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consider the chemistry             of time
the delicate machine                 of sunearthwindrain

the secret language                   of when
to harvest the heart                   and when

to wait

we remain

by the gates

to catch notes
from deep

within cathedral walls

despite tender hands memories go dark
and we come to rest beneath unfamiliar moons

each church
green glassed

and steepled
will open its doors

we will all rise
to celebrate

those who have gone
before us

and those who will one day
walk us

to the bright white lights
of so many stars
to         to
to        to

w in d fl ic ked and sp in ni ng

along the canals to register just the slightest


the surface of the water

m m
o o
m t
e i
n o
t n

to    to
gold            ghost
along                    alone
when october

her skins
scattering the remains

we touched
the yellow cloth

at the heat

of it all

later stepping
across the blue stones

of the sky
we breathed

in birdsong
and wood smoke

                                                                                     and remembering
when we return                of the world        of ourselves
to the routines                   to the silence

let us set                             let us sit
the stones                           in the gloaming
to a bright new room       and watch the light
and conceive                     shake with
of its colors                        beautybeautybeauty

what is your hand
in the mystery
of things?

what is it
that you choose
to gather?

with eyes
to the horizon
there can be no measure
we de

and asc

o    nce
o    ver
o    ceans

we se
ek the

f    ine
l    ine

of the      hor
i               zon

in the

we de

and ar
a            live

in a new light on a new road to a new beginning
this light        this warmth
now resting                        now wrapped
between us                                          around us
will one day                       will one day
flare and fade       ember into ashes


and so
runs the circle of the sun
and so
weaves the color of each season
and so
coins the full white of the moon

and we too shall
and we too shall
and we too shall
vibrate alive

the rain
with its Round words

said nothing
quiEt were the grey sheets

of the sky
the new green

of trees
the many bells

of this town
kept sIlent

even the wind
wholly wild

held its toNgue
but still we knew


steep the stone
the gentle folding

of blood
and bone

remain here
and help her home

                                                                                     she will have her way
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