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Vanita vats Dec 2024
Used a wire to climb a tree
Wire lost its identity
Only creeper is shining
Vanita vats Nov 2024
When I arrived at home
from my work place
My hubby was sad
"What had happened? "

I lost my spectacles since morning
Neither I could read newspaper nor I could write poetry

"Don't worry I will find"
tried to console
I checked all pockets of his shirt and pant

I looked in almirah
I looked in fridge
I searched in washroom
I checked in kitchen

All in vain
I gave a pause

"If I find your specs
You will make a cup of tea for me  which he never"

Again I searched
under bed
on bed
I unfolded  the blanket
Which he used at night
It dropped from there

He picked up and smiled at me
Vanita vats Dec 2024
World seems still to me
No leaf movement
No wind is blowing
Silence is broken by the call of a watchman
             "   Jagte Raho"
Vanita vats Sep 2024
On the ship of joy
Sail for your happiness

Reach on the island
Full of adventures

Adventure for love
Adventure for peace
Adventure for God
Adventure for oneness
with mother nature.
Vanita vats Nov 2024
So many years
I saw a spark in his eyes and a genuine smile
After uploading his first poem on HP
Vanita vats Nov 2024
I sat in front of my Prabhu

Asking for the answers of questions left unsolved

I saw a smile in his eyes
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Planted a brown lifeless stick
On the barren land of school
watered it from her water bottle

I asked her
"Dear what are you doing"
She said
"Mam I am planting it to make it green"

I told her
"It has no sign of green. It is not going to turn into life"

After few minutes
I saw her planting a green leaf just very close to brown dry stick

Might be in hope
"To see green leaf dry stick will turn into green stick"

Her innocent act of plantation
Weighs thousand times more than who just gave lectures on plantation on high profile plateform to gain appreciations.
Vanita vats Jan 16
With a humming bird
Hanging few bunches of yellow dry fruits
Reminded me I am living
Vanita vats Oct 2024
A living fossil
Outlined dinosaurs

A bridge between
Dinosaurs age and
modern age is cracking

It is cracking silently
No sound is heard

Once was so glorious
God called himself
Turtle God

The God of turtle
is  also sitting quiet

Is waiting for some miracle
to happen?

Is playing with His material
Wish the tides of time to wash away His made castle

Wish the tides to clean the
World of sea shore
before He could start creating

        A NEW CASTLE
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Apology is a good gesture
Of yours to mend the bond

Broken bonds always leave
behind the roots
Possibility to arise the love from shaken life

Do this before it get dry
It will soften the belt
Warmth of your love
melt the frozen lake
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Kids came back from school
I was late in cooking food

I washed grapes
Served to my children sitting on bed

I switched on TV
As they enjoy Tom and Jerry

Sharing grapes and making fun

Soon my son realised
Someone strange sitting next to them

Sharing grapes and watching TV

Both became statue
Fear and tear in eyes

On the verge to cry
Could not understood what to try

I whispered
Leave room slowly
Leave room quietly

Both were holding me tightly

I took a sigh of relief
To see my children safe

It was huge male monkey
An uninvited guest!

We destroyed their jungle
Which made their life mingle

It made their life miserable
Can't we make it reversible?
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Was bitten by a *****

who in curosity went near her when she was feeding her pups

It was screaming loudly
It was bleeding profusely

In pain and fear
It hid itself in drain
Iron grill was removed to take it out

I and my friend
rushed to veterinary hospital which was eight km away

In car his painful whining
disturbing my mind
Blood was dripping on the floor of car
Mat was full of blood
Filled the car with coppery smell

His screams were making me sad
On the way we stuck in zam
It seems me as if roads were stretched

Somehow we reached the hospital
Timings on board
9.00 am to 3 pm
Still 20 min. were left
No emergency for animals
As if they don't get hurt and pain

I noticed
A house of resident vet. doctor
But it was locked
Suddenly a car zoomed in front of  house
I sensed it might be vet. doc.

