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99 · 3d
I was climbing in hurry
As I was in worry

I was on the gate of Cardio department
Few steps away from heart land

My father in law was in pain
I want no time to go vain

In the middle of gate
Met an innocent girl with her mate

Must underwent a surgery
Singing a poem from nursery

She was blowing off soap bubbles
She had no sign of trouble

I looked at her
She smiled at me

As if saying
"Blow off your worries
Do same as I do"
68 · 5d
I met a family
In the life of train

South Indian mother
North Indian father
With a handsome son
As bright as sun

We smiled and met each other
We shared our food
We shared our things

We sent our morning wishes
We planned for new wings

Suddenly train stopped with a ****
It came to halt

We surprised
Was this the place to depart?

We had to move with our bags
In opposite directions of track

Looking back to each other
With mixed emotions of sepration

For sure it was not a journey  of train

"Where is no fear to disaffiliate"
42 · 3d
Stop sitting on table
Where they fabricate fable

They speak evil about others
First they talk like brothers

When you get up
Next moment they break up

Then they make you their topic
Start making your persona toxic
Inspired by a msg received from a friend
Kids came back from school
I was late in cooking food

I washed grapes
Served to my children sitting on bed

I switched on TV
As they enjoy Tom and Jerry

Sharing grapes and making fun

Soon my son realised
Someone strange sitting next to them

Sharing grapes and watching TV

Both became statue
Fear and tear in eyes

On the verge to cry
Could not understood what to try

I whispered
Leave room slowly
Leave room quietly

Both were holding me tightly

I took a sigh of relief
To see my children safe

It was huge male monkey
An uninvited guest!

We destroyed their jungle
Which made their life mingle

It made their life miserable
Can't we make it reversible?
42 · 4d
A small neem plant was grown
by an old man in his late eighties
Outside the boundry wall of his house

He looked after  it everyday
He grew some cactus for its safety

Neem plant was growing into a tree
Old man was becoming more elderly

Old man took few leaves every day
To keep himself fit

After few more years
Old man was unable to come down
From first floor to ground floor

One day I saw old man was talking to tree
"Now you are too strong
But I am too weak to walk"

I saw neem tree grew in more height
It increased its branches to reach the railing of old man's house

To my surprise one day
Old man was plucking the leaves
From first floor of his house

Neem tree was showing its gratitude
By offering its leaves to its saviour.
40 · 4d
Which withstand
High pressure and
All temperature

Evolve as diamond
Hardest of all time

With giant covalent bond
Strongest and unbreakable
Beautiful and rare

It sparkles and reflects light
For whole life
37 · 3d
Grand father knows
His end is near
But he has no fear

He prepared his will
Taught me few skills

When I die
Don't cry
Take me to PGI

Donate my body
My liver is right
My kidneys are bright
My eyes have sight

Don't waste time
If organs not chime

Still it will be good for research
How this old man go for long life search

When they return my body
Take me for electric cremation

I don't want to cut down any tree
To make my body free
37 · 5d
You promised me a golden ring
I gave you my silver ring

You brought me in a lavish house
I was missing my airy house

You gave me food in golden palate
I was missing food on leaf palate

You gave me bed of poses
I was missing my bed on roses

You gave me air tickets to fly
I was missing road side sky

You gave me every thing of your choice
I was finding my voice
missed in your noise

You gave me many coins
I was struggling place to join

You took my wings of expression
I looked for my reflection

You made me an object of museum
I want you to return my freedom
Dedicated to one friend finding her freedom
Life without hurdles and choices
Is not full of royces

You are in the world of two faces
Right and wrong
Good and bad
Sadness and happiness
Peace and war
So many more chores

These go with you like your shadows
You cannot make them go away
Until you trapped in a total dark way

Rivers don't have a plan
To follow a particular span

It starts at begining and keeps on moving
Keeps on changing

It has to move on
To make life on earth full on
Flora and fauna goes on

In the end it reaches its final destination

It is not important of your changes you made

Important is its journey and final destination where you stayed.
Dedicated to my son to whom I lovingly use to call ladoo Gopal
34 · 4d
If I were a time traveller
I would not go to correct the mistakes I did

I can do it without being discoverer
Not required to be a time traveller

No one can change the past
But can change the future
By not repeating the same error

If you believe in God
There is no question to be stuck
Between the people who don't want to see you ahead

See yourself carefully
You are in hands of God

You only are watching
The footprints in rear mirror

Mistaken those footprints of people
Who wants you to keep behind

But these are footprints of God
Who came running to embrace you in your time of need
34 · 2d
Exam! Exam! Exam!
There is pin drop silence!

Some are tensed and some are worried

School children think
Life will be pink

When school is over
Then life will hover

Collegiate thinks when course is over
Life will be broader

Exams will be over!

Job seeker thinks
When competative exam is clear
Every thing is merrier

Exams will be over!

