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Is gifted a wooden ladder
To climb to heaven
Before wrapping in golden flares

Should be gifted a golden ladder
Of good actions to self
Before climbing to heaven
Life is very uncertain
When castle of dreams is about to complete
Sudden jerks make them fall like the castle of cards
When those cards are tried to collect
those are blown away by the air of fortunes
Man sits in wonder and ponder all energy
to analyze how this can happen to him?
Leaves only litter here and there
Every touch on that emotion give painful
Is it destined ?
This is sequence of happenings written in the lines of hands
We here in this world to complete the circle of Karmas
It's the question haunts in mind
Whom we love they leave us  as our love is not compatible to them
Who want us to make union with us
we don't find them compatible
This game of hide and seeks goes on
Standing there
Outside the emergency ward
Both in black pants and black jackets
Wearing black shoes
Looking sober and elegant
Dark circles under their eyes were telling their  pains silently
May loose their father

******* beautiful eyes
Filled with tears
Rolling down in fear
Each drop reflecting the red light of emergency

They were trying not to cry
But shadows of death
Were trying them to wrap
Almighty is standing there with all His strength
Playing with all His creations
Set me free to do some wonderful
I collected  stones in life
Fear! to go to coal mine
Where diamonds are hidden
Fear! It may fill my skin with black soot

He showed me way to ocean
To play and rule the tides
I collected shells to take away
Fear! to get drowned
Sat on the shore of ocean
Oysters are found in deep ocean
Fear! Fear!
Ruins  my dreams in air
आज तुम्हारे मन की देहरी पर
अपना आशा दीप जलाऊंगीं
बाहर अनंत अधेरा है
उस रोशनी की ओर
कोई तो कदम बढाएगा
जो तुम्हारे अन्तर्मन पर दस्तक देगा
मुझे बंद अन्तर्मन की झीनी दरारों से
एक रोशनी नजर आती है।
कभी कोई मधुर गीत गाता है
तो कभी दर्द के स्वर में गुनगुनाता है
कभी कभी महीनों तक सन्नाटा पसरा रहता है।
आज तुम्हारे मन की देहरी पर दीप जलाऊंगीं
वहीं उस पसरे सन्नाटे में सिमट बैठ जाऊंगी
एक दिन तो तुम योगी बन साधना पूरी कर आओगे
इस संसार को अपने गीत सुना अमर हो जाओगे
उन पदचिह्नों की माटी से अपने मस्तक पर तिलक सजाऊँगी
Used a wire to climb a tree
Wire lost its identity
Only creeper is shining
Are rhythm of heart
Dazzling beauties of house
Gives comforts to nerves when in pain
They are shock absorbers for every shock and save from disintegration
Gives you space for your interests
Hold you when going to fall
Like fresh morning air
Still mothers worries about their future
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