I approached him to start treatment

He said in hurriedly
"Sorry mam
I am on leave today
I drove so fast to reach from
Himachal Pradesh
My children are getting late
for school"

He left the place
with the pup
which was bleeding
and getting unconscious
in our hands
Pup got treatment after the hospital opened
Vanita vats Oct 2024
I found ash
To rub on my skin
To hide all my beauty skills
No other mask needed
to safe myself
No tension of world's speculations
Long dead locks touching
To make these a blanket to
sleep or make a head lock

Reached on a tough rock high mountain with all my efforts
Alone and alone only my own

Live in a small mouthed cave
To find my share of piece of peace
Dead ash is rubbed on future ash
No matter looked ugly or bad
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Keep the memories of your love
in treasury of  your mind
No matter the love you lost
not found here

Once it was true as true as your breath
Not try to throw your love
Once you lived in present

Don't try to forget those love moments you lived in your heart

Let your new life enter in you
Hold its hand with new tune
of your music

Those memories and pain
will tell
you lived your life in full as full moon night

"A thing of beauty is joy for ever"
So keep your love memories alive
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Bag pack to carry a cat
I saw in vet hospital
Cat was looking through it
Saying proudly to me
See my lover packed me
Carrying every where on his
Asking me a question
In little confusion
Who is lucky?
I am
The one who is running after a squirrel in the front
Vanita vats Oct 2024
A unicorn of mind
Never get satisfied

Like beast in mystic stories
Trying to find a ******
who is waiting for her incarnation

Creates a fantastic imagery
of power and wealth
Is not as fantastic as sounds

Is not revered by Budha
an ancient Indian symbol
of monasticism

Controlled it when sprouting out of Bodhi tree

Which was not a natural beast
It was just  arduous earthly
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Your smile
Dew Drop on rose petals
in orange bright sun rays
Reflecting those beauties
to blue sky
Spilled all over to make it yellow bright
Vanita vats Oct 2024
I was fascinated by
the divinity every where
In His each creation

Went to
Search divinity
Research divinity
Discover divinity
Preserve divinity

Could not find a place
Without His divinity

That showed me path
to look inside me
Found the best place
To germinate divinity
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Made my husband to sit with me
To listen the poems written by me

After each poem
I asked "How is it"
He kept on saying "good"

After few poems
Before I could read next
He left the place by saying

"No poetry can be better
than this"

That made me laugh for few seconds till joy tears come

As I knew
That was the best way to go away for him and
The  best way for me to vent out the emotions inside me
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Two days before
I got one fraud call
"Your son is in our custody"
I answered annoyingly
"Ok, Keep with you"
Disconnected the call

My son was sleeping peacefully in my sight

They didn't call me again
Vanita vats Sep 2024
When a massive super star
Get entangled with
The fate of small stars

It grew more
By absorbing
Their energy

Stars passing too close
That shines brightly
Shredded with
colourfull dreams
Before being consumed

Same what happens
In the life cycle of a
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Not stick to rituals
But pray  daily for blessings
Under the shadow of moon and stars
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Smiles to see you smiling
Feels light to see you laughing
Love to see you playing
Croons to see you singing
Unending blessings
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Get tired at work place
Take dinner
And go for sound sleep
to slip into your dream land
weave the carpet to fly
and enter into dreams of your love

Play hide and seek
Take a ride in cradle of crescent moon
Walk on the land of Mars
Bring precious moments of your memories as they happened in real
When sun comes to wake you up
Just few more minutes let me stay in these beautiful scenes
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Hanging roots of love tree
are eager to touch the land of heart

To grow in a huge pure love tree
Ready to take nourish of care and touch

Let blossom the flowers
Let the scent go around

To send the signals to buzzing critters to exchange
the pollen grains of caress

But we shorten the roots of our love tree
To customize in our own way

Which makes love tree
A Bonsai plant in a tray
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Literate and illiterate both
can have wisdom equally
to change the world