Now toughest exam of life start
It is not only your part
It makes you cart

Whom to merry
Whom to carry

This exam is like three legged race

You cannot run, fear to fall
You cannot stop, fear to lost

Life goes on, Exams goes on
No end! No full stop!

If you clear exam of marriage
No need to merry

Most fearful exam
Your children's exam

They keeps you on toes
They make you froze
Life goes on

If you pass through it
Children will take your exam

How will you bring up their children?
Otherwise they will make you villian

How will you help them to make merry?
Give them money to eat cherry

For whom you will make will?
Otherwise all waste your skills

If you pass their exam it's fine
Otherwise time will bend your spine

Life goes on! Exams carry on!
Life goes on! Life scaring on!

Last exam of life
You may loose your spouse
You may have to live in lonely house

No exam on death bed
No exam can you dread
No worries for bread

No exam in grave yard
No question will bombard

No exam in cremation ground
No wish to be crowned

Exams Full Stop!
34 · 3d
Good morning sir
Thank you for morning flowers every day

Without forgetting a single day

What it might be
Happiness or sadness
Good day Or bad day
Meeting or parting

Send your wishes gladly
This is your own way

To keep everyone standing
And make everyone smiling
30 · 7d
She is a lady with elegance.

Fond of getting ready and clicking a picture.

I love the way she is

She is a strong mother with clear vision for her child.

I love the way she is.

She must have passed through deadly pains for her son.

But she emerged as winner.

She brought her son back from the clutches of death.

I love the way she is.

She is simple and sober.
Intelligent and confident.

"One in a million"

I love the way she is.
Dedicated to my friend
30 · 3d
He was sitting on wheel chair
He was with his heir

On the way to become a skeleton
With very low Keratin

Looking here and there with dim eyes
Holding his chair tight

His son was standing at back
Giving him soft tap

His grandson was standing behind his father's back

It gave a sight
"This is how a life cycle rise"
A sage came to me
Young and bright
Eyes were as innocent as child

He wrote few lines to me
I answered with the help of my
"Incomparable Skill"

He erased few lines
He mend other lines

He made me ready for flight
He showed me the way to write

He Inspired me to fly
In the world of philosophers sky
29 · 1d
Exam was over
A boy from junior class
"Are exams invented by
Mr. Revision? "

Before I could answer
"I will go in past and **** him"
And ran away
As his bus driver was calling loudly

A big question in mind
Should not our education system kind?
28 · 5d
"Take away gold loan"
"100% happiness for sure"

I saw and wooed by ad
I told my husband
Let me buy gold for sure

He gave a weird look and
asked why?
I assured him 100% happiness for sure
Which is lost somewhere
27 · 6d
On the sea shore of love
Foot prints of my son
I saw and thought

"They will be washed away by the high tides of time"

I left the place and went away.

Today sitting alone
Having fear of loosing  footprints

Turned the pages of life
They were as fresh as today

I looked up to horizon
He was smiling at me

I closed my eyes to click the sight

He whispered in my ear 'ma'

I looked around here
He disappeared from there.
27 · 12h
Rays of Hope
Raise yourself from the clouds of problems
Raise yourself from the clouds of sadness

Take out yourself from the hollowness of inferiority

Don't let these emotions you to swallow
Which keeps you hurting
Which keeps you bleeding
Which keeps you crying

Come on
Look towards sky
Rays of hope are smiling
27 · 7d
You are right and I am wrong

How can you forget the life changing major high speed bike accident?

Which turned every thing in your life up and down

Yes, you are right
How can you forget the accident?

Which pushed you many years back

How can you forget?
You are right

I 'ma' don't want to see in you  the reflection of pains you went through

So I must have told you

But still you are right my child
How can one be so mild

27 · 4d
You become fire ball in anger
Which gives pains and burns
Feel like ferns

You forget and come again
To feel sorry you did
With wet eyes indeed

But the person who went through all pains and burns

Will not be in a position to hear
To see in your eyes to give ears
26 · 1d
Wonderful to see
An old man
Swinging and singing
Must be reviving
His childhood days
Let not get your childhood
Go away.
26 · 5d
Sheikh Hasina flees her country
We are giving her time and space

Dhaka is objecting her presence
Showing its grievance

We are not in hurry
She can stay as long as in worry

The situation is still evolving
We are nothing new solving

Officials says
"we cannot turn away our old friend
Till  the worst situation comes to an end"
26 · 6d
I spread my both hands
Looked up to the sky
as a bird fly

Asked myself
"Is this the way to embrace the sky"

I spread my both hands
Lying down the earth

And asked again
"Is this the way to sprinkle happiness on the earth"

How should I?
I kept on lying

Closed my eyes and fell asleep

Inner voice spread the light
Over the sky, On the earth

"Spread the love everywhere"
"Spread the love everywhere "
25 · 5d
Just after marriage
He took me to the roof of his house
Situated at the foothills of Shivalik

It was dark and clear night
Stars were twinkling in the sky

He showed me light coming from the houses on the hills

They looked like sparkling diamonds on the ring

He said"That is Kasauli looking like a beautiful lady wearing a glittering sari.

