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Jimmy silker Aug 21
Love is the waiting room
They give you something to do
You don't have to complete it though
That onus is on you

Love's the chastisement
They give you a talking-to
Demand you mull
And weigh yourself

Change your name
And I'll give you the world
Relax your neck
And let Rewards unfurl
It's just a name
Don't be so absurd
But david he said no.
Jimmy silker Aug 20
He said,
Oh my god it's ****'s enormous!
Looks like it fell
Off of a brontosaurus.

She said,
Look out love,
It could knock you down!
It could quite easily level this town,
Glass and rubble all around.
My god it's gonna **** the town hall!!!

advert late 70's.
Aug 20 · 52
Convention season
Jimmy silker Aug 20
With faith in our souls
We skip toward the light
Singing blithley together
Songs of truth and joy
And *****

To left stand the illiberal
To the right the funny men
Both will badger
And deride you
Herd you to their
Favoured pen

And them that have no eyes
Will ask why you seem so shook
And you will have to explain yourself
To a dog shown a card trick look.
Aug 20 · 52
Blank verse
Aug 20 · 51
Human food
Jimmy silker Aug 20
Tilly licks her lips,when the vinegar hits the chips.
Don't you know? Now,
she does back flips.
She'll walk by your side
If you have some scampi fries
or perchance , a Cheesey moment,
when it comes to food
She'll brook no opponent,
Were I to die
She'd eat my components.

It's all on her terms,
She don't need you or no one else,
She has herself,
But what's that in your hand?
Could it be something she might understand
To be human food?
Always in that mood,
She will not be misconstrued.
Jimmy silker Aug 20
A moth goes to see the foot doctor
He just flew right in.

Chiropodist said
What can do for you?
My winged friend
You know you're looking  pretty blue
What could I do for you?

Moth said
Doc I don't know where to begin
My life is framed by cowardice
Shame and sin
I lost my wife this year
She succumbed to an illness that she kept
Hidden from me
Right till the end
My daughter won't even look at me
She says I lack
All integrity
And I see cowardice in my sons eyes
It's the same I see
Staring back from the mirror to me
Every morn
And then I go to my job
I work for robots and I'm governed
By ghouls
I'm one of many millions
Of credulous fools
I keep loaded gun
Cocked and ready
On my bedside table
Should I
Develop the *****
In short doc
My life is a swirling toilet
That refuses to flush

**** me!
The chiropodist said
My friend you are clearly in need
Of psychiatric help
But you must know
I'm not qualified
To prescribe
The medicine
And therapy
You need to survive
So tell my moribund friend
Why did you come here
To consult
With a doctor of feet?

The moth said
Because your light was on.
Aug 20 · 39
Jimmy silker Aug 20
He was sick of his religion
He'd developed apostate cancer.
Aug 18 · 38
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Oh lord,
Won't you take me down there some time
Oh lord
Won't you take me down there
I'll sip the scotch slow
Sup the pint low
Oh lord won't  you take me down there

My king you not haf
You once was you see
My king you not haf
You once was
Your majesty faded
No beauty
My king you not haf
You once was

My love I pledge all o my heart to you
My love I pledge all o my heart
It's cramped
It needs mending
Left ventricle descending
My love I pledge
All o my heart

My friend you the ghost o a ghost to me
My friend you the ghost o a ghost
Cold silence it grips me
Inertia it trips me
My friend you are the ghost of a ghost.
Aug 18 · 459
The demon rum
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Drying out don't make much sense
As it a dehydratant
Still if I focus hard enough
I can see just where my pay went

Wettening up then
More accurate
Sounds like a pleasant bath
Hoping for a cleansing
Into which I can collapse

The sweats and twitches
First arrive
And then quickly *******
Replaced by itchy ennui
The shivers and the coughs

But none of this will last
I've trod this road before
Knowing the saucey demon
Waits for me to pour.
Aug 18 · 253
Josh rouse
Jimmy silker Aug 18
I went to see Josh Rouse a good few times
Near twenty years ago
He was brilliant and aloof
Intensity a flow

I saw him in an aigburth church
About a month gone past
And clearly the mangle o life
Had humoured up his ***.
Aug 18 · 28
Take some with you
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Any moment now
A light will descend
Better take some with you baby
Around the bend

It comes and goes
To them that really want it
I tell myself,I'm not one of those
Only time will tell
If I'm not telling the truth
I don't know myself
Well,how about you?

