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Vanita vats Nov 2024
माँ की याद आ रही है
फोन पर भी ठीक से बात नहीं हो रही है
उनकी सुनने की क्षमता भी कम हो रही है
कभी फोन जबाब दे जाता है
जो वो बदलना नहीं चाहतीं है
आज माँ की रह रह कर याद आ रही है।

भोजन को प्यार से परोसना और फिर खाते देख गर्वित महसूस करना
ये शायद माँ के हिस्से की कहानी है
प्यार और स्वाद की रवानगी है

सासु माँ भी गुजरी कहानी है
जो मेरे आस्तिव के गौरव की जबानी है
अब मुहल्ले में फेरी वाले की गठरी खुलवा कोई सूट पसंद नहीं करवाता
हाथों में मेंहदी लगवाने की मनुहार नहीं करता

आज मीठा बनाना ही है
आवाज नहीं आती
आज इस  माँ की भी याद आ रही है

हर माँ के रगं निराले हैं
बच्चों के सतरगीं सपनों का संसार बुनती है
उसके सुख दुःख में जीवन भर चढ़ती और उतरती है

इस उतार चढ़ाव में अचानक से बूढ़ी हो जाती है
फिर भी उनके सपनों के पूरा होने की बाट जोहती है
माँ माँ ही होती है।

जब तक बच्चों को समझ आती है
माँ दूर हो जाती है
उसकी परछाई पकड़ कर दुलारने की कोशिश व्यर्थ हो जाती है

माँ भगवान् की सुदंर कृतियों में से एक है
हर माँ को मेरा कोटि कोटि नमन है।
Vanita vats Nov 2024
बच्चे बहुत प्यारे होते हैं
खेल खेल में दिनचर्या दोहरा रहे होते हैं।

कभी गिरते हैं तो
माँ के  आंचल की गर्माहट ले फिसल जाते हैं।

कभी लड़ते झगड़ते हैं
तो दूसरे ही पल
दोस्तों से जा मिलते हैं
अपनी मुस्कुराहटों से हर पल निखरते हैं।
जीवन दर्शन के दर्शन इनके दर्शन में
झलकतें हैं

इनके बचपन के साथ हम  भी निरंतर संवरते हैं।
Vanita vats Nov 2024
I was on round in school
to check the activities of the  annual function to run smoothly

On the way I found a boy of class three
Who dropped himself on the ground
Took three, four rolls

I surprised and asked loudly
"Hey what are you doing?

See you have spoiled all your uniform
Your face too is painted with dusty earth
I am unable to recognize you"

He stood straight and answered innocently

"Mam I am practicing the roll of terrorist in play
I am protecting myself from Indian Army "

I hold the hand and sent him to clean his face

I was amused by the sincerity of the child by which he played his roll.
Vanita vats Nov 2024
When I arrived at home
from my work place
My hubby was sad
"What had happened? "

I lost my spectacles since morning
Neither I could read newspaper nor I could write poetry

"Don't worry I will find"
tried to console
I checked all pockets of his shirt and pant

I looked in almirah
I looked in fridge
I searched in washroom
I checked in kitchen

All in vain
I gave a pause

"If I find your specs
You will make a cup of tea for me  which he never"

Again I searched
under bed
on bed
I unfolded  the blanket
Which he used at night
It dropped from there

He picked up and smiled at me
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Told me
"These days I don't get
Love and likes"
I asked
"Do you send love and likes?

You will get if you will click
on love and likes for them"
Vanita vats Nov 2024
One online msg of challan
Created a hot wave at home
Son was happy
It was not his
He caught his sister
for a challan of rupees thousand
A friend of her was sitting
without helmet behind her

Husband started giving
instructions very loudly
Buy two helmets
Each of you if you had to carry someone with you

They replied annoyingly
Not very practical dad
Who will keep, where to keep
Two helmets together

Son again replied
Chill dad
Not very big issue
It could happen to anyone
after all friends are friends
'ma will pay for it'
Hubby looked furious at me

I tried to calm everyone

Sent my daughter to her room to finish her charts
which she had to prepare for her teaching

Told my son
"You go for bathing
Geyser is showing red
You need not to be happy
If it is not your challan
this time"

"Everyone please
leave this room
It is time for my kids of tution"
Hubby left the room by saying
"Traffic rules are rules
to be followed religiously"

Everyone took dispersal
on my appeal for children
It was traffic rule offence
Although my daughter always follow rules
But one of her friend insisted her to drop her a place which was few yards away.
Vanita vats Nov 2024
Pain is shadow of love
When one grows more
Other grows less

Love and pain are inversely
proportional to each other
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