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6d · 229
God Give Me Might
Engulfing myself in flames
I took of to pheonix's height,
Don't know how long I'll last
May great God give me might,
I befriended a graceful cenotaur
Ran into heart kingdom's fight,
Don't know where I will stop
May great God give me might,
I'll imprison the feelings of hate
Scorch it completely in fright,
Transform it into affection
May great God give me might,
Regret, No I don't
Just wanna be a poet bright,
Crush myself in fondness
May great God give me might.
I just want Happiness
6d · 38
How long has it been
Since I saw the starry sky,
Thinking of those moments
So beautiful, Oh my!

They blink now and then
Some far away some nearby,
They also come in color
As if they're naturally dyed,

The charming elegance of it
None can ever deny,
That those twinkling diamonds carry
Up and away in the sky.
Stars say Hi .......hehe
6d · 35
Faithful Bosom
I'll fragment my understandings
Hem in feelings into you,
Thy never should go towards hate
For every human has a heart true,

Grand shall thy make
Thou delicately powerful heart,
For feelings are very royal
Every single one is thoroughly thought,

True emotions are never
Eradicated into shades,
They stay forever in thy
Those mighty hope's glades.
Never underestimate a feeling, Always understand em..
A breeze I was of humbleness
Flowing unendingly,
Yet this graceful world
Just couldn't let me be,

Bringing a dusky light
So gentle yet very strong,
It annihilated my tenderness
Yet I kept going along,

Wrecked by the emotions
Like the titanic sinking by,
Was bestowed by a blessing
Thus, enveloped in calmness was I,

Although I have to be
Keep going with inner peace,
For in this fate of finesse
Can't let my anger be unleashed,

With imperial stillness and warmth
I shall make a greater stand,
To content myself with tranquility
I'll bring true calmness to this land.
Struggle Hope no giving up
Aug 31 · 165
`~ Am I A Poet? ~`
Taha Syed Aug 31
How can I make poems easily
Describe such powerful words,
Incantation my inner feelings
Turn them into graceful birds,

It isn't just so easy
To bring out what's in me,
For I thrive on an adventure
To be endlessly pleasing thee,

In a consciousness so deep
Along an altitude much high,
I accept every single feeling
Some of them I fondly deny,

Am I a good poet
Seemingly I can doubt,
It is instant but something
That I shall have to find out.
Comment yes or no
Taha Syed Aug 29
The shining light of confidence
You delightedly confine and cease,

To give us some serenity
And our minds some ease,

Along the charm of darkness
We trace you with our eyes,

Still we know nothing of you
And what in your blackness lies,

Yet you change the gloomy instant
To what we know as the adored night,

You borrow the glittering feel of content,
Calming us by your beauty, you come upon us:
"The Nightlight"
The darkness of the night also has life
Shoutout to Melancholy of Innocence
Aug 27 · 204
~`Unyielding Hope`~
Taha Syed Aug 27
Wanting to talk,
A person went by,

Making the whole moment,
And all his time thy,

For thou so elegant,
An enchanted desire's cry,

Couldn't be yours even once,
Yet forever he tried,

Like a pair of swan,
Separated away from thy,

Was shattered into darkness,
Yet never said nigh.

For thou so pretty,
A heavenly light of love,

Unceasingly so shimmering,
As a longing golden dove,

May thy beauty be,
Eternally shining above,

Within the wishing star,
Along thy neverending love.
Such pleasant gloom
But it is all for affection
Taha Syed Aug 26
Everytime I raise my head,
I see the enormous, Big blue sky,
Thinking of thou, I stop myself,
Given in the moment, That I am thy.
Thou silently control the teardrops,
Sometimes thou willingly cry,
Those drops fill some gardens,
And some life thou justify.
Thou touch every corner,
Thou elevate hope's might,
Thou make moments wonderful,
Alongside brightness thou fight.
Come I welcome thee:
'The famous, The heroic'
"The Broad Daylight"
I felt so light and good after this conversation
Aug 25 · 101
My Joy
Taha Syed Aug 25
I'm going all words, Words that are great
It's like my destiny's changing, And so is my fate.
See that the sky, Is not my only limit
I am a huge bird, Who has a free spirit,
As moments pass by, I'm getting all poetic
Yet the environment, Is not going chaotic,
The clock is ticking, I am just clicking,
My thoughts,
Its getting fun, Just lots and lots.
I'm so happy by the God's grace
Aug 25 · 103
Taha Syed Aug 25
I was drowning in sorrow
And I did not want to speak
My Inner rage was erupting
It was totally at its peak
I was troubled
Aug 25 · 379
Taha Syed Aug 25
I wanted to take my time
And make this poem rhyme
As a poet, I just wanted to shine
And make the whole moment mine
So fun 😊
Aug 25 · 110
Changing Me
Taha Syed Aug 25
The reason is clear as a crystal
Why do I have to fear,
I guess destiny's unknown
And I am but mere,
I'll accept the bitter truth
And change the treacherous fate,
Just become destiny itself
But never get close to hate.
My honest feelings towards life itself are clear, my self doubt is gone and now I shall rise
Aug 25 · 86
Taha Syed Aug 25
Why do people hate
The differences between fate,
I guess it's only nature
That their hearts change late,
I just wanted to speak
Some Honest and good words,
But some make fun of me
That it really really hurts.
A thought for the ones who tease poetry
Aug 24 · 272
Pristine Twilight
Taha Syed Aug 24
The ending of dusk
Which the moon had lead,
Let there be silence
And harmony it said,
For the most prettiest picture
The night sky had made,
Which was far more precious
Than the rarest of jade,
Surrounded with twinkling diamonds
The lovely moon had come,
By sparkling its unmatched beauty
And leaving the whole world numb.
Good Night
Aug 24 · 85
Early Light
Taha Syed Aug 24
The beginning of a new
Yet a powerful dawn,
There came the cute sun
And a new light had born,
Dazzling with much courage
Glowing hope it had brought,
Gleaming over everything
Every eye it had caught,
Life could also feel it
Growing to a better height,
Humanity's cope it was
A new mornings light.
Good Morning
Aug 24 · 99
Clouds Atop
Taha Syed Aug 24
Looking at the beautiful sky,
I was entangled in a trance,
By the way clouds stood
It was like they're in a stance;
Embracing the unknown top,
Looking at us, the bottom,
We were there every moment,
And yet we were forgotten;
You're with us in the morning,
And in dreams at night,
Sometimes you are darker,
And sometimes you are bright;
That unwilling trance,
Was gone in a flash,
It was like in me,
Some moments had a clash.
I wanted to praise the clouds.
Aug 24 · 465
Go Free
Taha Syed Aug 24
I see that a loyal cloud,
Is patiently waiting for me,
With a throne built in it,
Of great humbleness and majesty.
I shall come to you,
Just wait a little bit more,
For we shall be together,
And the infinite sky we'll soar.
Sitting silent and talking to a cloud
Aug 24 · 96
Tell me
Taha Syed Aug 24
It is like you are waiting,
For something to come by,
For a golden moment,
To hype yourself high.
You want something interesting,
Here, I give it to thy,
I hope you like the poem,
Just say the truth, don't lie.
It is for a friend

— The End —