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What is love?
Heartbeat racing, a pulse increasing,
Thoughts of her name

Love is a river flowing towards the sea
Carrying your hearts, forever onwards
Caught in a seething maelstrom swirled around
Unable to hold them breaking free

Two hearts two minds, forever flowing
Weirs and dams
Waterfalls and rapids
Failing to stop them

Love growing as the river grows
From the mountain tops
To the sea below
Love and rivers growing old

Into the sea they both flow
The river that carried them
Failed to stop them
John and Jean forever bound
This poem was penned, purely for my wife.
Sit in a chair and watch the washing line
You see, the world hanging there
Egyptian cotton
Chinese silks
Waving amongst your underwear
This slightly humorous poem was penned after watching a starling on the washing line.
I’m on the dark side of midnight
Looking down on you
I see the tears in your eyes
And the pain in your soul
Live my Love live
Until we are both on the dark side of Midnight
This short poem was penned after the death of my first wife
A crease, a blemish
runs across it all
Black and White
No colour then

A Mother embraces her child
The word mom scratched in with love
Who’s mom, not mine

A grandmother to be, and a mother to be
My mom, my grandmother
Brothers and Sisters
Thank you both
For the life you gave us

Each breath we take
First came from you
We thank you mom
We thank you gran, for the life you gave
You may be gone
But the love you gave lives on
A simple poem about a very old photograph, of my Grandma and Mom

— The End —