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Liv Grooms Aug 2024
When I was a child the world was endless
My eyes sparkled with dreams
When I was a child I didn’t care what anyone would think about me

When I was 10 there was a tree
We all climbed it up
We scrambled from branch to branch
And back then that was enough

But then our friend left us
And then the tree was cut down
Beautiful branches littered the land
And we kids were stuck on the ground

Maybe that’s when things started to go wrong
Maybe that’s when the fights begun
But how was I supposed to know
What I was going to become?

When I was 12 I was boxed
I thought “everyone hates me”
I started locking myself up
To my dreams I started to flee

I cried my tears, I hid from my fears
I barely even tried
And instead of going out
I decided to hide

I thought “You’re terrible, no one loves you
It’s your fault for being this way
Your parents they hate you, your friends you annoy them”
My innocence was just decay

When I was a child I didn’t care
When I was a child I had fun
When I had a child my world had just begun

But now I’m older, I wish I was wiser
Cause now I feel alone
I’ve went around from place to place
But I know I’ll never be home
Liv Grooms Sep 2024
I never understood valentines
When it comes to love I’m free
Still I thought that I’d be fine
But I’m pretty sure Eros hates me

Maybe it’s fortune, maybe I’m prosperous or lucky
Looking at Eurydice and Orpheus, that soon went to hell
Megara never knew Hercules could be so ******
And because of love Hero fell
They all were victim to the spell

I guess love ended them all
But at least they got to feel romance
But I’ve been hit with only leaden arrows
My thoughts of love have passed

They say Zeus is bad but I think Eros is worse
He led Thisbe and Pyramus to the hearse
But some of us he just ignores
And that’s the worst kind of curse

I kissed my best friend who loved me
But I never felt the same
I’m pretty sure a nice boy likes me
But he’s loving a losing game
I’m surrounded by duos
But I’ll only ever be just me
Like Ariadne I stand alone
Solitude is my destiny

Echo could talk now she cannot
Daphnis could see now he does not
Chiron lived forever, then he was shot
I dreamed of love, but they were just thoughts
Being a cupioromantic described by a Greek mythology buff.

— The End —