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Jimmy silker Aug 22
Listen to aluminium by Roth Bart Baron if you don't speak Japanese
It beauty and its ache will bring you to your knees
I'm clueless what he's singing about
And I don't want to know
To understand them lyrics
Might diminish the glow.

The death of his mother?
The end of a love?
The start of a new one that fits like the glove?
A celebration of friendship?
A recovered one once sick?
Or did some ******* kick his dog to death,
Just like poor old John Wick?
Jimmy silker Aug 21
You always have more time
Than you think you do
Till you don't

You always eat more pies
When your wife's away
And critique the mirror for your thoughts
Don't ever lose the urge
To let things slip away
It's one of the things that makes up for your faults
You know it does you no good
To keep **** locked away
See it oozing
Through the cracks in the vault

And the wind needs something
To pull upon if it's Going to make
Something rip
So before you have
A big swig o that milk
It's wise to have
A precautionary sniff

Now you don't look
Anything but doomed to me
With so little time left
Here on this earth
Still you have seen
All  your eyes
care to see
Your ways and words
Have shown
The world your worth

And the only time
That I saw Jimmy cry
The night Barney Conroy died.
Jimmy silker Aug 21
Love is the waiting room
They give you something to do
You don't have to complete it though
That onus is on you

Love's the chastisement
They give you a talking-to
Demand you mull
And weigh yourself

Change your name
And I'll give you the world
Relax your neck
And let Rewards unfurl
It's just a name
Don't be so absurd
But david he said no.
Jimmy silker Aug 20
He said,
Oh my god it's ****'s enormous!
Looks like it fell
Off of a brontosaurus.

She said,
Look out love,
It could knock you down!
It could quite easily level this town,
Glass and rubble all around.
My god it's gonna **** the town hall!!!

advert late 70's.
Jimmy silker Aug 20
With faith in our souls
We skip toward the light
Singing blithley together
Songs of truth and joy
And *****

To left stand the illiberal
To the right the funny men
Both will badger
And deride you
Herd you to their
Favoured pen

And them that have no eyes
Will ask why you seem so shook
And you will have to explain yourself
To a dog shown a card trick look.
Jimmy silker Aug 20
Tilly licks her lips,when the vinegar hits the chips.
Don't you know? Now,
she does back flips.
She'll walk by your side
If you have some scampi fries
or perchance , a Cheesey moment,
when it comes to food
She'll brook no opponent,
Were I to die
She'd eat my components.

It's all on her terms,
She don't need you or no one else,
She has herself,
But what's that in your hand?
Could it be something she might understand
To be human food?
Always in that mood,
She will not be misconstrued.
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