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Vanita vats Dec 2024
आज तुम्हारे मन की देहरी पर
अपना आशा दीप जलाऊंगीं
बाहर अनंत अधेरा है
उस रोशनी की ओर
कोई तो कदम बढाएगा
जो तुम्हारे अन्तर्मन पर दस्तक देगा
मुझे बंद अन्तर्मन की झीनी दरारों से
एक रोशनी नजर आती है।
कभी कोई मधुर गीत गाता है
तो कभी दर्द के स्वर में गुनगुनाता है
कभी कभी महीनों तक सन्नाटा पसरा रहता है।
आज तुम्हारे मन की देहरी पर दीप जलाऊंगीं
वहीं उस पसरे सन्नाटे में सिमट बैठ जाऊंगी
एक दिन तो तुम योगी बन साधना पूरी कर आओगे
इस संसार को अपने गीत सुना अमर हो जाओगे
उन पदचिह्नों की माटी से अपने मस्तक पर तिलक सजाऊँगी
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Used a wire to climb a tree
Wire lost its identity
Only creeper is shining
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Are rhythm of heart
Dazzling beauties of house
Gives comforts to nerves when in pain
They are shock absorbers for every shock and save from disintegration
Gives you space for your interests
Hold you when going to fall
Like fresh morning air
Still mothers worries about their future
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Poetry and poetry
Poems and poems
Here and there
Every where
Only expert eyes
Skilled mind
An emotional heart
to sink in  subtle soul
is required to make a perfect poem from any imperfect script
Vanita vats Dec 2024
The famous blue and green soled beauty
Iconic designer nature
Red with golden flare star
Making revolve around the beauty of universe
Scattered with green, mustard motifs
Tinch of red, pink, white with thousands of shades all around
Fulgent stars tincture designs on black back drop over the sky
In the period of global resurgence
Rose, Gardenia, Jasmine, lotus fragrance vapours dash around
Fragrant foliage enrapture pollinators
to collect drop by drop sweet to offer beloved queen
Glimpses of innumerable razzle-dazzle allegories are intricate on the pallu of sari
of his bride earth
Vanita vats Dec 2024
Most of time we

Less time is
For You
Change the place of
Most by less
Less by most

To create an essence of love
To find the meaning of deep love
To collect the oysters of love from deep ocean of world
Vanita vats Dec 2024
I should change if you want my love
How to change which are in my genes
I am not as dark as you assume
I am girl with beautiful wings
to explore a sky high

Not to compete with someone flying adjacent to me

I am girl to read and write of my choice
not to dishearten by not reading books of your choice

I am a girl to enjoy the music which takes me in the land of ecstasy
Not to make you feel  bad by not listening the music of your choice

I am girl to appreciate the piece of art as I have different vision
Not to show you down by not appreciating your art

You already flying high with colours of successes
I can never feel jealous if you are my friend

In my eyes time has a different frame
Why to be in hurry all the time?
Why should I run very fast?
I will go with my pace
God will hold my hand and never ever make me a girl with selfish motives to make someone down
I am fairy of HIS land
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