This is place full of scenic beauty with lush greenery.

We both will go on tracks to enjoy the life"

I smiled and nodded

Till today 25 years I spent
Still Waiting for his promise to ment
25 · 10h
At your work place
At your home
Keep yourself ready
For relay race

Baton is given
Start your mission

Not to bother
Previous is slower

Not to worry
Who will be winner
Become a flight responder

Life is a relay race
Put all your efforts
At your best pace

Many races of life have been won
Many races of life have been lost
By the quality of baton to  post
25 · 3d
Yes, I am rejected
I am a picture which doesn't fit in their frame

Sometime people in merit are not to be selected

This is what I was told

May be having 30 years of experience
And over all incharge of many events

You are not as smart as your junior

Might be having very good interpersonal relationships
With students and parents

Might have spent 30 years with full dedication

What can we do if you are a silent worker?

Indeed you are strong pillar of our school
Still we can't select you as principal

24 · 4d
I feel bad
Whenever see word disabled

They should be called specially abled
With love and care

One experience
Our family went through years

My father's left part paralyzed
Which made him crippled

He lived with metal pipe in his food pipe
After a tough surgery type

We passed through many experiences
Of hate and financial crisis

Many erratic question marks
On the faces of others
For his daughters
22 · 5d
She called me there
Told me to sit on chair

She made me sit as an observer
As she had no trust on other

She showed her counselling register
This made other a splitter

Both exchanged hot discussion
Trying to put other in friction

They stopped discussion
Without any solution

Next day tried to repair the situation

They called me again on chair
They tried each other to scare

In between

Madam asked me for verification
As the person tried to put her in tough situation

I verified and said
"Madam this you said about her daughter"

Madam showed me anger look
How can I brought her in book

"You disappointed much
should give favour to me"

I was surprised
"Why I was made an observer"
20 · 4d
I was standing near the school gate
On afternoon duty in tired state

After the school was over
Group of three girls came near

Very young of nearly 10 years age

Laughing and giggling
Shining and smiling

Faces of them were glowing
Like the fresh dew drops in the morning

Their innocence made me attracted

I went near to them to take some fresh air

I asked with interest
"Girls what is going on
Give me also some drops from your happiness"

One answered
'Today is her birthday'

Her father promised her
"He will arrange a nice party for his nanhi pari"

She surprisingly told me
"My father also call me his pari"

B'day girl hold my hand
softly with her both hands

Mam "May I ask you one question? "
Yes, please

"Are you also pari to your father? "

I astonished, could not reply
Tears  rolled down from my eyes.

Yes, definately
Girls are fairies with invisible magic wand
When I enter in school
A huge big  Peepal tree
Seems to welcome

Welcome by waving
its leaves which are shining

By reflecting the morning light
From perfect smooth height

It will be great!
If angle of incidence becomes
Equal to angle of reflection in LIFE
19 · 2d
One morning
My son asked me
"Mummy would you like to drive bullet "

I looked at him surprisingly
What a question?

"Are you kidding? "
Making fun of me

No mom
"I am sure"

"Who will teach me? "
He answered"I"

But how?

Same as you did in my childhood
You held my cycle
Never let me tumble
Kept on running
No matter huffing
Till I told  you to stop

I will hold motor cycle
Sitting behind you
You will drive
You will enjoy

Come hold my hand
Don't get afraid
I am strong
I will not let you fall"

He was looking at me in doubt
I was quiet and feeling proud
15 · 13h
It is umbrella
Off white shining from outside
Colourful from inside

Having beautiful handle
Easy to hold
Easy to carry

When will be opened
Protect from rain of pain
Protect you from hot sun rays of strain

It is there to keep you cool
Keeps you fresh and ready to move

It covers you and other
who is near

Its  umbrella of love
13 · 1d
I met
An auto driver in metro city Delhi
He drove me to sister's house

He was light hearted
Smiling and talking lightly

In between
He kept on giving suggestion
Way to reduce pollution
Pollution of air
Pollution of water
Pollution of mind

I started taking interest
As it was a long jam

I couldn't hurry
No use of worry
Had to withstand
Hot waves and hot conversations of jam

I asked him about his family

He answered
He had three daughters
Proudly told me

They were going to school
I wanted them to stand their own

I asked another question
"Do you live here with your wife"

He told me
"I am never married"

It could not stop me asking another question
"But how do you have three daughters? "

He showed me his both amputated legs

His family met a major accident
His brother and wife died
Left their three daughters behind

My legs were cut
To keep my life must

After I recovered from
that drastic change
I found three daughters were sent to orphanage

I cried a lot for them

I decided
"I will beg but
I will bring them back"

I changed their diapers
I cooked their food
I sent them to school

"I am happy
I am blessed with three daughters

Now they are grown up
They cook food for me
Whatever I earn till evening
They welcome me with silver smiling"

I thought
"We are so called educated
Lost ourselves in mad race
Definately in rat race"

— The End —