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Sep 10 · 24
In my shadows of solitude, I stand
A solitary figure in a barren land
In my life, I am all alone, it seems
Lost in a world of shattered dreams.

But in the stillness, a whisper calls
A beacon of hope, as darkness falls
In my solitude, a light shines bright
Guiding me through the endless night.

For in this loneliness, I find my strength
And in the silence, I find my voice at length
No longer afraid to face the unknown
In my solitude, I have grown.

So let the world around me fade away
In my solitude, I find peace today
Embracing the solitude that I have known
In my life, but never truly alone.
Sep 10 · 21
Rogue the thief.
In shadows deep, where moonlight dances bright,
There walks a figure cloaked in darkest night,
A whisper soft, a rustle in the air,
Rogue, the burglar, with a daring flair.

With nimble fingers and a cunning mind,
She slips through locks, unseen, swift and kind,
Her gaze ablaze with secrets held within,
A thief of hearts, a mistress of sin.

In vaults of gold and chambers filled with jewels,
She moves with grace, a master of the rules,
Each step a gamble, every glance a dare,
Rogue, the phantom, with a deadly stare.

But beneath the mask of lies and deceit,
A soul that longs for something pure and sweet,
A heart that beats with longing for release,
A spirit seeking solace, seeking peace.

So raise a glass to Rogue, the thief so bold,
Her story written in the shadows cold,
A Poet of shadows, light, and grace,
A tale of truth, of beauty, in this place.

— The End —