When left is right
It's left to better men than me
To chase the light around the bend

All those nights I just dallied in vain
All those nights I lay twisted with shame
Time is leaking completely unchecked
Time to cut your self free from this wreck
Time to digest and quickly move on
Time takes the **** out of us all.
Aug 18 · 37
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Are you
A Lover?
A fighter?
A drinker?
A dancer?
Which one these are you?
I said
A lover
A fighter
A drinker
A dancer
Tell me what  you like to do
Do you
Or boogaloo?
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Drinking in the day
Just like my daddy did
Before me
Drinking in the day
just like my daddy done
Before me
Oooh the shame

"No body loves me,
I'm not long for this world,
I'm gonna become a monk"
That was his drunken mantra
As to the couch he slunk

My mother would tut her distaste and say
"Jimmy not in front of the kids!"
But he'd just laugh
Roll round on the floor and say
"Sandra **** those kids!"

Then we'd drag him off to bed
My brother/my sister and me
To get the fat ****** up the stairs
You know it took all three

The sot
The lush
The drunken old louse
And that was Friday night in my father's house.
Aug 18 · 43
Jimmy silker Aug 18
Never turn your back on love
The ******'s just not to be trusted.
Aug 17 · 63
The abandoned vehicle
Jimmy silker Aug 17
When you've abandoned your vehicle and walked away the thing goes rigid the paint turns grey and when you see it from a dimension above all that's left is the marks o your love.
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Who did what to who
And was how it done
Everyone gets cruel
When there's  no gates to fun

But hang just a min
And reflect on style
Everyone gets jerky
Once in awhile.
Aug 17 · 56
The expected blow
Jimmy silker Aug 17
And after it happens,I'll fall through the air,
Braced for the impact that will not be there.
Form tightened and strained
Expecting the blow,
But I'll tumble forever
To what happens below.
Aug 17 · 40
Christmas in Carcosa
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Chistmas in prison
Christmas out at sea
Christmas round the in laws
Christmas alone with me

Christmas at the wainwrights
Christmas in the I.C.U
Christmas in Carcosa
Just the yellow king and you

He won't dress as Father Chrimbo
In his tattered robes he'll stay
As he eats all time and space
No prezzies he'll display

He won't watch vintage two ronnies
As the black stars rise
And in terrible twin sunlight
Your soul will be his prize.
Aug 17 · 181
Old egypt
Jimmy silker Aug 17
**** out the woman and **** out the man
That is how old egypt began
From primordial soup the island did rise
Then god turn to man and the stones he did prise
Up from the earth in pyramid form
And that is how old egypt was born.
Aug 17 · 57
Expression pedal
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Why is dyslexia so hard to spell?
Well,that's because the educationalists are cruel as hell.
And why is grandiloquent such a grandiloquent word?
Try to express yourself,you just sound like a ****.
Aug 17 · 50
Jimmy silker Aug 17
I had a lot of time to think
But I didn't do much thinking
There wasn't much to drink
But I did a lot o drinking.
Aug 17 · 148
Jimmy silker Aug 17
Your entreaties resound
Off of deaf wood
I'm up another tree
In a different neighbourhood.
Aug 16 · 41
Jimmy silker Aug 16
I've been staring at a greyness of late
No joy to which I relate
Feeling both ancient and infantile
It'd be nice to be alive for awhile.

It's a cycle or so they say
From singin the blues to feeling gay
Sort the laughs out into a pile
Yes I'd like to be alive for awhile.

The mood is different the laughs are old
By your father you have been forestalled
Who layed it down in that old sweet style
I remember he was alive for awhile.

— The End —