let him go by
Unrequited Love
Is the feeling one most dreads
It's the spot where you feel most vulnerable
It's the things that never ends
It's the place where you feel weakest
By strong human hands.
It's the place where you shout out
“God, let this end.”
Your so paralyzed by his eyes
Your still wishing he was dead
Your still humming the song that he had written on your hand
Then your screaming in the shower curse words on end
Cause unrequited love will soon bring you to an end
Unrequited love
Breaks your heart
It was always from the start
You wish upon your stars that he would love you back
Until he whispers in your ear —--------
Nevermind, you know the answer
No need to repeat.