Only a sincere wish is required to break the ceiling
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Live love is

as light as hydrogen

Memories of break ups are

as heavy as Radon
Vanita vats Dec 2024
The famous blue and green soled beauty
Iconic designer nature
Red with golden flare star
Making revolve around the beauty of universe
Scattered with green, mustard motifs
Tinch of red, pink, white with thousands of shades all around
Fulgent stars tincture designs on black back drop over the sky
In the period of global resurgence
Rose, Gardenia, Jasmine, lotus fragrance vapours dash around
Fragrant foliage enrapture pollinators
to collect drop by drop sweet to offer beloved queen
Glimpses of innumerable razzle-dazzle allegories are intricate on the pallu of sari
of his bride earth
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Yes I remembered
I entered in the cocoon of that dark hollowness

To runaway from the noises
Inside and outside

All was what
Like mind arrest

Nothing was visible
Nothing was feasible

Only a vaccum
Neither could I hear
Nor could I speak

An unending weeping
Which made me creeping

I saw you tapping
I saw your lip sync
I saw your signs of calling

You kept on waiting
Till I started responding

My cocoon was not broken forcefully
You allowed me to come out peacefully

See dear
Now I am not crawling like pupa
I am ready to take out nectar
I am converted into a butterfly of nature
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Parrot camouflage for
Self protection

Chameleon camouflage for
It's seduction
Vanita vats Sep 2024
I was lying on  the bed
"What happened mom"
Asked son

"Not feeling well "replied

He sat beside me
Held my hand
Started pressing my accupressure points

He knew it would comfort me

I closed my eyes
I was melted with few more
sad emotions
Which rolled down as tears
from the corners of eyes

He wiped them softly
And whispered
"Just relax
I am sitting here"

He started giving gentle strokes on my head
Gave a caressed kiss silently

I went to sleep

Next morning
I was fresh and light

I smiled
And sent a blessing
In  thee universe for him
Vanita vats Oct 2024
The conflicts in ukrain and west Asia is matter of deep concern

High tension waves in middle East and Israel
Sending fire in bones

North Korea is threatening
to start nuclear war

Lives are at stake to loose life
It is a big challenge for all

We are sitting on Helium bomb
Once burst will gallop all lives

If they can initiate the fire
We can pray to cease fire

We may belong to different continents
We may have different tone

We may follow different religions
We may have different opinions

We should go for right cause
Come join together
to pray for peace
for all lives of our mother nature
Vanita vats Nov 2024
One online msg of challan
Created a hot wave at home
Son was happy
It was not his
He caught his sister
for a challan of rupees thousand
A friend of her was sitting
without helmet behind her

Husband started giving
instructions very loudly
Buy two helmets
Each of you if you had to carry someone with you

They replied annoyingly
Not very practical dad
Who will keep, where to keep
Two helmets together

Son again replied
Chill dad
Not very big issue
It could happen to anyone
after all friends are friends
'ma will pay for it'
Hubby looked furious at me

I tried to calm everyone

Sent my daughter to her room to finish her charts
which she had to prepare for her teaching

Told my son
"You go for bathing
Geyser is showing red
You need not to be happy
If it is not your challan
this time"

"Everyone please
leave this room
It is time for my kids of tution"
Hubby left the room by saying
"Traffic rules are rules
to be followed religiously"

Everyone took dispersal
on my appeal for children
It was traffic rule offence
Although my daughter always follow rules
But one of her friend insisted her to drop her a place which was few yards away.
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Keep me on toes
Make me alert or else
I sleep in my comforts
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Sitting on the roof
Just in silence

Looking towards sky
No moon no star
A calm descending nightfall

Few fire flies moved around
I caught two of them
Made a chandelier
With both my hands

It made me raise from land
I was spell bound with
Beauty spread in and out
Vanita vats Dec 2024
I should change if you want my love
How to change which are in my genes
I am not as dark as you assume
I am girl with beautiful wings
to explore a sky high

