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A young girl peers through cracks of a locked stage door
with tiny limbs composed, she’s full of inspiration and awe
imagining she is a ballerina, nothing else, nothing more
as dancer’s plié, relevé and jeté across the stage floor

Up through the ranks she soars, building her artistic flair
pirouettes of hopes and dreams swirl through tousled hair
as she is elevated and transported into her magical place.
polyga-mystically married to musicality, beauty and grace

Choreography, strength and balance are honed into one
the pupil disappears, as the ugly duckling becomes the swan
in the Summer of her years, the pinnacle of her ability is clear
basking in the sunlight of applause, standing ovations and cheer

With her dreams realised, the stage door no longer bars her way
as she dances as though she has wings and could simply fly away
audiences provide fame and fortune as they clamour to see her
she is now world class and becomes the Prima Ballerina

When Autumn leaves start to fall, she enjoys her final curtain call
like a child she is still mesmerised by the thrill of it all
during the standing ovation listening to the audience make noise
inhaling the energy, she takes her bow with elegance and poise

Her legacy of proteges perform in tutus of silk and lace
the embodiment of beauty, dancing with passion and grace
aloft in the air on silken wings they flutter by like a butterfly
with clouds of dandelion seeds floating in the wind swept sky

A single tear rises and spills out in remembrance
of happy years fulfilled through blissful performance
her Spring alive with dreams, her Summer pure romance
Autumn full of drama and Winter…a joyous final dance

As Debussy’s ‘Clair De Lune’ fills the room her memory overflows
with thoughts of pointe ballet shoes, dancing in recitals on her toes
as the music dies, she is the Prima Ballerina the whole world knows
taking a bow with each performance after one of her shows.

Serenely content, peering through the cracks of the stage door,
reviewing the dreams she once had, but needs no more
under soft moonlight in the coolness of her Winter’s night
she slips away gracefully…once more taking flight…
After writing a number of darker themed poems I tried my hand at something light…based on a painting I saw, but failed to buy.
Bravado and ego put to one side, brother to brother, we were honest with each other...

Now is not the time to pretend or lie
we both know that soon you will die…
so, let’s just say what’s on our minds today
it’s time to weigh the cost of life, and pay
it’s Judgement Day

You know you’ve not got long, and it’s time to say goodbye
there’s no point upsetting anyone, so please be kind
choose your words carefully for those you leave behind.
you know your time has come, so tell me what’s on your mind

“There’s something wrong, I feel it in my bones, it’s a slow shadow, a silent pest. A creeping darkness ‘inside’ willing me to rest”

Now that you’ve received the call, it’s natural to feel some fear
be ready, settle your mind, you know that death is near

“Having looked deep and hard at my reflection
there’s no consolation, I expect no compensation
it’s time to embrace my final destination

I know I’m on my way and scared to be alone…
accepting of my fate, it’s time to atone

I’m struggling to comprehend that soon I will die
I can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye
unanswered questions spin around my head
with no hope of answers before I am dead

Is this really happening?
Is it bad luck or devilish intention?
Chance, or divine intervention?

I wish I could stay, I want to live, for just one more day…
words can’t describe the anticipation of when I’ll come to rest…
as far as I know, we get one life, this is not a dry run, this is not a test…
don’t take life too seriously, enjoy it while you have the time, to waste a day is such a crime”

So ill and in such pain, prolonging this life you’ve nothing to gain
Nothing to look forward to, no reason to remain
I told him he had done his bit and so...
perhaps now is the time to just let go

In this moment, while you’re in pain, but aware of your plight
stop thinking about what you’ve done wrong and what you’ve done right
you tried so hard, you did your best
there’s no need to suffer any longer, just relax, let go and rest
there’s no need to struggle through another night
it’s time to accept you’ve lost this fight

It’s impossible to comprehend
the quietness of the end
I witnessed it first hand
that crossing over to a promised land

With the arrival of death
I witnessed that last breath
It was his time to die
I held his hand and said goodbye...
A true reflection of a conversation with my brother before his death.
This blue marble spins in the vastness of a timeless night
its celestial Illuminati conducting with orchestral might
invisibly controlling the bed covers of a deep watery tide
leaving splendour, frailty, and malice with nowhere to hide

Incessantly shaped by the ebb and flow of the tide of life
as it washes over us, coldly moving all along as it may
we are mere pebbles in the sea and sand on the beach
moving where time and tide takes us, day after day

Built from differing materials, some are granite, others like chalk
but why is it so hard to stop fighting, get together and just talk
on this crowded beach we should learn to get along
stop the hate as divided we are weak, together we could be strong

Some have the luxury of the sunlight on a secluded beach
but others, the cold cramped depths of the dark oceans reach
capable of so much, but walking blindly towards extinction
as we rub along together with hard knocks and friction

Too interested in playing our own selfish game
thoughtlessly colliding like moths and a flame
we appear destined to be just pebbles and sand
unable to fathom the futility of fighting over ideology and land

Can we ever be more than just pebbles and sand on a beach
will the end of conflict and suffering remain forever out of reach
it’s time to dispense with war and hate before it’s too late
while there is still time to turn back the tide…if we can

…As ‘Time and Tide wait for no man’
Weary of wars…am I alone in this regard, what say you?

— The End —