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I was standing near the school gate
On afternoon duty in tired state

After the school was over
Group of three girls came near

Very young of nearly 10 years age

Laughing and giggling
Shining and smiling

Faces of them were glowing
Like the fresh dew drops in the morning

Their innocence made me attracted

I went near to them to take some fresh air

I asked with interest
"Girls what is going on
Give me also some drops from your happiness"

One answered
'Today is her birthday'

Her father promised her
"He will arrange a nice party for his nanhi pari"

She surprisingly told me
"My father also call me his pari"

B'day girl hold my hand
softly with her both hands

Mam "May I ask you one question? "
Yes, please

"Are you also pari to your father? "

I astonished, could not reply
Tears  rolled down from my eyes.

Yes, definately
Girls are fairies with invisible magic wand
I feel bad
Whenever see word disabled

They should be called specially abled
With love and care

One experience
Our family went through years

My father's left part paralyzed
Which made him crippled

He lived with metal pipe in his food pipe
After a tough surgery type

We passed through many experiences
Of hate and financial crisis

Many erratic question marks
On the faces of others
For his daughters
Sheikh Hasina flees her country
We are giving her time and space

Dhaka is objecting her presence
Showing its grievance

We are not in hurry
She can stay as long as in worry

The situation is still evolving
We are nothing new solving

Officials says
"we cannot turn away our old friend
Till  the worst situation comes to an end"
She called me there
Told me to sit on chair

She made me sit as an observer
As she had no trust on other

She showed her counselling register
This made other a splitter

Both exchanged hot discussion
Trying to put other in friction

They stopped discussion
Without any solution

Next day tried to repair the situation

They called me again on chair
They tried each other to scare

In between

Madam asked me for verification
As the person tried to put her in tough situation

I verified and said
"Madam this you said about her daughter"

Madam showed me anger look
How can I brought her in book

"You disappointed much
should give favour to me"

I was surprised
"Why I was made an observer"
"Take away gold loan"
"100% happiness for sure"

I saw and wooed by ad
I told my husband
Let me buy gold for sure

He gave a weird look and
asked why?
I assured him 100% happiness for sure
Which is lost somewhere
Life without hurdles and choices
Is not full of royces

You are in the world of two faces
Right and wrong
Good and bad
Sadness and happiness
Peace and war
So many more chores

These go with you like your shadows
You cannot make them go away
Until you trapped in a total dark way

Rivers don't have a plan
To follow a particular span

It starts at begining and keeps on moving
Keeps on changing

It has to move on
To make life on earth full on
Flora and fauna goes on

In the end it reaches its final destination

It is not important of your changes you made

Important is its journey and final destination where you stayed.
Dedicated to my son to whom I lovingly use to call ladoo Gopal
You promised me a golden ring
I gave you my silver ring

You brought me in a lavish house
I was missing my airy house

You gave me food in golden palate
I was missing food on leaf palate

You gave me bed of poses
I was missing my bed on roses

You gave me air tickets to fly
I was missing road side sky

You gave me every thing of your choice
I was finding my voice
missed in your noise

You gave me many coins
I was struggling place to join

You took my wings of expression
I looked for my reflection

You made me an object of museum
I want you to return my freedom
Dedicated to one friend finding her freedom
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