Not to compete with someone flying adjacent to me

I am girl to read and write of my choice
not to dishearten by not reading books of your choice

I am a girl to enjoy the music which takes me in the land of ecstasy
Not to make you feel  bad by not listening the music of your choice

I am girl to appreciate the piece of art as I have different vision
Not to show you down by not appreciating your art

You already flying high with colours of successes
I can never feel jealous if you are my friend

In my eyes time has a different frame
Why to be in hurry all the time?
Why should I run very fast?
I will go with my pace
God will hold my hand and never ever make me a girl with selfish motives to make someone down
I am fairy of HIS land
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Wonderful to see
An old man
Swinging and singing
Must be reviving
His childhood days
Let not get your childhood
Go away.
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Collecting stones from river bed of life

Finding silver and gold in it

Gathering dead shells to make sound
Vanita vats Oct 2024
I heard from
Grandpa in his stories
Telling but not preaching
his teachings through
a new weaving

Told me one day
There is one gaurd
Invisible and sitting
On your shoulder

Taking pictures of your
Every act good or bad
Keep it as evidence

For you can't deny
When you will be given
Judgement for your all deeds

So remember
You are watched
Every single minute
Chitragupta is a photographer
Who make reports of our deeds
with pictures
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Juggling with emotions
Which to hold which to push

Eating, chewing, gnawing
and digesting
Fueling fire of thoughts

All the time ladder up and down to exercise what went

Levelling and balancing walk
To forgive and forget to smile upon life in front

Oranges and blue berries
of every rise and fall
Falling off scattered every where

Umbrella for hiding magic tricks for pain and touch me
not like plant

Settling down the every particle of life stirred vigorously to get a clear picturesque view of mind
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Stars dazzling in the sky
Hanging in the galaxy
In dark black vaccum
From billions of years
Waiting for someone
To give them a new space
With colour sky
Vanita vats Oct 2024
It seems written by a known to me
But written by 'no one'
How to identify no one?
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Not find compatibility
Find complement of
Your love angle
To become complementry angles
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Food in the kitchen

Finding ingredients for

The recipe of poem
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Breeze is blowing
Giving me comfort and joy
Filling my breathe with its fragrance

O ' my dear breeze
Don't go near to my beloved's house
She will sense the scent of my breathing
It will remind her of all beautiful memories with me

She will cry
Her tears will flow through
my eyes
O' dear breeze don't go to  my beloved's house
Vanita vats Sep 2024
Sheikh Hasina flees her country
We are giving her time and space

Dhaka is objecting her presence
Showing its grievance

We are not in hurry
She can stay as long as in worry

The situation is still evolving
We are nothing new solving

Officials says
"we cannot turn away our old friend
Till  the worst situation comes to an end"
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Good morning everyone
Is every thing going well?
Care for you
Every thing will be alright
as a boon
All  His blessings reaching soon
Vanita vats Sep 2024
That I know
You were student
I was teacher
In the same school
On the same way

I was math teacher
Teaching in higher classes
You were a cute kid in primary classes

I may not remember all
But I must went in your classes
As a substitute teacher

Must had not seen in your eyes
But must went through the scent of your persona

Many incidents teachers pass through
But these are the students who could recall those stories
they went through

The seeds of your cuteness
Left impression in that invisible world of existence

Almost after twenty five years
Fine roots of those personalities get entangled
To complete the circle of timeless time

That I remembered in a crystal clear way
How did you call me "ma"
In those few conversations

I proud to see you
Wearing a crown
Embedded with diamonds
Of many successes

Thank you for calling
Math teacher of your school
Vanita vats Oct 2024
Dusk of life
Watching through window
Pulling the strings of star memories
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Are rhythm of heart
Dazzling beauties of house
Gives comforts to nerves when in pain
They are shock absorbers for every shock and save from disintegration
Gives you space for your interests
Hold you when going to fall
Like fresh morning air
Still mothers worries about their future
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